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Publisher: Office of the Vice-President [Student Affairs]  Scan and read
                                                               Editors-in-Chief: Professor Raymond Chan and Dr Tim Wong  the e-version
                                                               Executive Editors: OVPSA Advocacy Team and   ሗધ౜˸ቡᛘ
                                                                         Student Development Services      ၣɪو
                                                                General enquiry    Tel: 3442 8090    Email:
                                                                A Quarterly Newsletter of CityU Student Affairs and Achievements

                                                                                                           Issue 25
                                                                                                     Winter 2021
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       Contributors: Ms Alice Leung Kirkwood, Dr Law Ying Lun Tommy and Ms Koey Leung [Career and Leadership Centre, SDS]

      CityU E-Career Success Fair 2.0

       Career and Leadership Centre (CLC) of CityU Student    on job search. A series of Recruitment Talks, Job Search Skills Sessions, Career
       Development Services organises Careers Festival as early as in September   Preparation Workshops, etc. will also be organised to facilitate students to keep
       every year to help CityU students prepare well for their future careers. In face   abreast of the market trend and prepare their career development plan.
       of the pandemic, CLC brought the Careers Festival to a new era: the CityU
       E-Career Success Fair 2020. Over 150 online activities including Recruitment
       Talks, Job Search  Skills Sessions, Student Sharing  Sessions, Executive
       Chatrooms,  Live  Sessions  Connecting  with  Employers,  Career  Preparation
       Workshops, etc. are organised for CityU undergraduates, postgraduates,
       and the Class of 2020 graduates in September 2020. Over 8,000 visits for
       the Job Expo and nearly 5,000 participants for the online workshops and
       activities had been recorded, which was a record-breaking achievement with
       13,000 visits in total. Positive feedback was received from CityU students and
       employers that both agreed the Fair had curated an excellent employment
       platform for identifying the right jobs and talents!
       Given the overwhelming success of the Fair in Semester A, CLC has launched
       the CityU E-Career Success Fair 2.0 in Semester B from 15 to 26 March 2021.
       More international corporations from different industries have been invited to
       provide  students  with diversified job opportunities and professional support
                                                              Overwhelming support from the employers of diversified professionals
                                                              in CityU E-Career Success Fair 2020.
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