Student Life Stories

Showing 1 to 10 of 358 results
The four CB students say CityUHK has provided a solid foundation for their study. A team of four students from the College of Business (CB) at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) has won the McDonough Business Strategy Challenge (MBSC) 2024. The CB team beat business school students…
The CityUHK Delegation participated in the marathon.   CityUHK runners were filled with positive energy and team spirit.   Over 800 members of the City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) community united in the highly anticipated Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2024…
President Freddy Boey (centre), Mr Robert Lui (2nd from right), Professor Chan Chi-hou (3rd from left) and Professor Isabel Yan (3rd from right) with the CityU Delegation.  City University of Hong Kong (CityU) reinforced its commitment to promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in…
City Anime Fantasy was held on 10 October as an opening concert of CityU Arts Festival 2023/24. The City University of Hong Kong (CityU) Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Doujin Philharmonia (HKDP) Ensemble Quintet kicked off CityU Arts Festival 2023/24 with a series of hot…
Twenty CityU students went to Mongolia for an eight-day overseas service trip this summer. Twenty students from various programmes at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) interacted with local people, experienced local culture, taught at a local primary school and volunteered at an eco-…
About 700 HK TECH Tigers are welcomed at the ceremony.   Nearly 700 new elite “HK TECH Tiger” students set to start on their future leadership path were welcomed at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in a ceremony on 19 September. Launched last year, HK TECH Tiger is a new CityU…
CityU will continue to support student-athletes in pursuing their academic and athletic potential in full.   City University of Hong Kong (CityU) actively encourages students to immerse themselves in athletic and musical activities as well as pursue academic knowledge. More than 1,…
(Left) The CityU men’s team successfully defended its local inter-varsity tennis title this year, while the women’s team won the championship for the first time. (Right) CityU team won the first runner-up at the Jackie Chan Challenge Cup Women’s table tennis competition.   City…
Gala attendees dress in magnificent Tang Dynasty and traditional Chinese attire to bring the “One Night in Tang Paradise” theme to life. The first large-scale fundraising gala “One Night in Tang Paradise” in support of the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery at City University of Hong Kong (…
A ground-breaking ceremony was held at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) for the HK Tech International Centre on 29 November. Scheduled to open at the end of 2023, this unique building demonstrates CityU's vision to develop as a modern campus where students from around the world can…
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