P12: Gravity's Secrets Unveiled: A Journey into the Abyss of Black Holes (揭開重力的祕密:踏入黑洞的深淵之旅)

After an overview of fundamental concepts in the modern understanding of gravity, we will delve into two commonly asked questions: How did Einstein's theory of general relativity predict the existence of black holes, and what happens when an object falls into a black hole? By exploring these intriguing inquiries, we aim to shed light on the fascinating predictions and consequences associated with Einstein's groundbreaking theory.

介紹現代重力理論中的基本概念之後,我們將探討兩個常見的問題: 愛因斯坦的廣義相對論如何預測了黑洞的存在?物體掉入黑洞時會怎樣?通過探索這些有趣的問題,我們旨在更深入地理解愛因斯坦的開創性理論及其意義。

Speaker: Prof. Sung Ching Sam WONG
Target Audience: Form 3 - 6
Duration: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Medium of Language: English or Cantonese or Mandarin

Registration: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/csci/local-school-outreach/popular-science-talks