Student Exchange (Outbound)

Student Exchange (Outbound)

Student Exchange (Outbound) 

At the College of Computing, we believe that exposing our students to diverse cultures and international perspectives is crucial for preparing them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. To that end, we offer outbound student exchange programs that allow our students to study abroad and immerse themselves in new environments. Through these transformative exchange experiences, our students develop invaluable cross-cultural competencies, forge global networks, and gain a deeper understanding of the world beyond our borders.

To learn more about our outbound exchange opportunities and how to apply, please visit the following websites:

Financial Support

Students may apply for funding to support their exchange.

  • Student Exchange Fund
  • Special Fund for Non-local Outbound Exchange Students
  • Explorer Grant
  • Subsidies offered by the Education Bureau
  • University scholarships

For details, please check the website of Global Engagement Office.

CityUHK has also set aside an interest-free loan to help needy students to cover part of their overseas study-related expenses. Please visit the website of the Student Development Service for details.