粵港澳公共治理數據分析大賽2023 (中學組)
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Public Administration Data Analytics Contests 2023 (Secondary Division)
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2023-09-21 |
「粵港澳公共治理數據分析大賽2023(中學組)」得獎名單得獎名單如下(排名不分先後): br> 香港區獎項: br>冠軍-香島中學:廖偉任、周曉玉、廖嘉榮、何青珩、李凌鋒 br> 亞軍-羅定邦中學:張舜霆、區雋逸、劉晉旗、倪綽霖、孫宇昊 br> 亞軍-寶血會上智英文書院:朱巧瑜、李若涵、劉萬晴、梁子雅、王玥 br> 季軍-寶血會上智英文書院:衛子敏、黃暉喬、余悅 br> 季軍-世界龍岡學校劉皇發中學:陳澤鍵、傳啟文、符策淵、關彥祖、李賢樂 br> 季軍-將軍澳官立中學:曾裕軒、沈傑、魏東源、劉嘉莉、朱肇保 br> 最佳團隊合作獎-香島中學:廖偉任、周曉玉、廖嘉榮、何青珩、李凌鋒 br> 優秀創新獎-寶血會上智英文書院:朱巧瑜、李若涵、劉萬晴、梁子雅、王玥 br> 優秀分析獎-羅定邦中學:張舜霆、區雋逸、劉晉旗、倪綽霖、孫宇昊 br> 優秀分析獎-獅子會中學:邵俊存、曾柏灝、梁偉濠、練旻昊 br> 最佳推動社會共融獎-吳學思、成思劼、王穎妍、林哲涵 br> 大灣區獎項: br>冠軍-深圳市福田區華強職業技術學校:許圳銘、楊景鵬、張昊烽 br> 亞軍-深圳市福田區華強職業技術學校:王梓、卿山嵘、李純淇、曾善美、劉子豪 br> 亞軍-香島中學:廖偉任、周曉玉、廖嘉榮、何青珩、李凌鋒 br> 季軍-深圳巿鯨帆港人子弟學校:黎東陽、王冠翔、盧智添、鍾俊煊 br> 季軍-羅定邦中學:張舜霆、區雋逸、劉晉旗、倪綽霖、孫宇昊 br> 籌委會在此再次恭喜所有得獎同學。 br> “The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Public Administration Data Analytics Contest 2023 (Secondary Division)” Awardees ListThe awardees list are as follows (in no particular order): br> The Hong Kong Region Contest: br>Champion – Heung To Middle School: Liu Wai Yam, Andy, Chau Hiu Yuk, Liu Ka Wing, Ho Ching Hang, Lee Ling Fung br> 1st Runner-up – Holy Trinity College: Chu Hau Yu, Li Yeuk Ham, Lau Cynthia, Leung Tsz Nga, Wang Yue br> 1st Runner-up – Law Ting Pong Secondary School: Chang Shun Ting, Au Chun Yat, Lau Chun Kei, Ngai Cheuk Lam, Sun Yu Ho br> 2nd Runner-up – Holy Trinity College: Wai Tsz Man Cherry, Wong Kylie, Yu Yuet Jamie br> 2nd Runner-up – Lung Kong WFSL Lau Wong Fat Secondary School: Chen Zejian, Fu Qiwen, Fu Chak Yuen, Guan Yanzu, Lee Xian Le br> 2nd Runner-up – Tseung Kwan O Secondary School: Ngai Tung Yuen, Shen Kit, Tsang Yu Hin, Lau Ka Lee, Chu Siu Po br> Best Team Work Award - Heung To Middle School: Liu Wai Yam, Andy, Chau Hiu Yuk, Liu Ka Wing, Ho Ching Hang, Lee Ling Fung br> Outstanding Innovation Award - Holy Trinity College: Chu Hau Yu, Li Yeuk Ham, Lau Cynthia, Leung Tsz Nga, Wang Yue br> Outstanding Innovation Award - Huaqiang Vocational and Technical School: 許圳銘、楊景鵬、張昊烽 br> Outstanding Analytics Award - Law Ting Pong Secondary School: Chang Shun Ting, Au Chun Yat, Lau Chun Kei, Ngai Cheuk Lam, Sun Yu Ho br> Outstanding Analytics Award – Lions College: Siu Chun Chuen, Tsang Pak Ho, Leung Wai Ho, Lin Man Ho br> Best Promotion of Social Inclusiveness Award – Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall): UNG Hoshi, Shing Sze Hun, Wang Wing In, Lin Zhehan br> Best Promotion of Social Inclusiveness Award – Huaqiang Vocational and Technical School: 王梓、卿山嵘、李純淇、曾善美、劉子豪 br> GBA Regional Contest: br>Champion - Huaqiang Vocational and Technical School: 許圳銘、楊景鵬、張昊烽 br> 1st Runner-up - Huaqiang Vocational and Technical School: 王梓、卿山嵘、李純淇、曾善美、劉子豪 br> 1st Runner-up - Heung To Middle School: Liu Wai Yam, Andy, Chau Hiu Yuk, Liu Ka Wing, Ho Ching Hang, Lee Ling Fung br> 2nd Runner-up – Shenzhen Kingfan Hong Kong Children School: 黎東陽、王冠翔、盧智添、鍾俊煊 br> 2nd Runner-up - Law Ting Pong Secondary School: Chang Shun Ting, Au Chun Yat, Lau Chun Kei, Ngai Cheuk Lam, Sun Yu Ho br> The organising committee would like to once again congratulate all the awardees. |
