Poster Presentation (C)
Check out the video samples under “Poster Presentation” to see how you can communicate with the audience successfully in a presentation. You may then test your understanding by taking the following True/False exercise!
1. Smiling can be a sign of confidence.
2. Using body gestures or hand movements makes your presentation more natural.
3. We have to read our poster constantly to deliver an accurate presentation.
4. We should face our poster instead of the audience since this is easier for us to present our information.
5. We may put stress on specific words to emphasize certain points.
6. Presenters usually stand next to their posters during presentation.
7. We should maintain a constant tone throughout our presentation.
8. We should not point at any parts of the poster during our presentation since the audience already know which part we are presenting.
9. Making eye contact with the audience is essential.
10. We need to rely on note card(s) to make sure our presentation is smooth and well-versed.