Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering
Advanced Standing I
Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering
Degree / Award Title
Bachelor of Engineering in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering
工學士 (智能製造工程學)
Offering Academic Unit
Department of Systems Engineering
Normal Period of Study
3 years
Maximum Period of Study
6 years
Credit Units Required for Graduation
96 credit units
Note: The following curriculum information is subject to periodic review and changes.

GE Requirements (21 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

  Credit Units
GE University Requirements GE1401 University English 3
GE2410 English for Engineering 3
GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy 3
GE Distributional Requirements Take 2 courses from two different distributional areas:

Area 1: Arts and Humanities
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Area 3: Science and Technology

Visit the GE website for more course information.
College-specified Courses ^ MA1200 Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra I
MA1300 Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I
SYE2066 Professional Engineering Practice 3

^ Students exempted from MA1200 or MA1300 should take any other course(s) NOT within the Major requirement (including core courses or electives).

College / School Requirements (0 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

Not required.

Major Requirements (75 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

1. Core Courses (63 credit units) (SYE2339 is waived for students admitted into ASI.)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SYE2010Fundamental Engineering Analysis and Design for Manufacturing Engineers I3
SYE2011Fundamental Engineering Analysis and Design for Manufacturing Engineers II3
SYE2046Numerical Computation for Manufacturing and Systems Engineerings3
MSE2102Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering3
SYE2016Manufacturing Engineering Workshop0
SYE2100Engineering Statistics and Experimentation3
MNE3046Automation Technology3
MNE3119Manufacturing Technology3
SYE3003Design and Analysis of Manufacturing Processes and Systems3
SYE3004Production Planning and Control3
SYE3060Operations Research3
SYE3102Quality Engineering3
SYE4001Digital Manufacturing and Operations3
SYE4002Fundamentals of Advanced Packaging3
SYE4003Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Technology in Manufacturing and Operations3
SYE4005Industrial Data and Manufacturing Analytics3
SYE4006Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control3
SYE4036Manufacturing Systems Modelling and Optimization3
SYE4064Reliability Engineering3

Select ONE from the following:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
SYE4068Final Year Project6A course to fulfil the internship/consultancy project/research project requirement for normative 4-year degree students
SYE4068CFinal Year Project6A course to fulfil the internship/consultancy project/research project requirement for normative 4-year degree students
SYE4116Capstone Project II6A course to fulfil the internship/consultancy project/research project requirement for normative 4-year degree students

 2. Electives (12 credit units)

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
EE1002Principles of Electrical Engineering3
EE2000Logic Circuit Design3
EE2005Electronic Devices and Circuits3
MNE2109Engineering Mechanics3
SDSC2004Data Visualization3
EE3009Data Communications and Networking3
EE3315Internet Technology3
PHY3202Modern Physics3
SYE3018Control Systems3
SYE3026Contemporary Human Factors for Industry 4.03
SYE3101Basic Methodologies and Tools for Risk Engineering3
SYE3116Capstone Project I3
MNE4032Robotics and Machine Vision3
MNE4125Principles and Transport Process Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing3
MSE4127Smart Sensors: From Engineering to Applications3
MSE4178Nanostructures and Nanotechnology3
SYE4007eLogistics and Supply Chain Management3
SYE4024Project Management3
SYE4027Occupational Safety for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems3
SYE4035Quality and Environmental System and Management3
SYE4047Directed Studies3
SYE4059Non-Destructive Testing Technologies for Process Monitoring and Inspection3
SYE4103Decision Analysis and Risk Management3
SYE4108Product Development and Innovation3

3. Optional Courses 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
FS2002Industrial Attachment Scheme3Minimum 6 weeks
FS3002Industrial Attachment Scheme3Minimum 6 weeks
FS4001Co-operative Education Scheme (CES)8Internship (8 to 12 months)
FS4002Industrial Attachment Scheme3Minimum 6 weeks