Asian Law Schools Association (ALSA) Symposium on New Challenges and New Opportunities in Legal Education (27–28 April 2021)

by Elaine Fung

Legal education is going through a transformative period due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Few classes and assessments are currently being held in a face-to-face format. Rather, the majority of classes and assessments are being conducted online. At some point in time, COVID-19 will no longer be an impediment to face-to-face interactions in legal education. However, in the interim, lessons will have been learned about the types of innovative face-to-face learning, online learning and hybrid learning methods that have proved effective and can be best utilised in the post-COVID teaching and learning era.

                                                                                                                                 Mr Jack BURKE and Ms Anna LUI (from left to right) 

In order to encourage scholars to share their experiences in developing these innovative practices and to bring legal education forward into the new millennium, the first Asian Law Schools Association (ALSA) Symposium entitled “New Challenges and New Opportunities in Legal Education” was co-hosted by two ALSA member institutions, the School of Law of Jilin University (JilinU) and CityU School of Law on 27 and 28 April 2021.    

Welcome speeches by Prof HE Zhipeng (left) and Prof TAN Cheng-Han (right)

The Symposium formally kicked off with welcoming remarks by Prof HE Zhipeng (Dean, JilinU School of Law) who expressed his honour on behalf of JilinU School of Law for having the opportunity to co-organise the Symposium with CityU School of Law. He believed that JilinU School of Law shared the same understanding with CityU School of Law that Asian law schools should have more opportunities to exchange ideas and to communicate with each other on how to promote legal education. He also emphasised that law schools all over the world share the same aims of educating more and more students in law, enhancing our education curriculum, improving our teaching methodology and learning from other law schools and international legal education organisations. Prof He pointed out that in this new era, three elements played an important role in legal education: the etiquette of internet communication, the establishment of closer linkage between legal issues, globalisation and deglobalisation, and cultural diversity. He invited all legal scholars to think about ways to improve legal education in the political context, and that this Symposium was a very good start to promote communication among law schools.

Following the welcoming remarks of Prof He, Prof TAN Cheng-Han, SC (Dean and Chair Professor of Commercial Law, CityU School of Law) also welcomed all participants to the first academic symposium hosted by ALSA and expressed his pleasure to be able to co-organise this Symposium with JilinU School of Law. As a new association, he considered that this first scholarly event was an important start for ALSA. Being made up of 22 leading Asian law schools, ALSA intends to expand its membership over time to all Asian law schools, with the goal of becoming the voice for all law schools in Asia. Turning to the theme of the Symposium, Prof Tan said that the last 15 months of the pandemic had forced universities and all of us out of our comfort zone, and pushed us to find a solution to the restrictions caused by COVID-19. CityU School of Law is committed to improving the use of technology and has recently won a grant from the Hong Kong University Grant’s Council to support a research project on “Global Classrooms” which will help the school to usher in Online Learning 2.0. He also expressed his gratitude to all presenters for being part of the Symposium, and in particular to Mr Jack BURKE (Senior Teaching Fellow, CityU School of Law) and Ms Anna LUI (Teaching Fellow, CityU School of Law), Prof HE Zhipeng and his colleagues for making this Symposium a reality, as well as to all participants for their confidence in ALSA.

Twenty-one guest speakers conducted presentations addressing a wide range of topics relating to the theme of the Symposium. The Symposium consisted of five sessions, each followed by a Q & A session.  The topics of the presentations were as follows (according to the order of presentation).

Session 1 (Moderator: Prof HE Zhipeng):

  • Keynote speaker: Dr Kate GALLOWAY (Associate Professor, Griffith Law School), “Publishing Legal Education Research: Influencing The Future”.

  • Dr Kelley BURTON (LEAD Co-convenor, School of Law and Society, University of the Sunshine Coast), Mr Julian LAURENS (LEAD Senior Project Officer), Ms Judith MARYCHURCH (LEAD Co-convenor Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne), and Dr Michael NANCARROW (LEAD Co-convenor until July 2020, Consultant and sessional academic, Macquarie Law School, Macquarie University), “Student Evaluations of Teaching During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Law Academics Advocating for Alternate Measures of Teaching Quality”.

