Recent Grants

Recent Grants

General Research Fund (GRF) (2024-25)

Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) (2023-24)


Principal Investigator

Project Title

Computer Science Professor Jianping WANG Knowledge-Driven Digital Twin Networking for Autonomous Driving
Computer Science Professor Dapeng Oliver WU CILo: Cellular Indoor Localization

Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards (Hong Kong)


Principal Investigator

Project Title

Computer Science Professor Shuaicheng LI An Immune Aging Monitor Based on the Dynamics of TCR Repertoire and Machine Learning
Data Science Professor Linyan LI Social Prescribing of Virtual Reality Urban Greenness with Peer Support Model to Promote Mental Health among Aging Population: An Effectiveness and Feasibility Study

Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) Grants


Principal Investigator

Project Title

Computer Science Professor Shuaicheng LI Interactive and Intelligent Therapeutic mRNA Design Platform
Computer Science Professor Linqi SONG Fully Automated Meeting Transcript Processing System with Topic Segmentation and Summary Generation
Computer Science Professor Shiqi WANG Compression, Transmission and National Standardization for Ultra-high-definition VR Videos
Computer Science Professor Ka Chun WONG Compression, Transmission and National Standardization for Ultra-high-definition VR Videos
Computer Science Professor Ka Chun WONG Compression, Transmission and National Standardization for Ultra-high-definition VR Videos

Mainland Grants

Young Scientist Fund (青年科學基金項目)  基於隨機抵御策略的對抗鲁棒ViT網絡研究

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Computer Science Professor Chen LIU Efficient Adversarial Attacks and Adversarial Training Algorithms for Discrete Targets
Computer Science Professor Chen MA The Explainable Fairness Metric and Implementation Method of Personalized Recommendation
Computer Science Professor Minjing DONG Young Scientist Fund (青年科學基金項目)
Computer Science Professor Junhui HOU Excellent Young Scientists Fund (優秀青年科學基金項目) (RMB)

Contract Research


Principal Investigator

Project Title

Computer Science Professor Antoni Bert CHAN Development of AI Semantic Segmentation Algorithm for Vehicle Localization in Lane
Computer Science Professor Minming LI Max-profit Variable Voltage Scheduling for Cross-processor Tasks with Application Granularity
Computer Science Professor Shiqi WANG Immersive and Interactive Media Coding and Quality Assessment 

Croucher Foundation Research Grant


Principal Investigator

Project Title

Computer Science Professor Minming LI Social Choice and Fair Resource Allocation

Early Career Scheme (ECS)


Principal Investigator

Project Title

Data Science Professor Jizhou LI Development of Advanced X-ray Microscopy for Decoding Particle Dynamics in Composite Battery Cathodes
Data Science Professor Lijia WANG Advancing Exposure Assessment of the Built Environment and Studying Its Associations with Various Health Outcomes             


Principal Investigator

Project Title

Biostatistics Professor Ngai Hang CHAN Statistical Inference for Spatial Trends
Computer Science Professor Antoni Bert CHAN Harnessing Adversarial Attack for Social Good: Imperceptible Watermarking of Images by Adversarial Attack
Computer Science Professor Yuguang FANG Spread & Focus: Enhancing Wireless Environments with Multi-RIS Networks 
Computer Science Professor Gerhard Petrus HANCKE Indoor Time-of-Flight Ranging Under NLOS Conditions In Uncharacterized Environments
Computer Science Professor Junhui HOU Empowering Deep Modeling of 3D Point Clouds with 2D Visual Modalities
Computer Science Professor Rynson Wing-hung LAU Mirror Detection with Intrinsic Mirror Cues
Computer Science Professor Howard Wing Ho LEUNG Assessment in Sports Videos: A Deep Learning Approach with 3D Human Posture Integration
Computer Science Professor Zhenjiang LI Preemptive GPU Inference for DNNs on Emerging Mobile AI Devices
Computer Science Professor Weifa LIANG Mobility-Aware Intelligent Services in Digital-Twin Empowered Edge Computing
Computer Science Professor Chen MA Explainable Item Valuation for Recommendation Algorithms: Framework, Acceleration, and Explainability
Computer Science Professor Kede MA Semantics-Oriented Multitask DeepFake Detection with Model-and-Human in the Loop
Computer Science Professor Cong WANG Rethinking Leakages in Dynamic Encrypted Database: Exploitation, Quantification, and Mitigation
Computer Science Professor Jianping WANG Real-time Map Construction and Utilization: An End-to-End Framework for Autonomous Driving
Computer Science Professor Dapeng Oliver WU Real-time Map Construction and Utilization: An End-to-End Framework for Autonomous Driving
Computer Science Professor Weitao XU Contactless Side Channel Attacks via Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting: Privacy Leakage and Mitigation
Computer Science Professor Qingfu ZHANG Model-based Evolutionary Parametric Optimization
Data Science Professor Jianping WANG Real-time Map Construction and Utilization: An End-to-End Framework for Autonomous Driving
Data Science Professor Zijun ZHANG Data-driven Methods with Stronger Domain Generalizability for Machine Fault Diagnosis
Data Science Professor Minghua CHEN Developing Neural Network Schemes for Solving AC Power Flow Equations with Low Run-Time Complexity: Pursuing High-Voltage and Equality-Ensuring Solutions
Data Science Professor Matthias TAN An Improved Emulator for Bi-fidelity Computer Experiments with Ordered Monotonicity Information