HUANG, Yu (黃聿)


Chair Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Vascular Biology

Jeanie Hu Professorship in Biomedical Sciences

MPhil & PhD (University of Cambridge)

BSc (Fudan University Shanghai Medical School)

Yu Huang is the Jeanie Hu Professor of Biomedical Sciences and the Chair Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Vascular Biology at City University of Hong Kong, where he leads the Department of Biomedical Sciences. He received a BSc degree from Fudan University Shanghai Medical College and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. Prior to joining CityU in 2021, he was a A3 Professor of Biomedical Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the founding Director (Basic Sciences) of the Heart and Vascular Institute. He received the inaugural Senior Research Fellow Award from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council in 2020.

Prof. Huang was previously the President of the Asian Society for Vascular Biology from 2010 to 2018, and the Vice-President of the Chinese Society for Vascular Medicine from 2015 to 2021. He currently holds the position of Vice-President of the Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences (2022–) and the Vice-President of the Chinese Section of International Society for Heart Research (2016–). He is Member of the Scientific Committee, State Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease in China in 2022 and The Member of the Committee of Experts on National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases in China in 2019.

He is an elected Fellow of

  • The International Society for Heart Research in 2019
  • The International Union of Physiological Sciences Academy in 2023
  • The British Pharmacological Society in 2023

He is a Member of the Grant Review Panel for several prestigious organizations including

  • The Hong Kong Research Grants Council
  • The Health and Medical Research Fund of the Hong Kong Government
  • The Innovation and Technology Fund of the Hong Kong Government
  • The Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Chair of the Review Panel on Biomedical Sciences for the University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant

He has worked as an editor, guest editor, associate editor, and member of the editorial board for 18 SCI-indexed journals, including the British Journal of Pharmacology (as editor) and Circulation Research (as associate editor). He has reviewed grant proposals for over 35 funding agencies in 14 countries and regions.

The aim of Huang’s team is to investigate the cellular and molecular processes that cause endothelial cell dysfunction in high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. They also aim to find new biomarkers for vascular disease and to discover ways to reverse vascular dysfunction in animal models of cardio-metabolic disorders. He has co-authored 493 publications in SCI-indexed journals including Nature, Science, Cell Metabolism, Circulation Research, European Heart Journal, PNAS, Diabetes, Hypertension, ATVB, Stroke, Kidney International, etc. His work has earned him over 33,100 citations on Google Scholar (an h-index of 95).

Selected Awards

  • 2024 Peter Harris Distinguished Scientist Award of the International Society for Heart Research
  • Outstanding Contribution Award, Chinese Society for Vascular Medicine, Chinese Association of Pathophysiology in 2021
  • 2020 Wuxi PharmaTech Life Science and Chemistry Scholar Award in China
  • Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (first-class) in 2019 by the Ministry of Education in China
  • Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (second-class) in 2017 and 2012 by the Ministry of Education in China
  • The State Natural Science Award (second-class) in China in 2015
  • The Croucher Senior Research Fellowship from the Croucher Foundation in Hong Kong in 2014

Selected Key Lectures

  • The Bei Shi Zhang Lecture from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2023
  • A Keynote Lecture at the 19th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WCP2023) in Glasgow, Scotland in 2023
  • The Asian Lecture on Vascular Biology, The Asian Society for Vascular Biology, Shanghai in 2018
  • The Robert F. Furchgott Lecture in Zurich in 2013
  • The Office of Life Sciences Distinguished Lecture at the National University of Singapore, Singapore in 2007

He is also the Visiting, Guest, or Adjunct Professor (past and present) of 13 universities, institutes and hospitals including

  • Fudan University Shanghai Medical School
  • University of Technology and Science of China
  • Macau University
  • University of Malaya
  • Capital Medical University
  • Peking University, School of Basic Medical Sciences
  • Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College
  • Third Military Medical University
  • Jinan University
  • Xi’an Jiaotong University Medical Centre

黃聿是香港城市大學生物醫學胡梁子慧生物醫學教授、生物醫學和血管生物學講座教授、生物醫學系系主任。他於復旦大學上海醫學院獲得學士學位,並於劍橋大學獲得博士學位。在2021年加入香港城市大學之前,他是香港中文大學生物醫學A3級講座教授,也是心血管研究所的創始所長 (基礎科學)。

黃聿教授曾擔任亞洲血管生物學會主席 (2010–2018) 和中國血管醫學專業委員會副主任委員 (2015–2021)。目前,他是中國生理學會副理事長 (2022–) 和國際心臟研究學會中國分會副主席 (2016–)。黃聿教授於2019年被選為國際心臟研究學會Fellow,於2020年獲得首屆香港研究資助局高級研究員獎,2023年被推選為國際生理科學聯合會生理學院Fellow以及英國藥理學會Fellow。他還是心血管疾病國家重點實驗室學術委員會委員和中國國家心血管專家委員會委員。

黃教授擔任多個基金組織的評審小組成員,包括香港研究資助局、香港醫療衛生研究基金、中國自然科學基金委員會、香港創新及科技基金,也是澳門大學生物醫學科學評審小組主席。他曾先後在18個SCI學術期刊擔任編輯、客座編輯、副主編和編委,包括循環研究副主編。此外,他評審過14個國家和地區的35個研究資助機構的基金申請標書。黃教授先後被12所大學和研究所聘為客座教授,其中包括復旦大學上海醫學院,中國科學技術大學,澳門大學,馬拉亞大學, 上海交通大學醫學院, 北京大學基礎醫學院, 西安交通大學醫學院。(

黃教授團隊的研究聚焦於高血壓、肥胖和糖尿病等疾病中引發內皮細胞功能障的細胞和分子生物學過程,旨在發現血管發病機制的新型生物標記物,從而在血管-代謝紊亂疾病動物模型中開發能夠逆轉血管功能障礙的新途徑。他已發表493篇SCI論文,論文發表雜誌包括​​Nature、Science、Cell Metabolism、Circulation Research、European Heart Journal、PNAS、Diabetes、Hypertension、ATVB、Stroke,總被引用超過33,100次,H-指數是95 (Google Scholar Citation)。

黃聿教授曾榮獲中國病理生理學會血管醫學專業委員會傑出貢獻獎 (2021), 2020年度藥明康德生命化學研究獎,由國家教育部頒發的高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎 (2019年度自然科學獎一等獎,2012和2017年度自然科學獎二等獎),中國國家自然科學獎二等獎 (2015),香港裘槎基金會裘槎優秀科學研究者獎 (2014)。

他擔任主講嘉賓,受邀在貝時璋講座 (中國科學技術大學,2023)、第十九屆世界基礎與臨床藥理學大會主題演講 (WCP2023,格拉斯哥,蘇格蘭)、亞洲血管生物學講座 (亞洲血管生物學大會, 上海,2018)、The Robert F. Furchgott 講座 (蘇黎世,2013) 和新加坡國立大學傑出學人講座 (2007)。

Researcher Profiles

  • Shanghai First Medical College, CHINA (Fudan University Shanghai Medical College since 2002)
    Degree awarded (1983): Bachelor of Science
  • Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, UK
    Degree awarded (1985): Master of Philosophy
  • Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, UK
    Degree awarded (1988): Doctor of Philosophy
  • American Heart Association Post-doctoral Research Fellow Vermont-affiliated (1988–1991), Department of Pharmacology, University of Vermont, USA
  • Post-doctoral Research Physiologist (1991–1993), Department of Physiology, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

  • Senior Research Fellow, Hong Kong Research Grants Council
    (香港研究資助局高級研究學者獎, 2020)
  • Fellow, International Society for Heart Research (2019)
  • Croucher Senior Research Fellow
    (裘槎基金會裘槎優秀科研者獎, 2014)
  • Associate Editor, Circulation Research (American Heart Association)
  • Editor, British Journal of Pharmacology (British Pharmacological Society)
  • Adjunct Professor, School of Life Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2021–)

