President |
Prof Freddy BOEY |
Provost and Deputy President |
Prof LEE Chun Sing |
Senior Vice-President (Innovation and Enterprise) |
Prof Michael M YANG |
Vice-President (Research) |
Prof Anderson SHUM |
Secretary to Council |
Prof Kevin DOWNING |
Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy) |
Prof LI Wen Jung |
Vice-President (Mainland Strategy) |
Prof LU Chun |
Vice-President (Community Engagement) |
Prof CHAN Chi Hou |
Vice-President (Administration) |
Miss Maggie CHAU |
Dean of Graduate Studies |
Prof YUE Chee Yoon |
Dean (College of Biomedicine) |
Prof Isaiah Tuvia ARKIN |
Dean (College of Business) |
Prof Kalok CHAN |
Dean (College of Computing) |
Prof WANG Jianping |
Dean (College of Engineering) |
Prof LU Jian |
Dean (College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences) |
Prof Alfred HO |
Dean (College of Science) |
Prof Xin WANG |
Dean (Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences) |
Prof Vanessa BARRS |
Dean (School of Creative Media) |
Prof Espen AARSETH |
Dean (School of Energy and Environment) |
Prof Kenneth LEUNG |
Dean (School of Law) |
Prof LIN Feng |
Dean of Students |
Prof Henry Shu-hung CHUNG |