
Useful Contacts

Select the topics below to see whom to contact.


24-hour Security / Emergency

Main Campus: +852 3442-8888

Student Hostel: +852 3442-1999

University Health Centre

Medical: +852 3442-6066

Dental: +852 3442-6052

Ambulance, Fire Services, and Police

Tel: 999 or 112
(Dial 0-999 if you were on-campus)

Overseas Assistance to Hong Kong Residents

Hong Kong Immigration Department

Tel:  +852 1868

Critical Incident Management

CityU takes a holistic approach in risk management, comprising a top-down view at the strategic level and bottom-up processes at the operational level.  Regular review is made to the University risk matrix and risk register which identify risk areas, ownership, mitigation measures and residual risks via the following bodies:

Adverse Weather Arrangements

University operations and classes may be suspended under adverse weather conditions, such as typhoon as well as heavy rainstorm.  Usually the season extends from May to early November.  Hong Kong is very well prepared for these weather conditions and there are effective warning systems to warn people and instruct them the precaution measures.  You may refer to the University Adverse Weather Arrangements website for more information.

Medical and Dental Clinics

Young Chung-Yee Health Centre


Admissions Office

For Undergraduate Programmes:

Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies

For Research Degree, Professional Doctorate & Master’s Programmes, please contact SGS.

Academic Regulations and Records

Academic Regulations and Records Office

For undergraduate studies:

Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies

For postgraduate studies, please contact SGS.

Student Counselling Services

Counselling Services

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