  • Endothelial and Metabolic Dysfunction, and Novel Biomarkers in Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Estrogen Deficiency
  • Endothelium-derived Factors in the Regulation of Vascular Tone
  • Adipose Tissue Regulation of Vascular Function in Obesity, Diabetes and Hypertension
  • Ischemic Stroke and Neuronal Damage
  • Diabetic Kidney Dysfunction
  • Pharmacological Characterization of New Anti-diabetic and Anti-hypertensive Drugs. Hypotensive and antioxidant Actions of Biologically Active Components of Traditional Chinese Herbs and Natural Plants

  • Member of the Biology and Medicine Panel, Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Hong Kong (December 2017–)
  • Member of the Grant Review Board, Health and Medical Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government (2013–)
  • Panel Member of University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant in Engineering and Science (2013–2020)
  • Chair of the Review Panel on Biomedical Sciences, University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant (2020–)
  • Academic Committee Member of the Hong Kong Scholar Programme (香江學者計劃, 2011–)
  • Secretary (Internal Affair, 2011–2013), Vice-President (External Affair, 2013–2021), Council Member (2021–) for The Society of Hong Kong Scholars
  • Regular reviewer of manuscripts for 238 international journals and of abstracts for 12 international conferences
  • Regular reviewer of grant proposals for 26 granting agencies of 11 countries and regions
  • 370 invited lectures and seminars at international, regional and local conferences on vascular research
  • Elected voting member of the five-member Membership Committee, the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (2006–10, reelected 2010–14, reelected 2014–2018)
  • Corresponding member of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) Committee on Receptor Nomenclature and Drug Classification (NC-IUPHAR) (2011–)
  • Secretary-General and the founding member of the Asian Society for Vascular Biology (2005–2010)
  • President, Asian Society for Vascular Biology (2010–2018)
  • Council Member, The Chinese Association of Pathophysiology (中國病理生理學會理事2010–)
  • Vice-President, The Chinese Society of Vascular Medicine, Chinese Association of Pathophysiology (中國病理生理學會血管醫學專業委員會副主任委員, 2015–2021)
  • Council Member of The Chinese Society of Vascular Medicine, Chinese Association of Pathophysiology (中國病理生理學會血管醫學專業委員會理事, 2021–)
  • Vice-President, The Chinese Section, International Society of Heart Research (國際心臟研究會中國分會副主席, 2016–2020)
  • Executive Council Member of The Chinese Section, International Society of Heart Research (國際心臟研究會中國分會常務理事, 2008–)
  • Council Member of International Society of Heart Research – Chinese Committee of Translational Medicine (國際心臟研究會中國轉化醫學工作委員會理事, 2014–2016)
  • Executive Council Member of International Society of Heart Research – Chinese Committee of Translational Medicine (國際心臟研究會中國轉化醫學工作委員會常務理事, 2016–2020)
  • Council Member, The Chinese Society of Cardiovascular Pathophysiology (中國病理生理學會心血管專業委員會理事, 2008–)
  • Executive Council Member, The Chinese Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Chinese Pharmacological Society (中國藥理學會心血管專業委員會常務理事, 2007–)
  • Elected Council Member, The Chinese Society of Circulatory Physiology, Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences (中國生理學會循環生理專業委員會理事, 2015–2019)
  • Executive Council Member, 2nd Board of Specialty Committee of TCM Pharmacology, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (世界中醫藥學會聯合會中藥藥理專業委員會常務理事, Jan 2014)
  • Hong Kong Representative at the Cardiovascular Conference across the Strait (2008–)
  • Executive Council Member (2000–2001) and Treasurer (2001–2008), Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences
  • Elected Executive Committee Member (2003–2005, 2012–), Honorary Secretary (2006–2008), and Treasurer, Hong Kong Pharmacology Society (2009–2011)
  • Member of Public Affair Committee, The Academy of Cardiovascular Research Excellence, USA (2003–)
  • Associate Director (Research), School of Biomedical Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2016–2.2020)
  • Associate Director (External Links), School of Biomedical Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2020 – 9.2021)
  • Assistant Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2006–7.2013)
  • Founding Director (Basic Sciences) of the Heart and Vascular Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2007 – 9.2021)
  • Chairman, Co-Chairman or Secretariat and Member of Organizing or Scientific Committee of international and regional conferences including Satellite Symposium to the World Congress of the International Society for Heart Research (Hong Kong, 2004), International Symposium on Mechanisms of Vasodilatation (Belgium, 2005), 11th International Symposium on Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms – the Official Satellite Symposium of the 15th World Congress of Pharmacology (main organizer, China, 2006), Scientific Meetings of Asian Society for Vascular Biology (China, 2005 & 2006, Singapore 2008, Hong Kong 2010, Xi’an China 2012, Hualien Taiwan, China 2016, Shanghai, China 2018), and Satellite Symposium to the World Congress of the International Society for the Heart Research and to the International Society of Hypertension (China, 2006); International Symposium on Basic Cardiology at The South China International Congress of Cardiology (China, 2006–), 9th and 10th International Symposium on Resistance Arteries (ISRA, Hamilton Island, Australia, 2008; Denmark 2011); 10th International Symposium on Mechanism of Vasodilatation (MOVD 2009, Sendai, Japan 2009); The 12th International Symposium on Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms (Odense, Denmark, 24–26 June 2010); Paul M Vanhoutte Research Symposium (November 2010); Endothelium-derived Hyperpolarizing Factor (EDHF) 2012 (Paris, France, 2012); 11th International Symposium on Mechanism of Vasodilatation (MOVD 2013, Zurich, Switzerland 2013); Joint Scientific Meetings of Asian Society for Vascular Biology and the 12th International Symposium on Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms (Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 2014); The Symposium on Natural Product: Neuro-Metabolic-Vascular Mechanisms at 17th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (Cape Town, South Africa, 2014); 12th International Symposium on Mechanism of Vasodilatation (MOVD 2016, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA 2016); Canada-China Symposium – ATVB 2016, Calgary, Canada 2016); 2019 World Congress of International Society for Heart Research (Beijing, China, 2019); 13th International Symposium on Mechanism of Vasodilatation and 7th International Symposium on Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization (Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2019); 14th International Symposium on Mechanism of Vasodilatation and 8th International Symposium on Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization (Hong Kong SAR, China, 2021); 22nd International Vascular Biology Meeting (IVBM, Oakland, CA, USA, 2022); 2022 World Congress of International Society for Heart Research, Berlin, Germany, 2022)

  • Outstanding Contribution Award, Chinese Society for Vascular Medicine, Chinese Association of Pathyphysiology (中國病理生理學會血管醫學專業委員會傑出貢獻獎), 3 July 2021
  • 2020 Wuxi PharmaTech Life Science and Chemistry Award – The Scholar Award (2020年度藥明康德生命化學研究獎學者獎)
  • 2020–2021 Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Senior Research Fellow Award (2020 – 2021年度香港研究資助局高級研究學者獎)
  • 2019 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (first-class award), The Ministry of Education, People Republic of China (2019年度高等學校科學研究优秀成果獎 – 自然科學一等獎)
  • UM Macao Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Macau (2019)
  • The elected Fellow of the International Society for Heart Research (ishr, 2019)
  • The 9th Asian Lecture on Vascular Biology at 8th Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Biology, Shanghai, 3 November 2018
  • 2017 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (second-class award), Ministry of Education, People Republic of China (2017年度高等學校科學研究优秀成果獎 – 自然科學二等獎, 2018)
  • Research Excellence Award 2016–2017, Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學研究卓越獎, 2017)
  • Second-class Award, The State Natural Science Award, China (中國國家自然科學獎二等獎, 2015)
  • Croucher Senior Research Fellowship Award (2014), Hong Kong Croucher Foundation (裘槎優秀科研者獎, 2014, 香港裘槎基金會)
  • The Robert F. Furchgott Lecture at the MOVD 2013 (11th International Symposium on Mechanisms of Vasodilatation), Zurich, Switzerland (4th October 2013)
  • First-class Award, The Natural Science Award, Chongqing Municipality Government (中國重慶市科學技術獎 – 自然科學獎一等獎, April 2013)
  • Research Excellence Award 2011–2012, Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學研究卓越獎, 2012)
  • 2011 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (second-class award), Ministry of Education, People Republic of China (2011年度高等學校科學研究优秀成果獎 – 自然科學二等獎, 2012)
  • The Office of Life Sciences Distinguished Lecture at National University of Singapore (26 April 2007)
  • Visiting or Distinguished Professorship for Fudan University Shanghai Medical College (2005); Xi’an Jiaotong University Medical Centre (2005); Center of Medical Sciences, Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital (2006); Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College (2007); Jinan University (2008–); Peking University, School of Basic Medical Sciences (2010); Third Military Medical University (2010); Shanghai TCM University affiliated Longhua Hospital (2011); Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung & Blood Vessel Diseases (2017). Member of Scientific Committee, Shanghai City Vascular Biology Key Laboratory (2007);
  • Visiting Professorship under Academic Icon Porgramme, University of Malaya (2012 – 2016)

  • Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong Government (HMRF, 2022–2025) Gut Microbiota Remodelling Contributes to the Aging-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction and Vascular Oxidative Stress HK$1,500,000, No. 08190776
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2022–2025) TGF-b2 ameliorates pulmonary arterial hypertension HK$1,513,122, No. 14100121
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – Senior Research Fellow Scheme (GRF, 2021–2025), HK$7,798,380, No. SRFS2021-4S04
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2021–2024) Endothelial cell Nrf2activation inhibits atherosclerosis HK$1,394,799, No. 14109720
  • Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong Government (HMRF, 2020–2023) Selective PPARα activation directly protects vascular function through inhibition of YAP/TAZ-mediated oxidative stress and inflammation HK$1,500,000, No. 07181286
  • Natural Science Foundation of China, Major Research Program on Vascular Homeostasis and Remodeling (國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫項目, Jan 2020 – Dec 2021) Hemodynamic regulation of atherogenesis: a mechanistic and intervention study on the basis of systems biology RMB 2,400,000; No. 91939302
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2020–2023) Scavenging mitochondrial ROS by UCP2 attenuates atherosclerosis through suppression of endoplasmic reticulum stress HK$1,517,507, No. 14112919
  • Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong Government (HMRF, 2019–2022) Artificial sweeteners improve vascular function and reduce oxidative stress in diabetes and obesity HK$1,500,000, No. 06173956
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2019–2022) Suppression of Hippo pathway mediates endothelial dysfunction through activating the BMP4-SMAD axis in metabolic disorder HK$868,956, No. 14109618
  • Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong Government (HMRF, 2018–2020) Involvement of the Hippo pathway as a novel mechanism underlying the beneficial effect of metformin against diabetic vasculopathy and insulin resistance HK$1,200,000, No. 05161746
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2018–2021) Targeting YAP/TAZ activation to ameliorates endothelial dysfunction in diabetic mice HK$1,126,512, CUHK 14164817)
  • Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong SAR Government (HMRF, 2017–2019) Novel lipid-lowering-independent benefits of statins against vascular dysfunction in metabolic syndrome 1,199,176 HK$, No.04153276
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – Collaborative Research Fund (CRF, 2017–2020) A multi-disciplinary study on the beneficial effects of PPARD in physical exercise against diabetic vascular complications: cellular crosstalk and energy metabolism HK$6,817,834,C4024-16W
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2017–2019) Targeting TFEB to reverse endothelial dysfunction in diabetic mice through inhibition of autophagy HK$1,317,102, CUHK 14124216)
  • Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong SAR Government (HMRF, 2016–2018) Molecular mechanisms of red wine resveratrol against metabolic vascular dysfunction 1,199,696 HK$, No.13140871
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) – National Health and Medical Science Council, Australia (NHMRC) Joint Research Scheme (2016–2020 Identifying the epigenomic fingerprint of coronary heart disease in Chinese adults with type 2 diabetes 3,500,000 RMB, No. 81561128017.
  • Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong SAR Government (HMRF, 2015–2017) Cellular mechanisms underlying the benefits of Danshen-derived salvianolic acid B against vascular inflammation and dysfunction in diabetes HK$999,916, No. 12134081
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2014–2017)Critical role of Smad signaling in mediating vascular inflammation anddysfunction in diabetes and obesity HK$959,868, CUHK14105814
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, 2013–2016) Cross-talk of the Toll-like receptor and bone morphogenic protein signaling and its function in metabolic vascular dysfunction RMB 1,600,000; No. 91339117.
  • Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong SAR Government (HMRF, 2013–2015) Investigation of In Vivo and In Vitro Vascular Benefits of Vitamin D in Mouse Model of Obesity and Diabetes' HK$993,920, No. 01122226.
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – Collaborative Research Fund (CRF, 2012–2015) Physical exercise promotes vascular health: impact of mechano-transduction and novel endothelium-derived regulators HK$7,700,000, CUHK2/CRF/12G
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2012–2015) Functional importance of PPARd and SIRT1 interaction in protecting endothelial function in diabetes and obesity HK$1,300,000, CUHK464712
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2011–2014) Endoplasmic reticulum stress mediates endothelial dysfunction in diabetes and obesity HK$1,000,000, CUHK465611
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (GRF, 2010–2013) Novel roles of uncoupling protein-2 against endothelial dysfunction and delayed endothelial regenerative repair in diabetes HK$1,247,290, CUHK466110

  • Associate Editor, Experimental Physiology (London, 2002–2003)
  • Editor, Experimental Physiology (London, 2003–2006)
  • Editor (Vascular), Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (Australia, 2007–2012)
  • Editor, Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics (Japan, 2008–)
  • Associate Editor, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology (Europe, 2012–2019)
  • Associate Editor, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (2014–2018)
  • Reviewer Editor, Frontiers in Pharmacotherapy of Inflammation (Switzerland, 2010–), Frontiers in Cardiovascular and Smooth Muscle Pharmacology (Switzerland, 2010–), Frontier in Vascular Physiology (Switzerland, 2010–) and Frontiers in Ethnopharmacology (Switzerland , 2013–)
  • Academic Editor, PLoS One (2011 – 2020, USA)
  • Co-Guest Editor for Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology (USA, 2014–2015)
  • Co-Guest Editor for British Journal of Pharmacology (UK, 2016–2017)
  • Editor for British Journal of Pharmacology (UK, Jan 2018 – Dec 2022)
  • Associate Editor, Circulation Research (American Heart Association, USA, 2019 – 2023)
  • Co-Guest Editor for Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology (USA, 2021 – 2022)
  • Co-Guest Editor for Antioxidants (MDPI, 2021 – 2022)
  • Member of Editorial Board or Editorial Advisory Board for SCI-indexed journals – Journal of Vascular Research (Europe (2007–2018); Cardiovascular Drug & Therapy (Europe (2011–), The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (UK, 2011–); Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (Australia, 2012–); Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (USA, 2012–); Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (China, 2012–); Scientific Reports (UK, 2014–); Cardiovascular Research (Europe, 2018–); Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology (USA, 2018–)

