More about the laboratories

Teaching Laboratory:

  1. Micro CT Scanner Room (YEUNG-B1661, 15m2)

    BME department also hosts a new micro CT scanner machine in this room, which is capable of CT scanning both human and small animals using X-Ray technology. This machine serves both teaching and research activities in the department.

    Dr. CHEN, Shuxun
    Phone: +852 3442-9273
  2. Micro Fabrication Laboratory (YEUNG-B1667, 120m2)

    This laboratory is equipped with a series of facilities such as Mask Aligner, Direct laser writer and Nano thermal/UV Imprint for dry photo lithography application. In addition, a Class 1000 clean booth is built when several fabrication equipment such as RIE, metal sputter, and 3D micro machine tools are equipped for fine and nano/micro fabrication applications.

    Mr. AU, S.Y.
    Phone: +852 3442-8362
  3. E-SEM and NanoScribe Room (YEUNG-Y1415)

    This laboratory is equipped with an environmental Scanning Electronics Microscopy (e-SEM) and a nano 3D printer. As common research facilities, the e-SEM enables research staff and FYP students to study and experiment the behavior of various micro-structures under different temperature and humidity setting. The Nanoscribe 3D printer is a state-of-the-art equipment which is able to produce free form 3D structure in nano scale, which is highly useful for research staff and FYP students to design and develop nano/micro scale 3D structure.

    Mr. LEUNG, C.C.
    Phone: +852 3442-5223
  4. Biomedical Manufacturing Laboratory (YEUNG-Y1501, 120m2)

    This laboratory is established to support laboratory teaching/final year project works and related researches in Biomedical engineering and manufacture. The laboratory is equipped with facilities in few manufacturing areas , including materials testing , design and automation and instrumentation, and prototyping. Typical equipment include MTS materials tester, Instron micro tester, Baxter robot, universal UR3 robot , Ultimaker 3D printer for FYP work and Stratasys Object 260 multi-materials 3D printer for high end research, etc.

    Mr. LEUNG, C.C.
    Phone: +852 3442-5223
  5. Bio-imaging and Instrumentation Laboratory (YEUNG-P4806, 76m2)

    This laboratory is designed to provide interactive hands on experiences for students to operate different optical microscopes for characterization of biological samples. Major equipment housed in this laboratory includes some inverted microscopes with touchscreen control and recording panels, 3 fluorescent microscopes with live cell imaging capability and state-of-art atomic force microscope. Recently, an AFM and a multi-photon imaging system are also acquired and installed to support high end imaging for various research use. Besides, 20 sets of desktop computers are installed to support the teaching of instrumentation related courses, control software training, and to support FYP students for any necessary instrumentation work.

    Mr. CHENG, S.W.
    Phone: +852 3442-5339
    Mr. YUEN, C.H.
    Phone: +852 3442-4610
  6. Bio-Physical Measurement Laboratory (YEUNG-P4808, 81m2)

    This laboratory is designed to support the student projects and teaching activity of bioengineering courses with experiments involving characterization and manipulation of biological systems. The lab houses a wide range of equipments including tissue processing and slicing tools, critical pointer dryer, probe station, Raman spectroscopy system, 3D electro-magnetic manipulation system and a multimodal live animal imaging system with X-ray, bioluminescence, fluorescence and radio-isotope detection capabilities.

    Mr. YUEN, C.H.
    Phone: +852 3442-4610
  7. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Laboratory (YEUNG-P4810/P4811, 99m2)

    This laboratory is designed to support the teaching activity of bioengineering courses with experiments involving cellular and molecular analysis. The lab houses a fully functional culture room, including cell/tissue culture incubators, biological safety cabinet, and cell cryostorage system; various centrifuges; molecular characterization equipments, including end-point & realtime PCR thermocyclers, electrophoresis chamber, and gel imaging and facilities. A state-of-art laser scanning confocal microscope is also available in this lab.

    Mr. CHENG, S.W.
    Phone: +852 3442-5339
  8. Preclincial MRI Biomedical Imaging Laboratory (YEUNG-P7612, 60m2)

    This lab is equipped with the state-of-art 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. It is at a clinical translational field, has the superior cryogen-free magnet technology and complete RF coil portfolio for small animal imaging. MRI has excellent soft tissue discrimination and no imaging depth limitations. It can be applied to reveal both anatomy and function of the region-of-interests. For example, MRI can visualize brain structures, such as white matter and grey matter. We can also use it to study the connectivity and functional activity. This is a powerful tool to study changes in physiology and pathology to address many biomedical questions, especially those related to healthcare.

    Mr. AU, S.Y.
    Phone: +852 3442-8362

Research Laboratory:

  1. Micro/Nano Bioengineering Laboratory (YEUNG-B1561, 44m2)

    The laboratory aims to develop novel nano-biomaterials and micro-devices for biomedical applications, ranging from point-of-care diagnostics to non-invasive therapeutics. A nanomaterials arm of our lab focuses primarily on the development of functional nanoparticles and nanoclusters with unique optical property and biodegradable polymeric nanovesicles. A microfluidics arm works towards the design and fabrication of microfluidic devices for separation of bioparticles and label-free bio-detection. A nanotheranostics arm focuses on the application of nanomaterials for bioimaging, point-of-care (POC) diagnostics and phototherapy such as photodynamic therapy and optogenetics.

