Page 6 - CityUpbeats_Issue 25
P. 6

Contributor: Dr Larry Ng [Counselling Service, SDS]

       A Heart-Warming Journey of Chat,

       Cheers and Companionship

       CityU Cares for YOU!

                                                        CityU Cares for YOU
                                                                                              CityU Cares for YOU
                                                        Counselling Service
                                                                                              Counselling Service

       Counselling Service of CityU
       Student Development Services has been organising
       the "CityU Cares for  YOU" Campaign each
       semester, radiating support and care to all CityU                          "CityU Cares for YOU" sharing the joy through busking!
       students and staff.                       CityU Cares for YOU                「CityU Cares for YOU」以街頭音樂分享快樂。
       The theme of “CityU Cares for YOU” this year is   Counselling Service
       "Companionship"; hence the mascot "Tung Tung"
       is named with the meaning of "Togetherness"
       in Chinese! It aims to convey a message that   Caring Leaders delivering miniature mascots and
                                             drinks to students and staff.
       companionship can comfort people, fuel them   關懷領袖派發吉祥物及飲品。
       with courage and positive attitude to get through
       challenging times. To keep the joy and love going
       further, a digital platform with various online
       activities, including virtual exhibition, interactive
       electronic cheering wall, and a video of some
       highlighted moments of the campaign has been
       created. CityU community would be able to join
       this heart-warming campaign via the internet                    Counselling Service  "Companionship" is the theme of "CityU Cares for
                                                                       CityU Cares for YOU
                                                                                                      CityU Cares for YOU
                                                                                                      Counselling Service
       anytime, anywhere!                                                             YOU" exhibition in Blue Zone of Yeung Kin Man
                                                                                      Academic Building.
       城大學生發展處輔導中心每學期均會舉辦                                                             在楊建文學術樓藍區進行的「CityU Cares for YOU」
         「CityU Cares for YOU」活動,藉此對城大同學
       態度面對挑戰。今年的主題是「友伴同行」,                      "CityU Cares for YOU" Online Interactive
                                                   「CityU Cares for YOU」 網上打氣牆。
       吉祥物也因此以「彤彤」為名,取其讀音鼓勵                      Cheering Wall.
      06                                                         Counselling Service

                                                                 CityU Cares for YOU
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