  1. 2022

  2. Jiang M, Ding H, *Huang Y & Wang L (2022) Shear stress and metabolic disorders-two sides of the same plaque. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 2021 Jul 23. doi: 10.1089/ars.2021.0126. Online ahead of print.
  3. Cheng CK, Lin X, Pu Y, Tse KYJ, Wang Y, Zhang CL, Cao X, Lau CW, Huang J, He L, Luo JY, Shih YT, Wan S, Ng CF, Wang L, Ma CWR, JJ Chiu, Chan TF, Tian XY & *Huang Y (2022) SOX4 is a novel phenotypic regulator of endothelial cells in atherosclerosis revealed by single-cell analysis. Journal of Advanced Research (In press)
  4. Huo M, Cao X, Zhang H, Lau CW, Hong H, Chen FM, Huang Y, Chawla A & Tian XY (2022) Loss of myeloid bmal1 exacerbates hypertensive vascular remodelling through interaction with STAT6 in mice. Cardiovascular Research 2021 Nov 2:cvab336. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvab336. Online ahead of print.
  5. Wan Q, Xu C, Zhu L, Zhang Y, Peng Z, Chen H, Zhang E, Wu Y, Wang H, Chu F, Yuan J, Huang Y, Hu S, Liu DP, Wang M (2022) Targeting PDE4B (phosphodiesterase-4 subtype B) for cardioprotection in acute myocardial infarction via neutrophils and microcirculation. Circulation Research 131(5):442-455.
  6. Luo JY, Cheng CK, He L, Pu Y, Zhang Y, Lin X, Xu A, Lau CW, Tian XY, Ma RCW, Jo H & *Huang Y (2022) Endothelial UCP2 is a mechanosensitive suppressor of atherosclerosis. Circulation Research 131(5):424-441.
  7. Zhang H, Dong J, Lau CW, Wei Y & *Huang Y (2022) Berberine reverses nitroglycerin tolerance through suppressing PKCα activity in vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 36(4):633-643
  8. Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zheng G, Liu Y, Li J, Huang H, Xu C, Zeng Y, Zhang X, Qin J, Dai C, Hambrock HO, Hartmann U, Feng B, Mak KK, Liu Y, Lan HY, Huang Y, Zheng ZH  Xia Y (2022) Follistatin-like 1 (FSTL1) interacts with Wnt ligands and Frizzled receptors to enhance Wnt/β-catenin signaling in obstructed kidneys in vivo. Journal of Biological Chemistry 298(7):102010.
  9. He L, Zhang CL, Chen QH, Wang L & *Huang Y (2022) Endothelial shear stress signal transduction and atherosclerosis: From mechanisms to therapeutics. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 235; (2022) 108152.
  10. Zhang H, Xiang L, Huo M, Wu Y, Yu M, Lau CW, Tian D, Gou L, Huang Y, Luo JY, Wang L, Song W, Huang J, Cai Z, Chen S, Tian XY & *Huang Y (2022) Branched-chain amino acid supplementation Impairs Insulin Sensitivity and Promotes Lipogenesis During Exercise in Diet-Induced Obese Mice. Obesity (Silver Spring). 30(6):1205-1218.
  11. Cheng CK, Shang W, Liu J, Cheang WS, Wang Y, Xiang L, Lau CW, Luo JY, Ng CF, *Huang Y, *Wang L (2022) Activation of AMPK/miR-181b Axis Alleviates Endothelial Dysfunction and Vascular Inflammation in Diabetic Mice. Antioxidants 11(6):1137 (17 pages).
  12. Zhang H, Peng L, Wang Y, Zhao W, Lau WB, Wang Y, Li Y, Du Y, Li L, Huang Y, Nie S, Qin Y, Ma X, Wei Y (2022) Extracellular vesicle-derived miR-144 as a novel mechanism for chronic intermittent hypoxia-induced endothelial dysfunction. Theranostics 12(9): 4237-4249. doi:10.7150/thno.69035
  13. Lifang Han; Gang Wang; Shaopu Zhou; Chenghao Situ; Zhiming He; Yuying Li; Yu Huang; Aimin Xu; Michael Tim Yun Ong; Huating Wang; Jianfa Zhang; Zhenguo Wu (2022) Muscle Satellite Cells are impaired in Type 2 Diabetic Mice by Elevated Extracellular Adenosine. Cell Reports 39(10):110884.
  14. Zhang C, He L, Wang L & *Huang Y (2022) The pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction (内皮功能障碍的发生机制) SCIENTIA SINICA Vitae (中国科学:生命科学) 52(5):691-698.
  15. Zhao L, Zhang CL, He L, Chen QH, Liu L, Kang L, Liu J, Luo JY, Gou L, Qu D, Song W, Lau CW, Ko H, Mok VCT, Tian XY, Wang L & *Huang Y (2022) Restoration of Autophagic Flux Improves Endothelial Function in Diabetes Through Reducing Mitochondrial ROS-mediated eNOS Monomerization. Diabetes 71(5):1099-1114.
  16. Wang L, Cheng CK, Yi M, Lui KO, *Huang Y (2022) Targeting endothelial dysfunction and inflammation. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 168:58-67.
  17. Ma Z, Li X, Fan RLY, Yang KY, Ng CSH, Lau RWH, Wong RHL, Ng KK, Wang CC, Ye P, Fu Z, Chin AWH, Lai MYA, Huang Y, Tian XY, Poon LLM, Lui KO (2022) A human pluripotent stem cell-based model of SARS-CoV-2 infection reveals an ACE2-independent inflammatory activation of vascular endothelial cells through TLR4. Stem Cell Reports 17(3):538-555.
  18. Ma Z, Yang K, Huang Y & Lui KO (2022) Endothelial contribution to COVID-19: an update on mechanisms and therapeutic implications. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 164:69-82
  19. Jiang G, Luk AO, Tam CHT, Ozaki R, Lim CKP, Chow EYK, Lau ES, Kong APS, Fan B; Hong Kong Diabetes Register TRS Study Group, Lee KF, Siu SC, Hui G, Tsang CC, Lau KP, Leung JY, Tsang MW, Kam G, Lau IT, Li JK, Yeung VT, Lau E, Lo S, Fung S, Cheng YL, Chow CC; Hong Kong Diabetes Biobank Study Group, Tang NL, Huang Y, Lan HY, Oram RA, Szeto CC, So WY, Chan JCN, Ma RCW (2022) Clinical Predictors and Long-term Impact of Acute Kidney Injury on Progression of Diabetic Kidney Disease in Chinese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes. 71(3):520-529.
  20. Cui Y, Kassmann M, Nickel S, Zhang C, Alenina N, Anistan YM, Schleifenbaum J, Bader M, Welsh DG, Huang Y & Gollasch M (2022) Myogenic vasoconstriction requires canonical Gq/11 signaling of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor. Journal of American Heart Association 11(4);e022070 (14 pages).
  21. Zhong W, Cao X, Pan G, Niu Q, Feng X, Xu M, Li M, Huang Y, Yi Q & Yan D (2022) ORP4L is a prerequisite for the induction of T-cell leukemogenesis associated with human T-cell leukemia virus 1. Blood  139(7):1052-1065.
  22. Wu Y, Tang X, Lee S, Hong H, Cao X, Lau CW, Liu B, Chawla A, Ma RCW, Huang Y, Lui KO, Tian XY (2022).Endothelial PPARδ facilitates the post-ischemic vascular repair through interaction with HIF1α. Theranostics 12(4):1855-1869.
  23. Teoh YCJ, Tian XY, Wong YPC, Lau CW, Cheng CK, Tang WLV, Chan CKR, Huang Y & Ng CF (2022) Endothelial dysfunction after androgen deprivation therapy and the possible underlying mechanisms. Prostate 82(1):13-25.
  24. 2021