  2. Robotics, Control and Biotechnology Research Laboratory (YEUNG-Y1415/Y1418, 141m2)

    This Laboratory is led by Dr. Dong Sun and Prof. Gary Feng, located in Y1415 at the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management. The laboratory aims to: (1) conduct cutting-edge researches in the areas of micro robot network and robot-assisted biomedical engineering; (2) enable the formation of a world-class research team in Hong Kong on the chosen area, being internationally competitive with a critical mass; (3) timely transfer knowledge of research outcomes to industry and benefit society. Currently, several on-going projects carried out in the lab include formation control of networked agents, multi-robot coordination, robotic manipulation of biological cells, and advanced table-top manufacturing. The lab has received the supports from UGC, RGC, ITF, CtyU, and industry.

  3. Intelligent Systems and Control Laboratory (YEUNG-B1666, 32m2)

    This laboratory focuses on modeling, analysis and control of linear and nonlinear intelligent systems, networked systems and control, advanced control theory and applications, and biomedical devices and control. It provides necessary and important elements for experimentally validate our research results in real engineering problems. Currently there are a group of five mobile robots and a quadcopter in the lab. A platform of networked mobile robots and UAVs will be built. Later we will have biomedical devices such as leg exoskeleton. It can be used for both research and teaching such as lab demonstration and final year project support.

  4. Multiscale Integrative NeuroEngineering Laboratory (YEUNG-Y1411/Y1514, 52m2)

    This lab focus the integration of advanced engineering techniques and biological concepts at different scales to create nano/micro/macro biosystems for Neuroengineering studies, including (1) high-throughput drug/genetic screening technologies, (2) Interaction between novel materials and neural systems, (3) neural network engineering at different scales from single cell, tissue level to whole animal.

  5. Advanced Microfluidic Systems Laboratory (YEUNG-Y1413/Y1512, 49m2)

    The main objective of this lab is to support scientific research and technology developments related to integrated microfluidics. The projects and tasks typically involve microfluidic automation, developments of novel micro-devices, fabrication of elastomeric microstructures, computational studies of microfluidics, controls of microenvironments, monitoring of long-term cell behaviors, and microscopic-image processing. The key equipment includes a computer workstation for numerical simulations, and two inverted fluorescence microscopes equipped with environmental chambers and flow control manifolds for parallel operations of microfluidic devices.

  6. Multi-functional Biological Imaging Laboratory (YEUNG-Y1416, 30m2)

    The laboratory aims to understand the fundamental mechanistic questions underlying microbial behaviours related to human health and energy, utilizing cutting-edge, multifunctional optical imaging approaches. Specific aspects of the research include:

    1. Development of novel optical imaging platforms, integrating single-molecule super-resolution fluorescence imaging techniques with other bio/chemical/engineering tools to achieve multi-dimensional measurements;
    2. understanding microbial responses to external environment on the scale of cell community, single cell, and single molecule, focusing on processes related to infectious diseases;
    3. understanding microbe-material interfacial interactions for applications in energy conversion.

  7. Nano/Bio Robotics (NRL) Laboratory (YEUNG-Y1451, 54m2)

    This lab is established to support the research activities in the areas of nano-manufacturing, nano-robotics and bio-nanotechnology. The laboratory provides an infrastructure and advanced facilities to develop robust nano-manufacturing and nano-robotic technologies for effective fabrication, assembly, packaging and characterization of nanoscale devices. The laboratory also facilitates a wide range of biological studies and investigation based on the developed nano-robotic systems and technologies. Major equipment include: Bioscope Catalyst AFM, Multimode AFM, Inverted Fluorescence Microscope, Probe station with Multiple Micromanipulators, Ultra-high Resolution Dual-Channel System Source Measure unit, Ultra Low-Noise Capacitor Patch Clamp system.

  8. Nanosensors for Imaging Cell Therapy Laboratory (YEUNG-B1475, 30 m2)

    This lab is dedicated to three major areas in achieving in vivo cell tracking using imaging approaches. It is equipped for (1) the design and fabrication of nanosensors using clinical relevant biomaterials, including liposomes, polymeric particles and hydrogels; (2) engineering and characterization of the mechanical and biochemical properties of these materials for in vivo applications; (3) and the use of nanosensor-labeled biomaterials to deliver cells and evaluate the therapeutic efficacy. The goal is to image cell location and cell status after transplantation, and to use this information to facilitate the translation of cell therapy in neurological disorders, such as spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease and stroke.

