Sending/Viewing Confidential Email with Microsoft Outlook 2016 for Mac OS

How to setup Outlook 2016 for sending/viewing confidential email?

  1. Login to Microsoft 365 Outlook Web App (OWA)
    Staff may find the links to OWA at Email homepage, or directly at the following URL:
  2. In OWA, click the Settings icon in the top-right corner and select Microsoft 365 settings.

  3. In Microsoft 365 settings page, click Install and manage software under Software section.

  4. Scroll down to the end of page, and you should find Office 2016 for Mac. Click Install to download Office 2016 to your Mac.

  5. It may take 30-60 minutes to download. You may check the download status by clicking the download icon of your browser.

  6. When the download is completed, double click Microsoft_Office_2016_Installer.pkg of the download list.

  7. The following installation dialog box will be shown. Please follow the instruction to complete the installation.

  8. When the installation is completed, click Close to close the dialog box and you should find Office 2016 (including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook) in the Launch Pad and Application folder.

  9. When you start Outlook for the first time, it will ask you to add account or import old settings. Select Add Account and click Exchange or Microsoft 365.

  10. Uncheck Configure automatically, enter the following settings, and click Add Account.

    • Email address: (e.g.
    • Password: your email password
    • User name: (e.g.
    • Server:

  11. Outlook will then setup your mailbox for you
  12. If you have received a Confidential Email, click the email and you should find a Verify Credentials button.

  13. Click Verify Credentials and enter your email address in the format and your password; make sure the option Keep me signed in is checked, and click the Sign in button.

How to send confidential email to staff?

  1. Click New Email.

  2. Add CityU recipient(s) with email addresses in domain.

  3. Include the keyword #classified (case insensitive) in the email Subject field.
    (Or you may select the Options tab, click Permissions and then select CityU - #classified email instead.)

  4. If MS Office documents (Word/Excel/PowerPoint/InfoPath/XPS) are attached, they will be automatically protected with the same restricted access permission even when they are downloaded/detached from the email. But PDF and image type (PNG/JPEG/GIF) attachments will not be protected if they are downloaded/detached from the email. To share protected PDF and image files by email, please use RMS sharing application.

  5. If you would like to send confidential email as read-only email (i.e. recipient(s) cannot print, edit, or forward the email), select the Options tab, click Permissions and then select CityU - Read-Only (the label #classified is optional as all read-only email is encrypted by default).

  6. Click Send.

How to send confidential email to students, alumni and external parties?

  1. Click New Email.

  2. Add recipient(s) outside domain.

  3. Include the keyword #external (case insensitive) in the email Subject field.
    (Detailed information on the use of #classified and #external keywords can be found here.)

  4. Note: Attachments are encrypted with the email, but they are not natively protected with restricted access permission (i.e. they will NOT be encrypted/protected if they are downloaded/detached from the email)

  5. Click Send.

How to view confidential email?

When receiving confidential email with #external keyword, CityU email system will decrypt it automatically prior to delivering it to your mailbox. You can consider it as normal email (for external recipients to view/reply to confidential email with #external keyword, please refer to here.).

When you receive confidential email from internal senders, Outlook displays it with an icon

  1. When you select the email item, you may see

  2. Click Verify Credentials and enter your email address in the format and your password; make sure the option Keep me signed in is checked, and click the Sign in button.

How to reply confidential email?

You can reply to confidential email as replying to normal email. Replied email is confidential as well.

Note: When receiving confidential emails with #external keyword, CityU email system will decrypt it automatically prior to delivering it to your mailbox. To reply to this type of email with encryption, please make sure the keyword #external (case insensitive) is included in the email subject.