Training Modules

中學組 Secondary Division

(訓練內容僅供參賽團隊參考之用 Training modules are for participating teams'reference only)

訓練工作坊(一): Python基本訓練 Training Workshop 1: Basic Training on Python

Download Training Material (Training Workshop 1)

第一部分: 安裝程式及Jupyter Notebook基礎訓練
Part 1: Software Installation and Basic Training
on Jupyter Notebook
第二部分: Python基本訓練
Part 2: Basic Training on Python
第三部分: 數據分析基礎訓練
Part 3: Basic Training on Data Analytics

訓練工作坊(二): 資料視覺化及數據分析方法 Training Workshop 2: Data Visualisation and Analytical Approaches

Download Training Material (Training Workshop 2)

第一部分: 數據分析方法
Part 1: Data Analytics Method
第二部分: Python的數據個案分析
Part 2: Case Study Analysis on Python
第三部分: Python進階分析
Part 3: Advanced Analysis on Python

訓練工作坊(三): 文字探勘 Training Workshop 3: Text Mining

Download Training Material (Training Workshop 3)

第一部分: 文字探勘(一)
Part 1: Text Mining I
第二部分: 文字探勘(二)
Part 2: Text Mining II
第三部分: 文字探勘(三)
Part 3: Text Mining III
粵港澳公共治理數據分析大賽2023   The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Public Administration Analytics Contests 2023

資助機構 Funding Organisation

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Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the Vetting Committee of the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund.