數聚時代 智匯灣區
Big Data Era・Collective Intelligence in Greater Bay Area
邁入大數據時代後,數字技術不斷重塑着社會、經濟的運行方式,為公共治理模式創新和治理能力提升帶來了新的機遇與挑戰。因此,為進一步加強產學研合作,鼓勵學生們關注數字、數據技術與公共治理的有效結合,激發創新創造力,中山大學政治與公共事務管理學院聯合中山大學中國公共管理研究中心、香港城市大學公共及國際事務學系(二零二二年八月前為公共政策學系)、澳門大學數據科學研究中心共同舉辦“數聚時代 智匯灣區”——粵港澳大學生公共治理數據分析大賽。
To respond to the new challenges and changing policy needs of our digital economy and society, and to further improve students' data analysis skills and strengthen their knowledge and understanding of data application in public administration and policy analysis, the School of Government and the Center for Public Administration Research at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, the Department of Public and International Affairs at City University of Hong Kong (the Department of Public Policy prior to August, 2022) , and the Center for Data Science at Macau University jointly organize the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Student Contest in Public Administration Data Analysis".
The event not only includes student competition but also "Big Data Analysis Training Camps". Experts and teams in big data analysis and related fields from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau are invited to conduct a series of training lectures, mentor students, and participate in the judging process of student projects.
Supporting Organisations
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