Page 5 - CityUpbeats_Issue 25
P. 5

Contributors: Dr Clara Wong and Miss Esther Lo [Physical Education, SDS]

       CityU Walk 2021

       Being  one of the Wellness for All
       Programme's most popular activities. CityU Walk
       Contest has recorded a total of 1.2 billion steps and
       0.8 million kilometres from 2,500 participants since
       2015! To elevate the “Healthy U” culture, apart
       from improving the current mobile application of
       “CityU Walk”, Physical Education of CityU Student
       Development Services has also planned to develop
       another new mobile application to be named as   為了再下一城,城大學生發展處體育部除了
       “Pictorial My Route” which will be launched in mid   致力改善現存的「CityU Walk」流動應用程式,
       of 2021. The idea of the new application is to allow
       and encourage members of the CityU community   更期望在2021年年中推出暫名為「Pictorial my
       to share and explore awesome walking routes with   Route」的全新應用程式,讓師生和校友們發
       one another!                         掘及共享城大周邊有趣且美麗的步行路線。

       作為康健全方位的熱門項目之一,城大健步                           CityU Walk Contest has recorded around
                                                     2,500 participants since 2015.
       並累積步行了12億步,相當於80萬公里!                          2,500人次參與。

                          Exercise is Medicine
                  NEWS                                                     ®
                                  Virtual Prelude

            Further to the Gold Campus Recognition under the Exercise is Medicine  On Campus (EIM-OC) programme
            in early 2020, the EIM-OC Gold Campus 2021 Virtual Prelude was held in November 2020, serving as a timely reminder
            of the importance of exercising regularly and fostering good physical and mental health. Both events symbolised CityU’s
            continuous effort for a “Healthy U” and we are honoured to have Professor Way Kuo, President of the University, joining
            the kick-off ceremony.
            “CityU is not only recognised academically, but it also pays close attention to the health of CityU community, which is directly
            related to the ‘soulware’ that I always promote. Since 2018, CityU has launched year-round wellness activities for all CityU   There are many awesome
            members. To go further, CityU is aiming for the EIM Gold Campus Award in 2021,” said Professor Way Kuo.  walking trails around CityU
                                                                                                to be discovered by you all!
            城大於2020年初已榮獲「運動是良藥」校園計劃金校園                                                          路線,有待大家發掘!
            教職員及同學們定時運動,促進身心健康,體現城大建立                                                           Professor Way Kuo, President
                                                                                                of the University, attending
            健康校園的目標。當日亦榮幸邀請到城大校長郭位教授參                                                           the EIM Gold Campus 2021
            與啟動禮。「城大除了學術成就廣獲認同外,同時也注                                                            Virtual Prelude and sharing
                                                                                                his view on “Healthy U” with
            重大學社群的健康,這正呼應我經常提倡的『心件』。                                                            students.
            自2018年,大學每年均為全體教職員及學生舉辦多項康體                                                         城大校長郭位教授出席網上舉
            計劃金校園榮銜。」郭位教授說道。                                                                    分享他對健康校園的心得。
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