  25. Gu P, Hui X, Zheng Q, Gao Y, Jin L, Jiang W, Zhou C, Liu T, Huang Y, Liu Q, Nie T, Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhao J, Xu A (2021) Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein-1 Antagonizes Atherosclerosis by Blocking NLRP3-Inflammasome-dependent Interleukin-1b production. Science Advances 7(50):eabl4024 (2021),
  26. Yan P, li Z, Xiong J, Geng Z, Wei W, Zhang Y, Wu G, Zhuang T, Tian X, Liu J, Sun K, Chen F, Zhang Y, Zeng C, Huang Y & Zhang B (2021) LARP7 ameliorates cellular senescence and aging by allosterically enhancing SIRT1 deacetylase activity. Cell Reports 37(8):110038. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110038.
  27. Lui KO & Huang Y (2021) Chaperon mediated autophagy regulates eNOS uncoupling in cardiovascular events. Circulation Research 129(10):946-948.
  28. Cheng CK & *Huang Y (2021) The gut-cardiovascular connection: new era for cardiovascular therapy. Medical Review 1(1):23-46. Special Issue on Cardiovascular Research.
  29. Liu J, Zhang Y, Qu D, Zhang H, Wang L, Lau CW, Han JY, Pingcuo D, *Huang Y & Liu L (2021) Salvianolic acid B ameliorates vascular endothelial dysfunction through the inhibition of bone morphogenetic protein 4 in diabetic mice. Life Sciences 286:120039.
  30. Liang X, Wu S, Geng Z, Liu L, Zhang S, Wang S,  Zhang Y, Huang Y & Zhang B (2021) LARP7 suppresses endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition by coupling with the epigenetic repressor TRIM28. Circulation Research 129(9):843-856.
  31. Cheng CK, Luo JY, Lau CW, Cho WCS, Ng CF, Ma RCW, Tian XY & *Huang Y (2021) A GLP-1 analog lowers ER stress and enhances protein folding to ameliorate homocysteine-induced endothelial dysfunction. Acta Pharmacological Sinica 42(10):1598-1609.
  32. Zhang X, Zhou C, Miao L, Tan Y, Zhou Y, Cheong MS, Huang Y, Wang Y, Yu H & Cheang WS (2021) Panax Notoginseng Protects against Diabetes-associated Endothelial Dysfunction: Comparison between Ethanolic Extract and Total Saponin. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Volume 2021, Article ID 4722797, 10 pages.
  33. Huang J, Pu Y, Zhang H, Xie L, He L, Zhang C, Cheng CK, Huo Y, Wan S, Chen S, Huang Y, Lau CW, Wang L, Xia Yin, *Huang Y & Luo JY (2021) Endothelial KLF2 mediates the suppressive effect of laminar flow on vascular calcification by inhibiting BMP/SMAD1/5 signaling. Circulation Research 129(4):e87-e100.
  34. Zhou Y, Murugan DD, Khan H, Huang Y & Cheang WS (2021) Roles and therapeutic implications of endoplasmic reticulum stress and oxidative stress in cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidants 10(8):1167 (17 pages).
  35. Xiang L, Nie J, Wang L, Wang Y, Shi J, Wei J, Lau CW, Cai ZW & *Huang Y (2021) Integrated metabolomics analysis of the effect of PPARd agonist GW501516 on catabolism of BCAAs and carboxylic acids in diabetic mice. Chinese Chemical Letters 32(7):2197-2202.
  36. Zheng C, Zhang X, Sheridan S, Ho STR, Huang Y & Wong SHS (2021) Effect of sedentary behavior interventions on vascular function in healthy adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science 31(7):1195-1410.
  37. Zheng CB, Yang W, Gao G, Xie M, Li Z, Ma X, Song W, Luo D, Huang Y, Yang J, Zhang P, Huang Y & Yao XQ (2021) Ang II promotes cardiac autophagy and hypertrophy via Orai1/STIM1. Frontiers in Pharmacology 17 May 2021, Volume: 12; Article: 622774 | DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2021.622774
  38. Zhao S, Cheng CK, Zhang CL & *Huang Y (2021) Interplay between oxidative stress, cyclooxygenases and prostanoids in cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 34(10):784-799 with Cover Image.
  39. Tam CHT, Lim CKP, Luk AOY, Ng ACW, Lee HM, Jiang G, Lau ESH, Fan B, Wan R, Kong AKS, Tam WH, Ozaki R, Chow EYK, Lee KF, Siu SC, Hui G, Tsang CC, Lau KP, Leung JYY, Tsang MW, Kam G, Lau IT, Li JKY, Yeung VTF, Lau E, Lo S, Fung S, Cheng YL, Chow CC, Hu M, Yu W, Tsui SKW, Huang Y, Lan H, Szeto CC, Tang NLS, Ng MCY, So WY, Tomlinson B, Chan JCN, Ma RCW, The Hong Kong Diabetes Register TRS Study Group, The Hong Kong Diabetes Biobank Study Group. (2021) Development of genome-wide polygenic risk scores for lipid traits and clinical applications for dyslipidaemia, subclinical atherosclerosis and diabetes cardiovascular complications among East Asians. Genome Medicine 2021 13:29
  40. Cheng CK, Wang C, Shang W, Lau CW, Luo JY, Wang L & *Huang Y (2021) A high methionine and low folate diet alters glucose homeostasis and gut microbiome. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 24 (March 2021): article 100921
  41. 2020

  42. Liu J, Xie X, Yan D; Wang Y , Yuan H , Cai Y , Luo J, Xu A, Huang Y, Cheung CW, Irwin MG & Xia Z (2020) Upregulation of FoxO1 contributes to adverse vascular remodeling in type 2 diabetic rat. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 24(23): 13727-13738.
  43. Xiang L, Zhu L, Huang Y & Cai ZW (2020) Application of derivatization in fatty acids and fatty acyls detection: Mass spectrometry-based targeted lipidomics. Small Methods 4(8); 2000160 (19 pages).
  44. Zhang Y, Wang S, Huang H, Zeng A, Han Y, Zeng C, Zheng S, Ren H, Wang Y, Huang Y, Jose PA, Ma XL, Zeng C & Chen K (2020) GRK4-mediated adiponectin receptor-1 phosphorylative desensitization as a novel mechanism of reduced renal sodium excretion in hypertension. Clinical Science 134(8):2453-2467.
  45. Zhao L, Li Z, Vong JSL, Chen X, Lai HM, Yan LYC, Huang J, Sy SKH, Tian XY, Huang Y, Chan HYE, So HC, Ng WL, Tang Y, Lin WJ, Mok VCT & Ko H (2020) Pharmacologically reversible zonation-dependent endothelial cell transcriptomic changes with neurodegenerative disease associations in the aged brain. Nature Communications (2020)11:4413 (15 pages)
  46. Mohd Farhan M, Silva M, Xingan X, Huang Y & Zheng W (2020) Role of FOXO transcription factors in cancer metabolism and angiogenesis. Cells 9(7), 1586 (18 pages)
  47. Yang F, Zhang Y, Zhu J, Wang J, Jiang Z, Zhao C, Yang Q, Huang Y, Yao W, Pang W, Han L & Zhou J (2020) Laminar Flow Protects Vascular Endothelial Tight Junctions and Barrier Function via Maintaining the Expression of Long Non-coding RNA MALAT1. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. June 2020;8:647 (16 pages)
  48. Xu C, Wang L, Zhang Y, Li W, Li J, Wang Y, Meng C, Qin J, Zheng ZH, Lan HY, Mak KKL, Huang Y & Xia Y (2020) Tubule-specific Mst1/2 deficiency induces CDK via YAP and non-YAP mechanisms. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 31(5):946-961 with editorial (Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2020;31(5):893-894.)
  49. Fan G, Kaßmann M, Cui Y, Matthaeus C, Kunz S, Zhong C, Zhu S, Xie Y, Tsvetkov D, Daumke O, Huang Y & Gollasch M (2020) Age attenuates the T-type CaV3.2-RyR axis in vascular smooth muscle. Aging Cell 19(4):e13134 (14 pages).
  50. Liang C, Yang KY, Chan VW, Li X, Fung THW, Wu Y, Tian XY, Lau J, Huang Y, Qin L & Lui KO (2020) CD8+ T-cell plasticity regulates vascular regeneration in type-2 diabetes. Theranostics 10(9):4217-4232.
  51. Cheng CK, Luo JY, Lau CW, Chen ZY, Tian XY & *Huang Y (2020) Pharmacological Basis and New Insights of Resveratrol Action in the Cardiovascular System. British Journal of Pharmacology 177(6):1258-1277.
  52. Qu D, Wang L, Huo M, Song W, Lau CW, Xu J, Xu A, Yao X, Chiu JJ, Tian XY & *Huang Y (2020) Focal TLR4 activation mediates disturbed flow-induced endothelial inflammation. Cardiovascular Research 116(1):226-236. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvz046.
  53. Zou X, Wang J, Chen C, Tan X, Huang Y, Jose PA, Yang J & Zeng C (2020) Secreted monocyte miR-27a, via mesenteric arterial Mas receptor-eNOS pathway, causes hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension 33(1):31-42.
  54. 2019

