Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy

brings together the key CityUHK researchers working in diverse fields to spearhead and hasten the development of state-of-the-art technologies
for clean energy.

Mapping a Sustainable Pathway Towards the Net-zero

HKICE sits in the heart of Hong Kong, an ideal place to deploy and demonstrate smart city initiatives. We have formed strong collaborations with leading companies in Europe and Mainland China. These companies will help bridge the advanced fundamental study and champion cell/module development performed in HKICE and their strong up-scaling and manufacturing capabilities to ensure the developed materials, processes, and devices can be evaluated and integrated with their production.

HKICE has also actively collaborated with several world experts in this field on computation, material processing, characterization, and device physics and fabrication to cover all aspects of scientific challenges. In addition, the institute will also work with the industry to explore new applications of different energy devices, including solar farms, rooftop and building integrated PV (BIPV), the power source for Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors, and automobiles. This will provide universal access to efficient, unlimited, and environmental-friendly energy production.

The success of this development will put Hong Kong in a strategic position to advance cutting-edge research and technology in solar energy to create an enormous global impact. With key CityUHK researchers working in diverse fields, we spearhead and hasten the development of state-of-the-art technologies for clean energy. It will harness the world-class research strengths and leading works in the following area:

Research Focus

Solar Cells Technologies
▪ Novel Solar Power with Perovskite PVs and Organic (-Inorganic Hybrid) PVs
▪ Multi-junction, Flexible, and Semi-transparent PVs
▪ Solar Device upscaling
▪ Solar Modules Development and Reliability Assessments
▪ Comprehensive stability assessments
▪ Building Integrated PVs
▪ Agrivoltaic Technologies 

Other Clean Energy Generation
▪ Tidal Wave Energy
▪ Thermoelectricity
▪ Green Nuclear 

Advanced Batteries Technologies
▪ High-energy Ion-based Batteries
▪ Aqueous Electrolyte Batteries for Large-scale Energy Storage
▪ Supercapacitors and Hybrid Capacitors
▪ Battery Safety and Reliability

Hydrogen Generation and Energy Fuels 
▪ Hydrogen Generation and Fuel Cells
▪ Solutions for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles and Grid Cells
▪ Biorefinery Technologies
▪ Smart CO₂ Utilization and Conversion 

Heat Treatment
▪ Thermoelectric and Thermal Management
▪ Energy Saving and Environmental-friendly Solutions
Electronics Devices for power management
▪ Power-saving Optoelectronic Devices and Sensors
▪ Fast and Low-powered Network Communication 

Grid Technologies and Power Electronics
▪ Renewables Integration and Microgrid Technologies
▪ Multi-energy Systems and Grids
▪ Machine Intelligence for Power Electronics

Smart Electronics and System Integration
▪ IoT-enabled Power Management Systems
▪ Wearable Electronics and/ or Bioelectronics for Healthcare 

Green Urban Infrastructure
▪ Transportation Electrification
▪ Smart and Sustainable Green Buildings
▪ New Communication Technologies
▪ Solar Seawater Desalination 

Waste Treatment
▪ Wastewater Reuse and Resource Recovery
▪ Carbon Dioxide Reduction
▪ Energy and Carbon Management

Energy Assessment and Analysis
▪ Trend Assessment on Energy Portfolio, Technology, Industry, and Policy
▪ Techno-Economic Analysis
▪ Socio-technological Assessment 

Policy Strategies on Clean Energy Development
▪ Trend Assessment on Energy Technology, Industry, and Policy
▪ Environmental and Social Impact Evaluation
▪ Sustainability Analysis in Energy
▪ Energy Technology Policy Strategies 

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