City University of Hong Kong School of Law and The University of Melbourne launch Collaborative Degree Programme

The CityUHK School of Law has established two collaborative degree programmes with The University of Melbourne to offer the CityUHK JD/ Melbourne Law Masters and CityUHK LLB/ Melbourne Law Masters.

These collaborative programmes are a testimony to the School’s strong global alliances and provide our students with a global and multidisciplinary education, expanding their horizons and enhancing their marketability in an increasingly interconnected world.  Students will graduate with degrees from both CityUHK and The University of Melbourne, giving them a competitive advantage in the job market with two distinguished qualifications. The programmes also expose students to different legal systems, cultures and learning approaches, enabling them to develop a broader and global perspective. With a proper planning, the JD/ Law Masters can be completed in three years of full-time study while the LLB/ Law Masters may be completed in four years.

It is expected that the first cohort of students will be able to enroll in the Melbourne Law Masters in the academic year 2024/25.

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 此合作項目證明了學院強大的全球協作聯盟,並我們的學生提供全和多學科的教育,拓他們的視野並增強他們在聯繫日益發達的世界的市場競爭力。 學生畢業時將獲得香港城市大學和墨爾本大學的學位,這兩享有盛譽的學歷資格使他們在就業市場上具競爭優勢。這項目也讓學生接觸不同的法律體系、文化和學習方法,幫助他們發展廣泛的全球視野。透過適當的規劃,法學博士/法律碩士可以在三年的全日制學習中完成,而法學學士/法律碩士可以在四年內完成。

預計第一批城大學生能夠在 2024/25 學年到墨爾本大學修讀法學碩士課程