1. Core Courses (45 credit units)
15 credit units are waived for students admitted into Advanced Standing II including courses CS2115, CS2204, CS2310, CS3201, JC2066
Required CS Courses - 40 credit units
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS2312 | Problem Solving and Programming | 3 | | CS2611 | Seminars on Contemporary Technology I | 1 | | CS3103 | Operating Systems | 3 | | CS3334 | Data Structures | 3 | | CS3342 | Software Design | 3 | | CS3343 | Software Engineering Practice | 3 | | CS3402 | Database Systems | 3 | | CS3505 | IT Professional Internship | 9 | | CS4335 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 3 | | CS4514 | Project | 9 | |
Required Supporting Courses - 5 credit units |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
MA2185 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 | | EN4262 | English Communication Skills for Computing | 2 | |
2. Electives: (15 credit units)
Electives: minimum 15 credit units from these electives Students may choose any of the streams by taking 3 courses of the selected stream. For those who do not want to focus on a selected stream, they can take any 5 elective courses from the list.
Artificial Intelligence Stream : Stream Core
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS4486 | Artificial Intelligence | 3 | | CS4487 | Machine Learning | 3 | *Same course |
Choose one out of the following three courses: |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS4186 | Computer Vision and Image Processing | 3 | #Same course | CS4386 | AI Game Programming | 3 | | CS4493 | Natural Language Processing | 3 | |
Data Science Stream: Stream Core
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS3481 | Fundamentals of Data Science | 3 | | CS4480 | Data-Intensive Computing | 3 | | CS4487 | Machine Learning | 3 | *Same course |
Cybersecurity Stream : Stream Core |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS4286 | Internet Security and e-Commerce Protocols | 3 | | CS4293 | Topics in Cybersecurity | 3 | | CS4394 | Information Security and Management | 3 | |
Multimedia Computing Stream : Stream Core |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS3483 | Multimodal Interface Design | 3 | | CS4182 | Computer Graphics | 3 | |
Choose one out of the following five courses:
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS3189 | User-centred Interaction Design | 3 | | CS4185 | Multimedia Technologies and Applications | 3 | | CS4186 | Computer Vision and Image Processing | 3 | #Same course | CS4187 | Computer Vision for Interactivity | 3 | | CS4188 | Virtual Reality | 3 | |
Software Engineering and Project Management Stream : Stream Core
Choose three out of the following four courses: |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS3346 | Software Testing and Maintenance | 3 | | CS3356 | Managing Software Projects | 3 | Exclusive with IS4500 | CS4348 | Software Quality Management | 3 | | CS4389 | Decentralized Applications Development | 3 | |
Other Electives |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS3185 | Computer Architecture | 3 | | CS3283 | Distributed Systems | 3 | | CS3382 | Web Usability Design and Engineering | 3 | | CS3391 | Advanced Programming | 3 | | CS4280 | Advanced Internet Applications Development | 3 | | CS4284 | Mobile Computing | 3 | | CS4285 | High Speed Multimedia Networks | 3 | | CS4288 | Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols | 3 | | CS4289 | Pervasive Computing | 3 | | CS4295 | Mobile Application Programming | 3 | | CS4296 | Cloud Computing | 3 | | CS4297 | Cloud Robotics and Automation | 3 | | CS4298 | iOS Application Development | 3 | | CS4367 | Computer Games Design | 3 | | CS4381 | Advanced Software Design | 3 | | CS4385 | Topics in Software Engineering | 3 | | CS4482 | Advanced Database Systems | 3 | | CS4485 | Information Retrieval | 3 | | CS4552 | Guided Study | 3 | | MA2172 | Applied Statistics for Sciences and Engineering | 3 | |