  55. Boulanger CM, Baretella O, Blaise G, Bond RA, Cai Y, Chan CKY, Chataigneau T, Chen MJ, Chen H, Cheng Y, Clement DL, Cohen RA, Collis M, Danser AHJ, de Mey J, Detremmerie CMS, Duprez D, Feletou M, Flavahan N, Gao Y, Guo Y, Hoeffner U, Houston DS, Huang IB, Huang Y, Iliano S, Junquero D, Katusic ZS, Komori K, Lee MYK, Leung SWS, Li Z, Liang SC, Liu JTC, Luscher TF, Michel F, Miller VM, Mombouli JV, Morrison K, Muldoon SM, O'Rourke S, Perrault L, Quignard JF, Rusch NJ, Sanchez-Ferrer CF, Schini-Kerth V, Shen K, Shi Y, Song E, Sun KWY, Taddei S, Tang EHC, Tuncer M, van den Ende R, Vedernikov Y, Verbeuren TJ, Webb C, Weigert A, Wong KHK, Xu C, Yang K, Ying F, Zellers T, Zhao Y, Zou Q, Shimokawa H; Professor Paul M. Vanhoutte’s former fellows (2019) Tribute to Paul M. Vanhoutte, MD PhD (1940-2019) Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 39(12):2445-2447. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.119.313461
  56. Zhao L, Li Z, Vong JSL, Chen X, Lai HM, Yan LYC, Huang J, Sy SKH, Tian XY, Huang Y, Chan HYE, So HC, Ng WL, Tang Y, Lin WJ, Mok VCT & Ko H (2019) Zonation-dependent single-endothelial cell transcriptomic changes in the aged brain. bioRxiv page 800318 (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), doi: 10.1101/800318
  57. Yao L, He J, Li B, Yan M, Wang H, Tan L, Liu M, Lv X, Lv H, Zhang X, Chen C, Wang D, Yu Y, Huang Y, Zhu Y & Ai D (2019) Regulation of Yap by mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 in endothelial cells controls blood pressure through COX-2/mPGES-1/PGE2 cascade. Hypertension 74(4):936-946
  58. Gao P, Li L, Yang L, Gui D, Zhang J, Han J, Wang J, Wang N, Lu J, Chen S, Hou L, Sun H, Xie L, Zhou J, Peng C, Lu Y, Peng X, Wang C, Miao J, Ozcan U, Huang Y, Jia W & Liu J (2019) Yin Yang 1 protein ameliorates diabetic nephropathy pathology through transcriptional repression of TGFβ1. Science Translational Medicine 11(510):eaaw2050 (14 pages). DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaw2050
  59. Kaßmann M, Szijártó IA, García-Prieto CF, Fan G, Schleifenbaum J, Anistan YM, Tabeling C, Shi Y, Noble FL, Witzenrath M, Huang Y, Markó L, Nelson MT & Gollasch M (2019) Role of Ryanodine Type 2 Receptors in Elementary Ca2+ Signaling in Arteries and Vascular Adaptive Responses. Journal of the American Heart Association 8(9):e010090. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.118.010090 (20 pages)
  60. Zhu L, Xu C Huo X, Hao H, Wan Q, Chen H, Zhang X, Wang X, Huang Y, Breyer RM, Cao X, Liu DP, FitzGeral GA & Wang M (2019) The cyclooxygenase-1/mPGES-1/endothelial prostaglandin EP4 receptor pathway constrains myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Nature Communications2019 Apr 23;10(1):1888. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09492-4 (12 pages)
  61. Zhang L, Tian XY, Chan C, Bai Q, Cheng CK, Chen F, Cheung M, Yin B, Yang H, Yung WY, Chen Z, Ding F, Leung K, Zhang C, Huang Y, Lau YW & Choi CH (2019) Promoting the delivery of nanoparticles to atherosclerotic plaques by DNA coating. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11(15):13888-13904.
  62. Song W, Zhang CL, Gou L, He L, Gong YY, Qu D, Zhao L, Jin N, Chan TF, Wang L, Tian XY, *Luo JY & *Huang Y (2019) Endothelial TFEB (Transcription Factor EB) Restrains IKK (IκB Kinase)-p65 Pathway to Attenuate Vascular Inflammation in Diabetic db/db Mice. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 39(4):719-730.
  63. Geng L, Liao B, Jin L, Huang Z, Triggle CR, Ding H, Zhang J, Huang Y, Lin Z & Xu A (2019) Exercise Alleviates Obesity-Induced Metabolic Dysfunction via Enhancing FGF21 Sensitivity in Adipose Tissues. Cell Reports 26(10):2738-2752.
  64. Guo Y, Xu C, Man AWC, Bai B, Luo C, Huang Y, Xu A, Vanhoutte PM & Wang Y (2019) Endothelial SIRT1 prevents age-induced impairment of vasodilator responses by enhancing the expression and activity of soluble guanylyl cyclase in smooth muscle cells. Cardiovascular Research 115(3):678-690
  65. Qin L, Sun FH, Huang Y, Sheridan S, Sit CHP & Wong SHS (2019) Effect of pre-exercise ingestion of alpha-lactalbumin on subsequent endurance exercise performance and mood states. British Journal of Nutrition 121(1):22-29.
  66. Cheang WS, Wong WT, Wang L, Cheng CK, Lau CW, Ma RCW, Xu A, Wang N, *Huang Y & *Tian XY (2019) Resveratrol ameliorates endothelial dysfunction in diabetic and obese mice through sirtuin 1 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ. Pharmacological Research 139:384-394.
  67. Liang C, Zhang Y, Zhuo D, Lo CY, Yu L, Lau CW, Kwan YW, Tse G, Huang Y & Yao X (2018) Endothelial cell transient receptor potential channel C5 (TRPC5) is essential for endothelium-dependent contraction in mouse carotid arteries. Biochemical Pharmacology 159:11-24.
  68. 2018