  • Dr Helena WHALEN-BRIDGE (Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore), “Legal Ethics in Law School: Challenges and Opportunities”.

Moderator & Speakers of Session 1:

First row: Prof HE Zhipeng, Dr Kate GALLOWAY and Dr Kelley BURTON (from left to right)

Second row: Mr Julian LAURENS, Ms Judith MARYCHURCH and

Dr Michael NANCARROW (from left to right)

Third row: Dr Helena WHALEN-BRIDGE


Session 2 (Moderator: Mr Jack BURKE)

  • Prof Joel LEE Tye Beng (Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore), “Teaching Practical Legal Skills: Principles, Pedagogy and Pitfalls”.

  • Dr Elena SYCHENKO (Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University), “Digital Tools for Students’ Engagement in Law Classes”.

  • Dr Elena SHERSTOBOEVA (Assistant Professor, School of Creative Media, School of Law, CityU) and Ms Maria DUBROVINA (Student, School of Communication, Media and Design, Higher School of Economics), “New Approach to Teaching Law to Creative Media and Art Students in the Digital Era”.

Moderator & Speakers of Session 2:

First row: Mr Jack BURKE; Prof Joel LEE Tye Beng; Dr Elena SYCHENKO (from left to right)

Second row from left: Dr Elena SHERSTOBOEVA; Ms Maria DUBROVINA (from left to right)

Session 3 (Moderator: Dr HE Tianxiang, Assistant Professor, CityU School of Law)

  • Mr Robert CHALMERS (Lecturer, Flinders University), “Innovating the Law”.

  • Mr Mark L SHOPE (Assistant Professor of Law, School of Law, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University), “The User Interface: An Analysis of Various Qualities of Technology in the Virtual Classroom”.

  • Dr Aleksei DOLZHIKOV (Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, St. Petersburg State University), “Case-method in Legal Education vs. Critical Legal Studies in Russia”.

  • Prof Anna ROZENTSVAIG (Head of the Internal Control Department, Samara National Research University), “Legal Education in Russia: New Prospects and New Challenges”.

Moderator & Speakers of Session 3:

First row: Dr HE Tianxiang, Mr Robert CHALMERS and Mr Mark L SHOPE (from left to right)

Second row: Dr Aleksei DOLZHIKOV and Prof Anna ROZENTSVAIG (from left to right)

Session 4 (Moderator: Dr CHOW Pok Yin Stephenson, Assistant Professor, CityU School of Law):

  • Dr Daniel PASCOE (Associate Professor, CityU School of Law), “Criminal Law Syllabus and the Realities of Legal Practice in Hong Kong”.

  • Mr Shaun McCARTHY (Director of the University of Newcastle Legal Centre and Program Convenor of the Practical Legal Training Program, The University of Newcastle Law School) and Dr Bin LI (Lecturer, The University of Newcastle Law School), “Supporting Future Legal Professionals for the Digital Era: The Role of Technology in Legal Education”

  • Mr Jack BURKE, “Show and Tell: Use of Innovative Teaching Methodologies in a Law School Practical Legal Training Programme”.

Moderator & Speakers of Session 4:

First row: Dr CHOW Pok Yin Stephenson, Dr Daniel PASCOE and Mr Shaun McCARTHY (from left to right)

Second row: Dr Bin LI and Mr Jack BURKE (from left to right)

Session 5 (Moderator: Dr Daniel PASCOE):

  • Ms Carolina FABARA (Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic of Ecuador by the University of the Americas), “New Challenges and New Opportunities in Legal Education (Online) Global Lawyers”.

  • Dr LIM Lei Theng (Partner at Allen & Gledhill LLP), “Learning to Serve and Serving While Learning: Clinical Legal Education at the NUS Faculty of Law 2008 to 2020”.

