Departmental Exchange Coordinators
Departmental Exchange Coordinators

Departmental Exchange Coordinators
College of Computing
For Outbound Exchange:
Mr Eric SIU
Tel: (852) 3442 6264
Email: eric.siu@cityu.edu.hk
For Inbound Exchange:
Ms Anna LEE
Tel: (852) 3442 9654
Email: annalee@cityu.edu.hk
Department of Computer Science
For Outbound Exchange:
Dr Kenneth LEE
Tel: (852) 3442 4911
Email: kenkclee@cityu.edu.hk
For Inbound Exchange:
Prof Zhenjiang LI
Tel: (852) 3442 8642
Email: zhenjiang.li@cityu.edu.hk
For Inbound Exchange:
Ms Candy Tsui
Tel: (852) 3442 9503
Email: cscandy@cityu.edu.hk
Ms Candy Tsui
Tel: (852) 3442 9503
Email: cscandy@cityu.edu.hk
Ms Queenie LAU
Tel: (852) 3442 8615
Email: queenlau@cityu.edu.hk
Department of Data Science
Prof Samuel Chun Pong LAU
Tel: (852) 3442 4620
Email: cplau27@cityu.edu.hk
Ms Pennie LAI
Tel: (852) 3442 4394
Email: penny.lai@cityu.edu.hk
Miss Aria TO
Tel: (852) 3442 7014
Email: aria.to@cityu.edu.hk
Tel: (852) 3442 7014
Email: aria.to@cityu.edu.hk