Research Overview

We strive to become a leading centre for biomedical education and cutting-edge research on biomedical sciences with focus on cancer biology and therapy, genomics and bioinformatics, vascular, metabolic and regenerative biology, and infectious diseases and immunity.

Our mission


  • To provide cutting-edge technology and friend-environment for equipping both undergraduate and postgraduate students with independent thinking, creativity, practical skills, and problem-solving abilities to meet the demands of and contribute to society and the modern knowledge-based economy.
  • To carry out internationally-competitive research and promote interdisciplinary collaborations to understand fundamental mechanisms of biological processes, and to translate new discoveries and inventions into novel diagnostics and therapeutics for human diseases.
Our fields

Research Focus

Cancer Biology & Therapy Integrating multidisciplinary approaches including molecular and cell biology, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and biomaterials and nanotechnology to understand fundamental mechanisms of cancer biology, and to develop novel tools for early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The specific topics include cancer stem cells, cancer microenvironment, cell migration and metastasis, epigenetics, microRNA and exosomes, cell signaling and regulatory networks, and precision cancer medicine.
Geonomics & Bioinformatics Employing a full range of modern principles and techniques in Genomics and Bioinformatics, and leveraging the inter-disciplinary collaborations in the Cancer Biology, Vascular, Metabolic and Regenerative Biology, and Infectious Diseases and Immunity, to systemically study fundamental mechanisms of all human diseases.
Vascular, Metabolic and Regenerative Biology Using innovative and comprehensive approaches in cell therapy, gene therapy, tissue engineering, and biomaterials and nanotechnology to generate, synthesize, engineer and enhance human tissues and organs for treatment of human diseases. The specific topics include heart regeneration, neuron and nerve regeneration, retinal regeneration, and hematopoietic regeneration.
Infectious Diseases & Immunity Supporting the University's One-Health Initiative and collaborating with the Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences (JCC) to develop research programs in host-pathogen interactions, immunity, antibiotics resistance, virus and bacteria virulence, and epidemiology on infectious pathogens between humans and animals.
BMS experts

Faculty’s Research Areas

Our members have strong record in obtaining competitive external grants such as ECS, GRF, CRF, NSFC, HMRF and MOST 973 project.

8 July 2024