Frequently Asked Questions on Google Workspace for CityU

  1. What services can I get from Google Workspace?

    Google Workspace is communication & collaboration applications designed for use by education institutions but hosted at Google. It includes the following services and features:

    • Provide web-based Email with Google Search and spam protection through Google Mail (or Gmail)
      • Email address will bear the University domain name, i.e. "<Your-EID>"
    • Supports POP3 for popular Email clients
    • Share calendars on-line through Google Calendar
    • Create and share documents, spreadsheets and presentations through Google Docs
    • Exchange instant messaging and make voice calls through Google Talk
    • Provide team website support through Google Sites
    • No advertisements will come with the services for current staff and students
    • Commit to comply with policies and practice for service safety and privacy
    • Smartphone/PDA support ready
  2. What is the relationship of this service with the other University provided Email services?

    Google Workspace, like msLive, is considered a supplementary Email service for staff and students for enriching your social networking experiences and collaborations with other university members as well as friends on the Internet. The existing University Email service (i.e. "" and "") will still be used for conducting University business and communicating with students and staff.

  3. Who is entitled to use the Google Workspace?

    All University staff and students are eligible to enjoy the service. Accounts for accessing this service will be provided upon successful application. However, when you leave the University, the Google Workspace account will be expired and removed.

  4. How can I apply for a Google Workspace account?

    You may apply for a Google Workspace account from the Email Services homepage

  5. What is the username notation of the Google Workspace account?

    The username or account name will be in the format "<EID>" where <EID> is the Electronic ID of the user. Since the service is hosted by Google, and for security reasons, you are recommended to supply a different password from the account you use in the University Email service (i.e. <EID> for staff or <EID> for students).

  6. Will the University use the Google Workspace account to communicate with us?

    Except for information related to the Google Workspace services or account management, all formal University information will be dispatched via the University Email service (i.e. <EID> for staff or <EID> for students).

  7. How can I start using the Google Workspace account?

    Account will normally be ready either 2 hours after successful applications made between 9:00am – 8:00pm on the same day, or early next day if the application is made after 8:00pm. You may go to the following site for the account activation and subsequent logons.

  8. Should I use the Google Workspace account to conduct University related business?

    Although Google has declared that they will protect the data and privacy for this service, the University recommends all users to refrain from using the Google Workspace account to conduct university related business. In fact, all sensitive information should be carefully handled and should not be sent through any Email, including the University Email service, without proper encryption.

  9. Is there any storage limit for Google storage space?

    Effective from 15 June 2022, Google storage quota is set to 20GB for all users.

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