College of Biomedicine

Biomedical Sciences (Majors: BSc Biological Sciences / BSc Biomedical Sciences)

生物醫學 [主修: 理學士(生物科學) / 理學士(生物醫學)]
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1805 (JS1805)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

20 (For First-Year Entry; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Programme Website
Programme Leader, BSc Biological Sciences
Prof. Kingston MAK


Programme Leader, BSc Biomedical Sciences
Prof. Gigi LO


General Enquiries
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 4707

Contact Type
Contact Value

* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Programme Leaflet
Programme Poster
Why Biomedical Sciences?

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of biology to explore the mysteries of life and discover the building blocks of living organisms? Bachelor of Biological Sciences is the perfect fit for you!

If you’re more interested in discovering mysteries of human body and exploring new ways to fight diseases, Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences would be a good choice for you. 

Choosing an undeclared major in JS1805 Biomedical Sciences allows you the flexibility to explore both fields before making a decision, ensuring that you select the path that truly resonates with your career goals and personal interests. Embrace the opportunity to discover your passion and shape your future in the captivating realms of biological and biomedical sciences!

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1805 Biomedical Sciences (Majors: BSc Biological Sciences / BSc Biomedical Sciences)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 3
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in Biology or Chemistry
Elective 2Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Biology 
- Business, Accounting and Financial Studies 
- Chemistry 
- Design and Applied Technology 
- Information and Communication Technology 
- M1/M2 
- Physics 
- ​Attained with Distinction II in ApL 'Medical Laboratory Science'

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission (programme code: 1805), you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

Admission Arrangements

Applicants of this programme will be considered for admission to first-year studies at the Department of Biomedical Sciences. Students will enter a major (current major options: Biological Sciences; Biomedical Sciences) after one year of study (Semester A & Semester B of the first year study). The top 40% of students# will have a free choice of majors offered by the Department. The other 60% of students will be allocated a major within the Department, subject to the availability of places and the selection criteria set by individual majors.

# based on CGPA with no failed grades and completion of at least 30 credit units including College/Department required courses

Applicants eligible for advanced standing entry may submit an application to the following programme:

BSc Biological Sciences (admission code: 1701A)

Curriculum Structure

For details about the curriculum structure of the programme, please visit the Undergraduate Catalogue.

Department of Biomedical Sciences

The Department of Biomedical Sciences was established in January 2014 to develop strategic growth areas in the life sciences. It has the aim of becoming a leading centre for biomedical education and cutting-edge research on life and biomedical science. The Department provides programmes that best equip graduates for future careers in healthcare, pharmaceutical, biotech and related industries. It currently offers two undergraduate majors, MSc in Health Sciences and Management, and MPhil and PhD research degree programmes in a stimulating teaching, learning and research environment.

The Department of Biomedical Sciences offers two undergraduate majors:

•    BSc Biological Sciences
•    BSc Biomedical Sciences

Our Target

The Biological Sciences major aims to nurture students to embark on scientific research, educational, professional or technical career after graduation. We provide a rigorous, broad-spectrum curriculum combined with specialization in major fields of biology such as cancer biology, nanobiotechnology, regenerative medicine, microbiology and neurobiology. The programme presents an in-depth study of biomedical and life sciences, with courses ranging from bioinformatics to biochemistry, genetics, cellular & molecular biology and immunology. With the two tailor-made practical courses as well as opportunities in research rotations and projects, students will gain a thorough understanding of how science is done with advanced technologies including omics & genome editing and state-of-the-art equipment in our research laboratories. It also nurtures students who are interested in pursuing postgraduate research training and undertaking a broad range of science-based careers.

The Biomedical Sciences major emphasizes the integration of basic fundamental knowledge in biomedical sciences with investigative skills and state-of-the-art technologies to enable students to understand the causes and diagnoses and treatments of human disorders and diseases. The programme is designed to prepare graduates for employment in medical & diagnostic laboratories, medical device & biotech/pharmaceutical industries and research. Our unique industry-informed curriculum provides students with extensive exposure to medical laboratory technology, modern biotechnology, and medical lab/industrial training opportunities through our strategic partnership with the healthcare and medical laboratory sectors as well as biotech & pharmaceutical industries.

Student Exchange / Internship

Clinical/Industrial Attachments and Study Trips

Our undergraduate programme is dedicated not only to disseminating knowledge to students, but also to providing opportunities and experience in the real-world environment, including practical sessions, clinical/industrial attachments, internship scheme, student exchange programmes and study trips. Students will be able to develop and apply their knowledge and receive insights on industry skills from experts in the field.

Start Your Career Here

Career Prospects

Medical and Health Services

Diagnostics sector in medical and health industries

Medical devices sector in the health industry

Pharmaceutical and laboratory instrumentation industries

Education and Research

Professors/lecturers in universities

Principle investigators in universities and non-profit research institutes

Scientists/researchers in pharmaceutical and biotech R&D industries

Management and Consultant

Product marketing and sales

Consultancy servicesLaboratory management

Clinical trials management


Environmental Protection Department

Department of Food and Health

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department


Patent law firm

Public health


Did You Know?

Resources and Facilities

You’ll work alongside excellent professors and researchers to acquire a variety of knowledge covering different areas of biology, life sciences and biomedical sciences.  You'll also engage in dynamic classroom discussions and participate in lab practicals that will help you develop a deep understanding of the subject.  Our programmes also offer a unique blend of theoretical and practical training, designed to prepare you for a career in the ever-evolving field of biomedical sciences. Our top-notch faculty and scientists with excellent research achievements will provide supervision to you for conducting cutting-edge research or project study at our state-of-the-art laboratories including electrophysiology and in vivo imaging, and anatomical, genetic, molecular and cellular tools to address challenges in the biomedical sciences.