SLW Student Orientation 2024

The CityUHK School of Law Student Orientation 2024 was held on 27 August 2024 for the new LLB, LLB&BBAAC, JD, PCLL, LLM, LLMCJ and LLMArbDR students. Around 400 students attended the Orientation. The Orientation aimed to give new students an overview of academic and university life; introduce them to the University’s resources, facilities and countless opportunities that lie ahead; and help them get prepared for their new adventure.

Prof. Lin Feng, Dean of the School of Law, first warmly welcomed the LLB, LLB&BBAAC and JD freshmen on behalf of CityUHK Law School. In his speech, Prof. Lin introduced various collaborative programmes with partner universities worldwide, urging students to consider engaging in academic exchanges. Also, he encouraged the new students to be inter-disciplinary; especially for LLB students, he suggested new students to study another discipline, because it may offer a different angle for understanding law. Finally, he reminded the newcomers to be prepared for their classes and not be afraid to ask questions.

Afterwards, the respective programme directors welcomed their students and set out their expectations.

Later on, the LLB, LLB&BBAAC and JD freshmen were given introductions on different aspects of law school life, including international mooting and advocacy; professional development and public service; different special schemes, programmes and initiatives to take advantage of while at CityUHK; the CityUHK Law Review; the law library; the Language Centre; e-learning; counselling services; and prevention of sexual harassment. Mr. Kay Chan, the Chairman of the Alumni Association of CityUHK School of Law,  was invited as guest speaker to share his experiences with the students about legal practice and legal study, respectively.

The Orientation for PCLL students was held in the afternoon, and the Orientation for LLM and LLMArbDR students was held in the evening. The students were warmly welcomed by the Dean and teaching staff. Prof. Christopher To, an alumnus also the LLMArbDR Programme Director, shared his experiences with the students. The respective programme directors then briefed the students on the programme features, curriculum, assessment, resources and facilities in the individual programme orientations.

The Student Orientation was a great success. Students got to become familiar with university life and gain useful information for their studies at CityUHK. We again welcome all new students to the School of Law!

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香港城市大學(城大)法律學院於2024827日舉行迎新日, 約400名新入學的法律本科生及碩士生參加。一系列的迎新活動旨在讓新生認識大學學習和生活的概況,瞭解大學的教學資源和設施,幫助他們適應校園生活。