  69. Cheng CK, Abu Bakar H, Gollasch M & *Huang Y (2018) Perivascular adipose tissue: the sixth man of the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 32(5):481-502.
  70. Luo H, Guo L, Chen C, Xu Z, Peng X, Wang X, Wang J, Wang N, Li C, Luo X, Wang H, Jose P, Fu C, Huang Y, Shi W & Zeng C (2018) Exposure to maternal diabetes causes renal dopamine D1 receptor dysfunction and hypertension in adult rat offspring. Hypertension 72(4):962-970.
  71. Yang J, Wong LY, Tian XY, Wei R, Lai WH, Au KW, Luo Z, Ward C, Ho WI, Ibañez DP, Liu H, Bao X, Huang Y, Esteban MA & Tse HF (2018) A familial hypercholesterolemia human liver chimeric mouse model using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes. Journal of Visualized Experiments (139), e57556
  72. Lu Z, Wei X, Sun F, Zhang H, Gao G, Pu Y, Chen J, Tong W, Li Q, Zhou X, Yan Z, Zheng H, Yang G, Huang Y, Liu D & Zhu Z (2018) Non-insulin-determinant pathways maintain glucose homeostasis upon metabolic surgery. Cell Discovery 2018(4):58 (16 pages)
  73. Xiang L, Zhang H, Wei J, Tian XY, Luan H, Li S, Zhao H, Cao G, Chung ACK, Yang C, *Huang Y & *Cai Z (2018) Metabolomics studies on db/db diabetic mice in skeletal muscle reveal effective clearance of overloaded intermediates by exercise. Analytica Chimica Acta 1037:130-139.
  74. Gong Y, Luo JY, Wang L & *Huang Y (2018) MicroRNAs regulating reactive oxygen species in cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 29(11):1092-1107
  75. Tang TT, Li YY, Li JJ, Wang K, Dong WY, Xia N, Nie SF, Zhang M, Zeng ZP, Lv BJ, Jiao J, Liu H, Xian ZS, Yang XP, Hu Y, Liao YH, Wang Q, Tu X, Mallat Z, Huang Y, Shi GP & Cheng X (2018) Liver-heart crosstalk controls IL22 activity in cardiac protection after myocardial infarction. Theranostics 8(16):4552-4562.
  76. Amor S, Martín-Carro B, Rubio C, Carrascosa JM, Hu W, Huang Y, Garcia-Villalon A & Granado M (2018) Study of insulin vascular sensitivity in aortic rings and endothelial cells from aged rats subjected to caloric restriction: Role of perivascular adipose tissue. Experimental Gerontology 109(2018):126-136
  77. Leung OM, Li J, Li X, Chan V, Yang KY, Ku M, Lu J, Sun H, Waldmann H, Tian X, Huang Y, Lau J, Zhou B & Lui KO (2018) Regulatory T-cells promote apelin-mediated sprouting angiogenesis in type-2 diabetes. Cell Reports 24(6):1610-1626.
  78. *Tian XY, Ma S, Tse Ga, Wong WT & *Huang Y (2018) Uncoupling protein 2 in cardiovascular health and disease. Frontiers in Physiology (Vascular Physiology) Volume 9:; Article 1060 (13 pages)
  79. Zhang H, Yang F, Guo Y, Wang L, Fang F, Wu H, Nie S, Wang Yifan, Fung ML, Huang Y, Deng H, Qin Y, Ma X & WeI Y (2018) The contribution of chronic intermittent hypoxia to OSAHS: from the perspective of serum extracellular microvesicle proteins. Metabolism – Clinical and Experimental 85(2018):97-108.
  80. Zhang H, Liu J, Qu D, Wang L, Wong CM, Lau CW, Huang Y, Wang YF, Huang H, Xia Y, Xiang L, Cai Z, Liu P, Wei Y, Yao X, Ma RCW & *Huang Y (2018) Serum exosomes mediate delivery of arginase 1 as a novel mechanism for endothelial dysfunction in diabetes. Proceedings of the Academy of National Sciences USA. 115(29):E6927-E6936.
  81. Wang X, Huang Y & Ji Y (2018) Spotlight on small molecules in cardiovascular diseases. British Journal of Pharmacology 175(8):1111-1113. Editorial,
  82. Huang H, Xu C, Wang Y, Meng C, Liu W, Zhao Y, Huang XR, You W, Feng B, Zheng ZH, Huang Y, Lan HY, Qin J & Xia Y (2018) Lethal (3) malignant brain tumor like 2 (L3MBTL2) protects against kidney injury by inhibiting the DNA damage-p53-apoptosis pathway in renal tubular cells. Kidney International 93(4):855-870
  83. Mannaa M, Markó L, Balogh A, Vigolo E, N’diaye G, Kaßmann M, Michalik L, Weichelt U, Schmidt-Ott KM, Liedtke WB, Huang Y, Müller DN, Kuebler WM & Gollasch M (2017) The Role of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 Channels in Tubular Damage After Acute Renal Ischaemia Reperfusion Injury. Scientific Reports 8(1):4878. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23165-0.
  84. Liu W, Chen B, Wang Y, Meng C, Huang H, Huang XR, Qin J, Mulay SR, Anders HJ, Qiu A, Yang B, Freeman GJ, Lu HAJ, Lin HY, Zheng Z, Lan HY, Huang Y & Xia Y (2018) RGMb protects against acute kidney injury by inhibiting tubular cell necroptosis via an MLKL-dependent mechanism. Proceedings of the Academy of National Sciences USA 115(7):E1475-E1484.
  85. Sun L, Meng Z, Zhu Y, Lu J, Li Z, Zhao Q, Huang Y, Jiang L & Yao X (2018) TM9SF4 is a novel factor promoting autophagic flux under amino acid starvation. Cell Death and Differentiation 25(2):368-379
  86. Gou L, Zhao L, Song W, Wang L, Liu J, Zhang H, Huang Y, Lau CW, Yao XQ, Tian XY, Wong WT, Luo JY & *Huang Y (2018) Inhibition of miR-92a suppresses oxidative stress and improves endothelial function by upregulating heme oxygenase-1 in db/db mice. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 28(5):358-370.
  87. Wang L, Zhu H, Zhao Y, Jiao R, Lei L, Chen J, Wang X, Zhang Z, Huang Y, Wang T & Chen ZY (2018) Cranberry anthocyanin as an herbal medicine lowers plasma cholesterol by increasing excretion of fecal sterols. Phytomedicine. 38:98-106.
  88. Chan KW, Zhang L, Cheng CK, Yang H, Huang Y, Tian XY & Choi CH (2018) Recent advances in managing atherosclerosis via nanomedicine. Small 14(4):1702793 (16 pages)
  89. Zhu ZM, Gao P & Huang Y (2018) Turning dilatation into constriction: Endothelial TRPV4 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 4) matters. Hypertension 71(1):56-58
  90. 2017

  91. Wang Y, Zhang X, Huang H, Xia Y, Yao Y, Mak AFT, Yung PSH, Chan KM, Wang L, Zhang C, Huang Y & Mak KKL (2017) Osteocalcin expressing cells from tendon sheaths in mice contribute to tendon repair by activating Hedgehog signaling. eLife 2017;6:e30474, DOI.
  92. Zheng C, Zhong M, Qi Z, Shen F, Zhao Q, Wu L, Huang Y, Tsang SY & Yao X (2017) Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors relax mouse aorta partly by their inhibitory action on L-type Ca2+ channels. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 363(2):211-220.
  93. Xiang L, Wei J, Tian XY, Wang B, Chan W, Li S, Tang Z, Zhang H, Cheang WS, Zhao Q, Zhao H, Yang Z, Hong Y, *Huang Y & *Cai Z. (2017) Comprehensive analysis of acylcarnitine species in db/db mouse using a novel method of high resolution parallel reaction monitoring reveals widespread metabolic dysfunction induced by diabetes. Analytical Chemistry 89(19):10368-10375.
  94. Qin L, Wong SH, Sun F-H, Huang Y, Sheridan S & Sit CHP (2017) Effects of alpha-lactalbumin or whey protein isolate on muscle damage, muscle pain and mood states following prolonged strenuous endurance exercise. Frontiers in Physiology – Exercise Physiology Volume 8; Article 754
  95. Zhou M, Mok MTS, Sun H, Chan AWH, Huang Y, Cheng ASL & Xu G (2017) The anti-diabetic drug exenatide, a glucagon like peptide-1 receptor agonist, counteracts hepatocarcinogenesis through cAMP-PKA-EGFR-STAT3 axis. Oncogene 36(29):4135-4140.
  96. Ling WC, Liu J, Lau CW, Murugan DD, Mustafa MR & *Huang Y (2017) Treatment with salvianolic Acid B restores endothelial function in angiotensin II-induced hypertensive mice. Biochemical Pharmacology 136 (2017):76-85.
  97. Qin L, Wong SH, Sun F-H, Huang Y, Sheridan S & Sit CHP (2017) The Effect of carbohydrate and protein co-ingestion on energy substrate metabolism, sense of effort, and affective responses during prolonged strenuous endurance exercise. Physiology & Behavior 174 (2017):170-177.
  98. Zheng C, Lo C-Y, Li Z, Zhong M, Zhang P, Lu J, Yang Z, Yan F, Zhang Y, Huang Y & Yao X (2017) Gastrodin alleviates cardiac hypertrophy via its action on store-operated Ca2+ entry. Frontiers in Pharmacology – Cardiovascular and Smooth Muscle Pharmacology 8:article 222
  99. Yang J, Wang Y, Zhou T, Wong LY, Tian XY, Hong X, Lai WH, Au KW, Wei R, Liu Y, Cheng LH, Liang G, Huang Z, Fan W, Zhao P, Wang X, Ibanez DP, Luo Z, L\i Y, Chen S, Wang D, Qin B, Siu CW, Huang Y, Esteban MA & Tse HF (2017) Generation of a human liver chimeric mouse model with hepatocytes derived from familiar hypercholesterolemia induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports. 8(3):606-618.
  100. Huo M, Huang YH, Qu D, Zhang H, Wong WT, Chawla A, Huang Y & Tian XY (2017) Myeloid Bmal1 deletion increases monocyte recruitment and worsens atherosclerosis. FASEB Journal 31(3):1097-1106.
  101. Cheang WS, Wong WT, Zhao L, Xu J, Wang L, Lau CW, Chen ZY, Ma RCW, Xu A, Wang N, *Tian XY & *Huang Y (2017) PPARδ Is required for exercise to attenuate endoplasmic reticulum stress and endothelial dysfunction in diabetic mice. Diabetes 66(2):519-528.
  102. Tsvetkov D, Kabmann M, Tano JY, Lan C, Schleifenbaum J, Voelkl J, Lang F, Huang Y & Gollasch M (2017) Do KCNQ1 channels contribute to control of arterial vascular tone? British Journal of Pharmacology 174(2):150-162.
  103. 2016

