
Joint Bachelor's Degree Programmes with Overseas Universities

CityUHK has established partnerships with the following world renowned universities and offers a variety of joint bachelor's degree programmes

The joint bachelor's degree programmes provide students an international undergraduate educational experience. Students will spend two years at CityUHK and two years at the partner university. On completion of the curriculum requirements, students will earn two bachelor's degrees - one from CityUHK, and the other one from the partner university, normally within four years. 

CityUHK students who wish to be considered for the joint bachelor's degree programmes must be enrolled in a 4-year degree programme of the majors concerned. For details of the eligibility criteria, please visit the relevant links below.

Programme and Admission code#MajorMore Information
College of Business


BSc Computational Finance and Financial Technology (Streams: Computational Finance / Financial Technology) (1000)Computational Finance and Financial Technology
BBA Global Business (Features: 3 Exchanges/Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program with Columbia University (US)/Overseas Summer School & Study Tour/Business Consultancy Project/Scholarship and Sponsorship) (1001)Global Business
BBA Management (Streams: Human Resources Management / Strategy and International Management) (1005)
  • Management (Human Resources Management Stream)
  • Management (Strategy and International Management Stream)
Economics and Finance (Majors: BBA Business Economics / BBA Finance) (1012)Business Economics
BBA Business Economics (Features: Economic Theory / International Economics / Economic and Business Forecasting / Quantitative Analysis) (1013)^Business Economics
Decision Analytics & Operations (Majors: BBA Business Decision Analytics / BBA Global Operations Management) (1025)Business Decision Analytics
BBA Business Decision Analytics (Streams: Decision Analytics / Data Informatics (1026)Business Decision Analytics
College of Computing
BSc Computer Science (Streams: Artificial Intelligence / Cybersecurity / Data Science / Multimedia Computing / Software Engineering and Project Management) (1204)Computer Science1
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
BSocSc International Relations and Global Affairs (Streams: Asian Studies / International Studies / Development Studies)(1102)International Relations and Global Affairs
BSocSc Public Affairs and Management (Streams: Political Affairs and Governance / Public Policy and Management) (1108)Public Policy and Politics (Political Science and Governance Stream)
BA Linguistics and Language Applications (Features: Linguistics / Language Applications / Language Technology) (1109)Linguistics and Language Applications
BSocSc Psychology (Streams: Health and Development / Mind and Brain (1112)Psychology
College of Science
BSc Computing Mathematics (Streams: Enriched Mathematics / Financial Mathematics / Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT)) (1206)Computing Mathematics
BSc Physics [Features: Classical Physics / Modern Physics / Experimental and Computational Physics / Medical Physics / Condensed Matter Physics / Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT)] (1208)Physics

Students are required to complete a mandatory one-year internship in Hong Kong prior to the commencement of study at Columbia University.

Programme and Admission code#MajorMore Information
College of BusinessClick Here
BBA Marketing (Streams: Global Marketing / Marketing Analytics) (1007)Marketing
Programme and Admission code#MajorMore Information
School of Creative MediaClick Here
Creative Media (Majors: BA Creative Media / BSc Creative Media / BAS New Media) (1041)
  • Creative Media (BA)
  • New Media (BAS)
BA Creative Media (Features: Animation / Cinema & Photography / Critical Theory & Practices / Game & Playable Media / New Media Art / Sound Art) (1042)Creative Media
BAS New Media (Features: Media Art / Robotics & AI / Art & Technology / Materials & Digital Fabrication (1044)New Media
Programme and Admission code#MajorMore Information
College of Business
BBA Accountancy (Streams: Professional Accounting / ESG and Tech) (1002) AccountancyClick Here
Economics and Finance (Majors: BBA Business Economics / BBA Finance) (1012) Business EconomicsClick Here
BBA Business Economics (Features: Economic Theory / International Economics / Economic and Business Forecasting / Quantitative Analysis) (1013)^ Business Economics
BBA Marketing (Streams: Global Marketing / Marketing Analytics) (1007) MarketingClick Here
College of Engineering
Architecture and Civil Engineering (Majors: BEng Architectural Engineering / BEng Civil Engineering / BSc Architecture and Surveying (1201) Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering Stream)Click Here
BEng Materials Science and Engineering (Features: HKIE Accredited / Industrial and Research Internships / Overseas Double-degrees / Knowledge Transfer / World-leading Research) (1210) Materials Science and Engineering
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
BA Linguistics and Language Applications (Features: Linguistics / Language Applications / Language Technology) (1109) Linguistics and Language ApplicationsClick Here
Programme and Admission code#MajorMore Information
College of ScienceClick Here
BSc Computing Mathematics (Streams: Enriched Mathematics / Financial Mathematics / Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT)) (1206) Computing Mathematics
Programme and Admission code#MajorMore Information
College of ScienceClick Here
BSc Chemistry (Streams: Comprehensive Chemistry / Cosmetic Chemistry / Forensic Chemistry / Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT)) (1202) Chemistry

# For JUPAS applicants, the programme codes start with 'JS' (e.g. JS1000).
^ For JUPAS admissions only.

The University reserves the right to amend the information from time to time. 

Last update date: 24 September 2024