C01: Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs in Hong Kong (馬蹄蟹在香港的保育現况) 

In March 2019, the Chinese horseshoe crab is updated from “data deficient” to “endangered” in the IUCN red list. The talk will introduce to the audience the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Red List, the basic biology and ecology of horseshoe crabs, their significance to human beings, the risk of extinction, and the conservation work being done in Hong Kong.

在2019年3月,中國鱟(馬蹄蟹)在國際自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄中,從「資料缺乏」 被更新為「瀕危」。這個講座會介紹甚麼是紅色名錄、馬蹄蟹的生物學和生態學知識、牠們對人類的重要性、滅絕危機,和香港在保育馬蹄蟹所做的工作。

Speaker: Prof. Siu Gin CHEUNG
Target Audience: Form 1 - 6
Duration: 1 hour
Medium of Language: English or Cantonese

Registration: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/csci/local-school-outreach/popular-science-talks