  9. Biophotonics Laboratory (YEUNG-B1472, 30 m2)

    This laboratory is dedicated to investigating the next generation of biomedical imaging technologies and promoting their application in the diagnosis and treatment of major diseases. Current research projects include 1) photoacoustic microscopy; 2) photoacoustic tomography; 3) photoacoustic imaging application for surgery, cancer treatment and neuroscience research; and 4) ultrafast optical imaging.

  10. Microsystems for Personalised Medicine (MPM) Laboratory (YEUNG-B1476, 30 m2)

    This lab is dedicated to the use of microsystems approaches for personalised medicine. It is equipped for three major areas: (1) the design and fabrication of Integrated Microsystems for disease detection; (2) characterisation of disease phenotypes for the improvement of patient treatment strategies and prognosis; (3) and the use of in vitro microsystems to evaluate how the tumor microenvironment affects cancer progression.

  11. Tissue engineering and molecular pharmaceutical Laboratory (YEUNG-B1474 , 30 m2)

    This lab is dedicated to develop biomaterial system for tissue engineering and molecular pharmaceutics. It is equipped for four major areas: (1) functional biomaterials for tissue engineering and therapeutic cell delivery; (2) nucleic acid delivery for therapeutic engineering; (3) applications of stem cells for translational medicine; and (4) engineered biomimetic tissue platforms for in vitro drug evaluation.

  12. Soft Bio-electronics lab (YEUNG-Y1627, 30 m2)

    This research lab makes efforts on developing flexible electronics and bio-integrated electronics, conducting multidisciplinary research to address challenges in biomedical applications. There are three specific research areas: 1. Development of functional soft materials for flexible electronics and MEMS, from semiconductors, to conductors, to dielectrics, and to piezoelectrics. 2. Development skin-integrated electronics for monitoring body health information, such as temperature, activity, ECG etc. 3. Development of novel flexible medical tools via bridging the mechanical/biological mismatch between electronics and human tissues, thereby realizing non-invasive/minimum-invasive soft medical instrument and tools.

  13. Advanced Micro-/NanoRobotic Systems Laboratory (LI-2202, 40 m2)

    The primary research direction at this lab lies in the interdisciplinary field micro-/nanorobotics with an emphasis on systems, i.e., the engineering aspect of micro-/nanorobotics and include the manufacturing and application technologies of nanorobotic manipulation systems, nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), nanophotonic systems (NPS), ion-migration systems (IMS), and micro-/nanorobots (micro-/nano-sized robots). Targeted applications include such fields as in-situ characterization and device prototyping, bottom-up or additive manufacturing, and micro-/nanorobotic biomedical systems. NEMS will serve as both the tools to be used for fabricating micro-/nanorobots as well as the components (sensors and actuators) from which these robots may be developed. NPS are developed in this lab with the potential for wireless energy and signal transmission for untethered micro-/nanorobots, and IMS serve as a common base for field-based nanorobotic manipulation, plasmonic devices, ion batteries, memristor-based sensors, and neuromorphic computing.

  14. Lab of Nanomedicine (YEUNG-P4930, 30 m2)

    This Laboratory is dedicated to develop novel technologies (microneedles and nucleic acid nanoparticles) for transdermal drug delivery and biosensing. Microneedle technologies can deliver conventional small molecule drugs and latest biological drugs like vaccines, nucleic acids and cells. They can also be used for collecting biofluid like skin interstitial fluid, which is analysed for the contained biomarkers through the integrated biosensors. Besides microneedles, another topic is nucleic acid based nanoparticles. Through the delicate design of structures, we can allow these nanomaterials to transport drugs into the skin layers for therapeutic purpose. These transdermal technologies have been successfully utilized for the management of diabetes, cancer, dentistry etc.

  15. Biomedical Robotics Laboratory (MPL-16E, 30 m2)

    This laboratory aims to investigate novel design, fabrication, and control strategies to construct application-oriented robotic systems that have the potential to meet the ever-growing need in minimally invasive healthcare and personalized medicine. A strong focus is placed upon small-scale soft robotic systems ranging from a few millimeters down to several micrometers that can access hard-to-reach regions and conduct localized diagnosis and therapeutics.

  16. SupraImaging Laboratory (YEUNG-Y7525, 30 m2)

    This laboratory is dedicated to developing cutting-edge optical microscopy technologies for bioimaging. Our current research directions include: (1) Developing deep-learning-based imaging techniques; (2) Developing ultrasensitive microscopy methods; (3) Understanding brain and eye pathologies and pharmacology through optical microscopy.

  17. Bioelectronics for Healthcare Laboratory (YEUNG-Y7515, 30 m2)

    This laboratory is dedicated to developing bioelectronic devices with fundamental study and practical biomedical applications for personalized healthcare. Current research projects include 1) skin-interfaced multimodal biosensors (physical, electrochemical, electrophysiological signals) for health monitoring; 2) innovation of advanced manufacturing (laser printing, 3D printing) towards versatile materials, 3) AI-powered health assessment for predictive, therapeutic digital medicine.

Last modified on 11 July 2024