  • Dr Christoph HAFNER (Associate Professor, Department of English, CityU), “Mooting Interactions: What Is Going On Here and What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”.


Moderator & Speakers of Session 5: First row: Dr Daniel PASCOE and Ms Carolina FABARA (from left to right)

Second row: Dr LIM Lei Theng and Dr Christoph HAFNER (from left to right)


The Symposium ended with the closing remarks of Prof HE Zhipeng and Mr Jack BURKE. Prof HE Zhipeng found the two-day Symposium fruitful and thought-provoking, as many topics showed that it is necessary for legal educators to communicate and to share their experiences. He also thanked CityU and JilinU for organising this event and thanked the participants for sharing their thoughts. In particular, the insightful views of all the speakers who are experts in the field of legal education served as an important foundation for further discussions on legal education.

Mr Burke announced that ALSA was planning to create a chapter in legal education and he expected that ALSA would make an announcement in this regard in the near future. The Chapter will seek to promote academic exchanges through the creation of a Discussion Board and future conferences, hopefully, in person, in the not too far distant future. Mr Burke also thanked Dr Kate GALLOWAY for her keynote address which set an important tone in stimulating high-level scholarship in global legal education. Finally, he noted the excellent quality of the presentations and encouraged presenters to submit articles to the Legal Education Review which would like to publish a special edition of that journal to memorialise the best papers from this ALSA Symposium.

Chinese Title
亞洲法學院協會(ALSA)舉辦「法律教育的新挑戰和新機遇」學術研討會(2021年4月27日- 28日)
News Date
Chinese Body



                                                                                                                                    Jack Burke先生 () 與呂凱恩女士()


何志鵬教授 (左)和陳清漢教授(右)致歡迎辭


何教授致辭後,陳清漢教授(資深大律師、城大法律學院院長及商業法首席教授)歡迎所有與會者出席由ALSA舉辦的首個學術研討會,並為能夠與吉林大學法學院合辦是次活動感到十分高興。作為新成立的協會,他認為是次活動標誌著ALSA的重要開首。 ALSA22個著名亞洲法學院組成,並期望邀請更多成員加入,最終包涵所有亞洲區內法學院,旨在為所有亞洲法學院發聲,與美國法學院協會Association of America Law Schools)的角色相似。陳教授其後談及學術研討會的主題,認為在過去15個月,疫情迫使大學及教職員步出安舒區,並試著為新型冠狀病毒帶來的限制提供解決方案。以城大法律學院為例,學院致力於改善科技應用,最近更獲得香港大學資助委員會的撥款,以支持「全球課堂」的研究項目,幫助城大法律學院迎接線上學習2.0。他感謝所有參與研討會的講者,並特別向Jack Burke先生(城大法律學院高級特任講師)、呂凱恩女士(城大法律學院特任講師)、何志鵬教授及其同事致謝,也感謝所有與會者對ALSA的信賴。得到大家的支持,學術研討會才能順利舉行。 


第一節主持人: 何志鵬教授

  • 主講人:Kate Galloway博士(格里菲斯大學法律學院副教授),「出版法律教育研究:未來之影響」
  • Kelley Burton博士(陽光海岸大學法律與社會學院LEAD共同召集人)、Julian Laurens先生(LEAD高級項目主任)、Judith Marychurch女士(墨爾本大學法律學院LEAD共同召集人)及Michael Nancarrow博士LEAD共同召集人(任期至2020年7月)、麥覺理大學法律學院顧問和特約學者),「新型冠狀病毒大流行期間學生對教學的評估:提升教學質量的替代措施」
  • Helena Whalen-Bridge博士新加坡國立大學法律學院副教授),「法律學院的法律倫理:挑戰與機遇」