2023-08-02 |
公佈大灣區比賽結果主辦方將於2023年9月3日(星期日)前向各參賽隊伍公佈大灣區獲獎名單。Announcement of the winners of the GBA Region ContestThe organiser will announce the winners of the Hong Kong Region to participating teams before 3 Sep 2023. |
2023-08-02 |
公佈香港區比賽結果主辦方將於2023年8月20日前向各參賽隊伍公佈香港區獲獎名單,勝出參賽隊伍可因應需要之語言作微調,並通過電郵提交最新報告及短片到大賽郵箱,大灣區的報告提交截止時間為2023年8月27日(星期日)。主辦方將在提交截止時間後審核並取消存在抄襲或其他不合比賽要求提供報告之隊伍的參賽資格。Announcement of the winners of the Hong Kong Region ContestThe organiser will announce the winners of the Hong Kong Region to participating teams before 20 Aug 2023, and the winning teams can fine-tune the language used according to the GBA contest and submit the latest report and video to the organiser via email. The deadline for submission of the report for the GBA contest is 27 Aug 2023 (Sun). Participating teams that have plagiarism or other reports that do not meet the requirements of the contest will be reviewed and disqualified from the organiser after the submission deadline. |
2023-07-27 |
更新大灣區提交比賽作品截止日期大灣區提交作品的截止日期為2023年8月27日 (星期日) 晚上11時59分。Updates on the submission deadline of the GBA Region ContestThe submission deadline of the GBA Region Contest will postpone to 27 Aug 2023 (Sun) at 11:45 p.m. |
2023-07-27 |
延遲香港區提交比賽作品截止日期為配合大灣區內各中學之比賽事日程及比賽公平性,大賽籌委決定將香港區提交作品的截止日期推遲至2023年8月13日 (星期日) 晚上11時59分。Updates on the submission deadline of the HK Region ContestIn order to cooperate with the contest schedule and the fairness of the contest among secondary schools in the GBA, the organising committee has decided to postpone the submission deadline of the HK Region Contest to 13 Aug, 2023 (Sun) at 11:59 p.m. |
2023-06-24 |
「數據分析、智慧城市及共融社會的經驗實踐」講座由香港城市大學公共及國際事務學系及電機工程學系舉辦之講座已於6月23日(星期五)的下午4時半至6時於香港城市大學楊建文學術樓富先萬演講廳完滿進行,籌委會很榮幸邀請了施展毅博士作為是次講座的主講嘉賓。是次講座的題目為「數據分析、智慧城市及共融社會的經驗實踐」,施博士目前是Google的技術主管高級經理。此前,他是IBM T. J. Watson 研究中心和奧斯汀研究實驗室的研究員。施博士分享了其豐富的數據分析及智慧城市知識及經驗予同學們。 同場,籌委會亦邀請了香港城市大學公共及國際事務學系系主任何達基教授以及香港城市大學協理學務副校長(數碼學習)張澤松教授分享他們在數據分析、智慧城市及共融社會的研究及教學經驗,每一位參加者均得到豐碩的啟發。 籌委會在此感謝施博士、何教授及張教授為講座添上豐富的內容,亦感謝當天約50位出席講座的老師及同學們踴躍參與是次講座。講座的花絮已放到網頁內的活動內,歡迎各位查閱。 Seminar on “Data Analytics and Inclusive Smart City Experiences and Practice”The seminar organised by the Department of Public and International Affairs and the Department of Electrical Engineering of the City University of Hong Kong were successfully held on 23 June (Fri) from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the F.A.M Lecture Theatre, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building of the City University of Hong Kong. The organising committee is honoured to invite Dr. Cliff Sze as the guest speaker of the seminar on “Data Analytics and Inclusive Smart City Experiences and Practice”. Dr. Sze is currently a technical lead / engineering manager at Google. Previously, he was a research staff member at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Centre and the Austin Research Laboratory. Dr. Sze