粵港澳公共治理數據分析大賽2023 (大學組)
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Public Administration Data Analytics Contests 2023 (University Division)
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2024-01-25 |
「粵港澳公共治理數據分析大賽2023(大學組)」得獎名單得獎名單如下(排名不分先後): 冠軍 - 陳諾 亞軍 - 汪子涵、汪晨、許諾 亞軍 - 翁梓烨、程安琪、于雪颖、韩姜悦、李宝连 季軍 - 邹濠潞、杨一帆、俞坷杰 季軍 -郑婧 季軍 - 钟士昊、Hong You Song、SU Yishi、Huang Hoi Laam、赵锦山 亞軍 - 陳諾 籌委會在此再次恭喜所有得獎同學。 “The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Public Administration Data Analytics Contest 2023 (University Division)” AwardeesThe awardees list are as follows (in no particular order): Champion - 陳諾 1st Runner-up - 汪子涵、汪晨、許諾 1st Runner-up - 翁梓烨、程安琪、于雪颖、韩姜悦、李宝连 2nd Runner-up - 邹濠潞、杨一帆、俞坷杰 2nd Runner-up -郑婧 2nd Runner-up - 钟士昊、Hong You Song、SU Yishi、Huang Hoi Laam、赵锦山 1st Runner-up - 陳諾 The organising committee would like to congratulate all the awardees once again. |
2024-01-12 |
2023-11-10 |
公佈香港區第二回合比賽晉級結果大賽籌委將於2023年11月19日前向各參賽隊伍公佈香港區第二回合比賽之晉級結果,晉級之參賽隊伍可因應需要作微調,並通過電郵提交最新報告到大賽郵箱。大賽籌委將在提交截止時間後審核並取消存在抄襲或其他不合比賽要求提供報告之隊伍的參賽資格。 Announcement of the results of the Hong Kong Region Contest (2nd Round)The organising committee will announce the results of the 2nd round Hong Kong region contest and inform all participating teams by 19 November, 2023. The teams that have promoted to the next round may make minor adjustments and submit the updated versions via email to the contest mailbox. The organising committee will review the submissions after the deadline and disqualify any teams found to have plagiarized or failed to meet the contest requirements in their reports. |
2023-10-21 |
公佈香港區第一回合比賽晉級結果大賽籌委將於2023年11月9日前向各參賽隊伍公佈香港區第一回合比賽之晉級結果,晉級之參賽隊伍可因應需要作微調,並通過電郵提交最新報告到大賽郵箱。大賽籌委將在提交截止時間後審核並取消存在抄襲或其他不合比賽要求提供報告之隊伍的參賽資格。 Announcement of the results of the Hong Kong Region Contest (1st Round)The organising committee will announce the results of the 1st round Hong Kong region contest and inform all participating teams by 9 November, 2023. The teams that have promoted to the next round may make minor adjustments and submit the updated versions via email to the contest mailbox. The organising committee will review the submissions after the deadline and disqualify any teams found to have plagiarized or failed to meet the contest requirements in their reports. |
2023-10-13 |
香港區提交比賽作品截止日期為配合大灣區內各中學之比賽事日程及比賽公平性,經過大賽籌委商議,以下是香港區各回合的作品截止日期及時間: 第一回合:2023年10月20日(星期五)晚上11時59分 第二回合:2023年11月9日(星期四)晚上11時59分 第三回合:2023年11月25日(星期六)晚上11時59分 逾時提交者一律取消資格,敬請各隊伍留意。 Submission deadline of the HK Region ContestTo align the contest schedule of the tertiary institutions in GBA and ensure the fairness of the contest, the submission deadline for the Hong Kong Region Contest are as follows, 1st Round: 20 October, 2023 (Friday) at 11:59 P.M. 2nd Round: 9 November, 2023 (Thursday) at 11:59 P.M. 3rd Round: 25 November, 2023 (Saturday) at 11:59 P.M. Please note that all submissions received after the deadline will be disqualified. Thank you for your attention, and best of luck to all participating teams. |
2023-10-05 |
香港區報名截止日期為配合大灣區內各院校賽事日程及比賽之公平性,大賽籌委會決定將香港區報名截止日期順延至2023年10月8日 (星期日) 晚上11時59分。 Updates on the application deadline of the Hong Kong Regional ContestTo align the contest schedule of the tertiary institutions in GBA and ensure the fairness of the contest, the organizing committee has decided to postpone the application deadline of the Hong Kong Regional Contest to 8 October, 2023 (Sun) at 11:59 p.m. |
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2024-01-23 (Tue) |
「數字化及數據分析於歐洲之經驗實踐」講座暨大賽頒獎禮(香港區及大灣區)時間:14:00 – 17:00(3小時)地點:The Space, 長沙灣長宜街9號D2 Place ONE 集合地點:長沙灣長宜街9號D2 Place ONE 集合時間:13:45 演講嘉賓:Prof. Deborah Agostino, Associate Professor, Potecnico di Milano |
2023-11-09 (Thu) |
訓練工作坊 (四)時間:3:00 – 4:30(P.M.)形式:騰訊會議 主題:密碼朋克安全和香港Web3合規 演講嘉賓:Shawn Chang-賽博堡壘公司CEO、HardenedVault創始人、 香港Web 3.0協會安全與合規工作組核心成員、W3IF(Web3基礎設施基金會)聯合創始人 |
2023-10-13 (Fri) |
訓練工作坊 (三)時間:3:00 – 4:00(P.M.)形式:騰訊會議 主題:基於空間數據分析的城市健康管理框架 演講嘉賓:何鴻澤-香港城市大學公共及國際事務學系助理教授 |
2023-10-11 (Wed) |
訓練工作坊 (二)時間:7:00 – 8:30(P.M.)形式:騰訊會議 主題:大數據技術及智慧城市應用 演講嘉賓:王甲海-中山大學計算機學院教授,博士生導師、大數據與計算智能研究所所長、 大數據分析與應用技術國家工程實驗室大數據高性能分析處理中心主任 |
2023-10-09 (Mon) |
訓練工作坊 (一)時間:10:00 – 11:00(A.M.)形式:騰訊會議 主題:感知現實世界:時空圖數據的表徵學習 演講嘉賓:汪澎洋-澳門大學智慧市物聯網國家重點實驗室助理教授 |
活動花絮 Event Highlights
Highlights of the Guangdong-HK-Macau Public Admin Data Analytics Contests 2023 strong> center>
Seminar on "Digitalisation and Data Analytics in Europe" cum Contest Recognition Ceremony 2023
粵港澳公共治理數據分析大賽2023 The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Public Administration Analytics Contests 2023 資助機構 Funding Organisation |
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聲明: 在本刊物/活動內 (或由項目小組成員) 表達的任何意見、研究成果、結論或建議,並不代表香港特別行政區政府、創新科技署或創新及科技基金一般支援計劃評審委員會的觀點。 |
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the Vetting Committee of the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund. |