College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Welcome to CLASS

Welcome to the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) at City University of Hong Kong. The humanities and social sciences examine human-values and form an essential aspect of education and research that solves the challenges facing the global community. Understanding human complexity is central to cultivate our talented students to unleash their full potential, tackle the needs of our ever-changing world and make positive impact in society.

Celebration of Achievements
  • 37th

    Social Policy & Administration

  • 38th


  • 48th

    Communication & Media Studies

Discover more about CLASS
Date: 2025-03-16
Time: 1230 - 1600
Venue: 中環站J出口
Student Activity
Date: 2025-03-17
Time: 1600 - 1730
Venue: Multimedia Laboratory (M5055), 5/F, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, CityUHK
Date: 2025-03-17
Time: 1900 - 2030
Venue: 香港城市大學楊建文學術樓四樓陳振東演講廳 (LT-11)
CLASS in the media
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Feel free to reach CLASS via the following platforms.