shared his rich data analysis and smart city knowledge and experience with the students. At the meantime, the organising committee also invited Prof. Alfred Ho, Head of Department of Public and International Affairs, City University of Hong Kong, and Prof. Ray Cheung, Associate Provost (Digital Learning) of City University of Hong Kong to share their research and teaching experiences on data analysis and inclusive smart city. Every participant has been richly inspired by all the speakers. The organising committee would like to sincerely thank you Dr. Sze, Prof. Ho, and Prof. Cheung for adding rich content to the seminar, and also thank all the participants who attended the seminar that day for their active participation in this seminar. The photos of the seminar have been placed in the event folder of our website, welcome to check it out. |
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2023-09-19 |
大賽頒獎禮(香港區及大灣區)時間:14:00 – 17:00(3小時)地點:The Space, 長沙灣長宜街9號D2 Place ONE 集合地點:長沙灣長宜街9號D2 Place ONE 集合時間:13:30 |
2023-07-06 - 2023-08-13 (按已編配之個別 日期及時間) |
報告擇寫及短片製作工作坊 (香港區)時間:10:00-12:00 或 14:00 – 16:00 或 16:00 – 18:00(每節2小時)地點:香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓電腦教室 集合地點:香港城市大學 近又一城出入口(時光隧道) 集合時間:09:45 或 13:45 或 15:45 |
2023-06-23 (Fri) |
「數據分析、智慧城市及共融社會的經驗實踐」講座(香港區)時間:16:30 – 18:00(1小時30分鐘)地點:香港城市大學楊建文學術樓富先萬演講廳 (LT8) 講座嘉賓:施展毅博士 主持人:何達基教授、張澤松博士 集合地點:香港城市大學 近又一城出入口(時光隧道) 集合時間:16:00 |
2023-06-17 (Sat) |
訓練工作坊 (三)(香港區)時間:14:00 – 17:00(3小時)地點:香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓電腦教室G600 主題:文字探勘 集合地點:香港城市大學 近又一城出入口(時光隧道) 集合時間:13:30 |
2023-06-10 (Sat) |
訓練工作坊 (二)(香港區)時間:14:00 – 17:00(3小時)地點:香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓電腦教室G600 主題:資料視覺化及數據分析方法 集合地點:香港城市大學 近又一城出入口(時光隧道) 集合時間:13:30 |
2023-06-03 (Sat) |
訓練工作坊 (一)(香港區)時間:14:00 – 17:00(3小時)地點:香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓電腦教室G600 主題:Python基本訓練 集合地點:香港城市大學 近又一城出入口(時光隧道) 集合時間:13:45 |
2023-06-01 (Thu) |
「粵港澳公共治理數據分析大賽2023(中學組)」比賽簡介 (第二節)
2023年6月1日 (星期四) |
2023-05-31 (Wed) |
「粵港澳公共治理數據分析大賽2023(中學組)」比賽簡介 (第一節)
時間:16:00 – 16:45 (約30至45分鐘) |
活動花絮 Photo Album
Recognition Ceremony of The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Public Administration Analytics Contests 2023
Seminar on Data Analytics and Inclusive Smart City Application Experience
Project Production Tutorial Workshop
Training Workshops
School Visits Promotion Workshop
(Holy Trinity College)
School Visits Promotion Workshop
(Heung To Middle School)
School Visits Promotion Workshop
(Lions College)
School Visits Promotion Workshop
(Law Ting Pong Secondary School)
粵港澳公共治理數據分析大賽2023 The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Public Administration Analytics Contests 2023 資助機構 Funding Organisation |
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聲明: 在本刊物/活動內 (或由項目小組成員) 表達的任何意見、研究成果、結論或建議,並不代表香港特別行政區政府、創新科技署或創新及科技基金一般支援計劃評審委員會的觀點。 |
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the Vetting Committee of the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund. |