第一行(左至右):何志鵬教授;Kate Galloway博士;Kelley Burton博士

第二行(左至右):Julian Laurens先生;Judith Marychurch女士;Michael Nancarrow博士

第三行:Helena Whalen-Bridge博士


第二節(主持人:Jack Burke先生

  • Joel Lee Tye Beng教授新加坡國立大學法律學院教授),「教授法律實踐技能之教學:原則、教學法和陷阱」
  • Elena Sychenko博士(聖彼得堡國立大學副教授),「學生參與法律課程的數碼工具」
  • Elena Sherstoboeva博士(城大法律學院及創意媒體學院助理教)及Maria Dubrovina女士(俄羅斯高等經濟學院傳播、媒體及設計學院學生),「針對創意媒體和藝術專業學生的法律教學新方法」


第一行(左至右):Jack Burke先生;Joel Lee Tye Beng教授;Elena Sychenko博士

第二行(左至右):Elena Sherstoboeva博士;Maria Dubrovina女士


  • Robert Chalmers先生(福林德斯大學講師),「創新法律」
  • Mark L Shope先生(國立陽明交通大學法律學院助理教授),「用戶界面:虛擬教室中各種技術的素質分析」
  • Aleksei Dolzhikov博士(聖彼得堡國立大學憲法副教授),「俄羅斯法律教育中的案例方法與批判性法律研究」
  • Anna Rozentsvaig教授(薩馬拉國立研究大學內部控制部主管),「俄羅斯的法律教育:新前景、新挑戰」


第一行(左至右):何天翔博士;Robert Chalmers先生;Mark L Shope先生

第二行(左至右):Aleksei Dolzhikov博士;Anna Rozentsvaig教授


  • Daniel Pascoe博士(城大法律學院副教授,「刑法課程綱要與香港法律實務現況」
  • Shaun McCarthy先生(紐卡斯爾大學法律學法律中心主管及法律培訓計劃召集人) 李斌博士(紐卡斯爾大學法律學院講師),「在數碼時代為未來的法律專才提供支援:法律教育中科技的重要性」
  • Jack Burke先生,「展示與講述:於法學院實踐法律培訓課程創新教學法之應用」


第一行(左至右):周博研博士;Daniel Pascoe博士;Shaun McCarthy先生

第二行(左至右):李斌博士;Jack Burke先生

第五節(主持人:Daniel Pascoe博士):

  • Carolina Fabara女士(美洲大學厄瓜多爾共和國法院律師),「全球律師於法學教育(線上)面對的新挑戰和新機遇」
  • Lim Lei Theng博士(艾倫格禧律師事務所合夥人),「學習與服務:2008年至2020年星加坡國立大學法學院的臨床法律教育」
  • Christoph Hafner香港城市大學英語系副教授),「模擬法庭互動:現況及可預視的錯誤」


第一行(左至右):Daniel Pascoe博士;Carolina Fabara女士

第二行(左至右):Lim Lei Theng博士;Christoph Hafner博士

研討會在何志鵬教授和Jack Burke先生的致辭中結束。何志鵬教授表示為期兩天的研討會成果豐盛,許多議題都為法律教育工作者提供啟示,亦說明經驗分享及意見交流的重要性。他亦感謝吉林大學法學院和城大法律學院合辦此次研討會,並感謝與會人士分享他們的想法及理念。各位發言者都是法學教育領域的專家,他們的精闢見解為進一步討論法學教育問題奠定了重要基礎。

Jack Burke先生其後宣佈,ALSA計劃在法律教育領域開創一個新的分會,並會就此發表公告。分會將通過設立討論委員會,並希望在不久將來能夠舉辦面對面的會議,促進學術交流。Jack Burke先生還特別感謝Kate Galloway的主題演講,為推動環球法律教育的高水平學術研究奠定了重要的基石。本次研討會中演講報告水平相當高,Jack Burke先生更鼓勵講者們向《法律教育評論》(Legal Education Review投稿,該期刊將出版一期特別版,發表本次ALSA研討會上的優秀文章。