C05: How the Periodic Table Can Nearly Explain Everything (元素周期表如何近乎解釋一切)

If you want to understand how our world works, the periodic table holds the answers. This talk will take you on a journey through the history of the periodic table, from ancient times when people only knew a handful of elements to the present day, where scientists have used nuclear chemistry to create new elements and complete the table. You'll also get answers to intriguing questions like: What would be the chemical symbol for a human? What happens if you mix all the elements together? Which liquid can go through walls? 

想了解我們的世界是如何運作嗎? 答案就在元素週期表裡。本演講將帶您回顧元素週期表的歷史: 古代的人類只知道少數元素,是如何走到科學家能利用核化學來創造新元素並完成元素週期表的現代? 您還將知道一些有趣問題的答案,例如人類的化學符號是什麼?如果將所有元素混合一起會發生什麼?什麼液體可以穿過牆壁呢?

Speaker: Prof. Jijian XU
Target Audience: Form 4 - 6
Duration: 45 - 60 minutes
Medium of Language: English / Mandarin

Registration: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/csci/local-school-outreach/popular-science-talks