Microsoft 365 New Storage Limits

We would like to bring to your attention the announcement made by Microsoft regarding "Changes to storage offerings across Microsoft 365 Education" in August 2023. This policy will have an impact on higher education institutions worldwide.

In light of this storage policy change and the rapid growth of users at CityU, we will be implementing new storage limits for Microsoft 365 on 1st January 2025.

Email and OneDrive Storage limits will be adjusted to:

  Staff Student Alumni Retiree
Email Storage Limit 50 GB 20 GB 20 GB 20 GB
OneDrive Storage Limit 100 GB 25 GB Nil Nil

To ensure compliance with the new storage limits, we kindly ask that you check your M365 email and OneDrive storage usage. It would be greatly appreciated if you could perform necessary housekeeping tasks, such as deleting any unused emails or files, as well as archiving or backing up emails and files to an external storage device. This will help to free up valuable M365 storage space.

If you are unsure of how to check your M365 email and OneDrive storage usage, we have provided a guide on our website to assist you:

How to check my M365 (email and OneDrive) storage usage


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