  104. Wang L, Luo JY, Li B, Tian XY, Chen LJ, Huang Y, Liu J, Deng D, Lau CW, Wan S, Ai D, Mak KL, Tong KK, Kwan KM, Wang N, Chiu JJ, *Zhu Y & *Huang Y (2016) Integrin-YAP/TAZ-JNK cascade mediates atheroprotective effect of unidirectional shear flow. Nature 540:579-581. Commented in Nature News and Views, Nature 540:531-532.
  105. Liu C & *Huang Y (2016) Chinese herbal medicine on cardiovascular diseases and the mechanisms of action. Frontiers in Pharmacology 7: Article 469. 01 December 2016
  106. Choy KW, Mustafa MR, Lau YS, Liu J, Murugan D, Lau CW, Wang L, Zhao L & *Huang Y (2016) Paeonol protects against endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced endothelial dysfunction via AMPK/PPARd signalling pathway. Biochemical Pharmacology 116:51-62.
  107. Lau EOC, Lo CY, Yao Y, Mak AFT, Jiang L, Huang Y & Yao X (2016) Aortic baroreceptors display higher mechanosensitivity than carotid baroreceptors. Frontiers in Physiology 7:article 384.
  108. *Tse G, Yan BP, Chan YWF, Tian XY & *Huang Y (2016) Reactive oxygen species, endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial dysfunction: the link with cardiac arrhythmogenesis. Frontiers in Physiology 7:article 313.
  109. Leung FP, Yung LM, Ngai CY, Cheang WS, Tian XY, Lau CW, Zhang Y, Liu J, Chen ZY, Bian ZX, Yao X & *Huang Y (2016) Chronic black tea consumption improves endothelial function in ovariectomized rats. European Journal of Nutrition 55(5):1963-1972.
  110. Lau OC, Shen B, Wong CO, Tjong YW, Lo CY, Wang HC, Huang Y, Yung WH, Chen Y, Fung ML, Rudd JA & Yao X (2016) TRPC5 channels participate in pressure-sensing in aortic baroreceptors. Nature Communications 2016 Jul 14;7:11947. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11947.
  111. Tsvetkov D, Shymanets A, Huang Y, Bucher K, Piekorz R, Hirsch E, Beer-Hammer S, Harteneck C, Gollasch M & Bernd Nürnberg (2016) Better understanding of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways in the vasculature: towards precision therapy targeting angiogenesis and tumor blood supply? Biochemistry – Moscow 81(7):691-699.
  112. Tian XY, Wong WT, Lau CW, Wang YX, Cheang WS, Liu J, Lu Y, Huang H, Xia Y, Chen ZY, Mok CSD, Lau CM & *Huang Y (2016) Melamine impairs renal and vascular function in rats. Scientific Reports 6:28041
  113. Xu A & *Huang Y (2016) A tireless giant in vascular research. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology (Editorial for a special issue on Targeting Vascular Dysfunction) 67(5):359-360.
  114. Zhang H, Liu J, Qu D, Wang L, Luo JY, Lau CW, Liu P, Gao Z, Tipoe, GL, Lee HK, Ng CF, Ma RCW, Yao X & *Huang Y (2016) Inhibition of miR-200c restores endothelial function in diabetic mice through suppression of COX-2. Diabetes 65(5):1196-1207 with Commentary Diabetes 65(5):1152-1154.
  115. Zhao Y, Gao P, Sun F, Li Q, Yu H, Li L, Wei X, Chen J, He H, Liu Z, Wei X, Wang B, Cui Y, Xiong S, Sun Q, Gong L, Ni Y, Shang Q, Xu A, Huang Y, Liu D & Zhu Z (2016) Sodium intake regulates glucose homeostasis through the PPARδ/adiponectin-mediated SGLT2 pathway. Cell Metabolism 23(4):699-711.
  116. Li H, Yao W, Liu Z, Xu A, Huang Y, Ma XL, Irwin MG & Xia Z (2016) Hyperglycemia abrogates ischemic postconditioning cardioprotection by impairing adipoR1/caveolin-3/STAT3 signaling. Diabetes 65(4):942-955. With Commentary Diabetes 65(4):826-828.
  117. Tian XY, Ma S, Huang Y & Wong WT (2016) A revisit of the renin-angiotensin system in cardiovascular biology. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 26(3):229-231.
  118. Ma S, Tian XY, Zhang Y, Mu C, Shen H, Bismuth J, Pownall HJ, Huang Y & Wong WT (2016) E-selectin-targeting delivery of microRNAs by microparticles ameliorates endothelial inflammation and atherosclerosis. Scientific Reports 2016 Mar 9;6:22910. doi: 10.1038/srep22910.
  119. He L, Liu Q, Hu T, Huang X, Zhang H, Tian X, Yan Y, Wang L, Huang Y, Miquerol L, Wythe JD & Zhou B (2016) Genetic lineage tracing discloses arteriogenesis as the main mechanism for collateral growth in the mouse heart. Cardiovascular Research 109(3):419-430. As Editor’s Choice of the Issue.
  120. Hu W, Zhang Y, Wang L, Lau CW, Xu J, Luo JY, Gou L, Yao XY, Chen ZY, Ma RCW, Tian XY & *Huang Y (2016) Bone morphogenic protein 4-Smad induced upregulation of platelet-derived growth factor AA impairs endothelial function. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 36(3):553-560.
  121. Xie L, Feng H, Li S, Meng G, Liu S, Tang X, Ma Y, Han Y, Xiao Y, Gu Y, Shao Y, Park CM, Xian M, Huang Y, Ferro A, Wang R, Moore PK, Wang H & Ji Y (2016) SIRT3 mediates the anti-oxidant effect of hydrogen sulfide in endothelial cells. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 24(6):329-343.
  122. Lei L, Li YM, Wang XB, Liu YW, Ma KY, Wang LJ, Man SW, Zhang CN, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2016) Plasma triacylglycerol-lowering activity of citrus polymethoxylated flavones is mediated by modulating the genes involved in lipid metabolism in hamsters. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 118(2):147-156.
  123. Miernisha A, Bi CW, Cheng LK, Xing JG, Liu J, Maiwulanjiang M, Aisa HA, Dong TT, Lin H, Huang Y & Tsim KW (2016) Badiranji Buya Keli, a Traditional Uyghur Medicine, induces vasodilation in rat artery: signaling mediated by nitric oxide production in endothelial cells. Phytotherapy Research 30(1):16-24. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5494.
  124. Sun Y, Lau CW, Jia Y, Li Y, Wang W, Ran J, Li F, Huang Y, Zhou H & Yang B (2016) Functional inhibition of urea transporter UT-B enhances endothelial-dependent vasodilation and lowers blood pressure via L-arginine-endothelial nitric oxide synthase-nitric oxide pathway. Scientific Reports 2016 Jan 7;6:18697. doi: 10.1038/srep18697.
  125. 2015

  126. Dharmani Devi M*, Lau YS, Lau CW, Mohd Rais M & *Huang Y (2015) Angiotensin 1-7 protects against angiotensin II-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and endothelial dysfunction via Mas receptor. PLoS One 2015 Dec 28;10(12):e0145413.
  127. Cheang WS, Tian XY, Wong WT, *Huang Y (2015) Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in cardiovascular diseases: experimental benefits and clinical challenges. British Journal of Pharmacology 172(23):5512-5522.
  128. Li Y, Zhang M, Xiao H, Fu H, Ho A, Li Cn, Huang Y, Lin G & Bian Z (2015) Addition of berberine to 5-aminosalicylic acid for treatment of dextran sulfate sodium-induced chronic colitis in C57BL/6 mice. PLoS One 10(12):e0144101.
  129. Wang X, Cheang WS, Yang H, Xiao L, Lai B, Zhang M, Ni J, Luo Z, Zhang Z, Huang Y & Wang N (2015) Nuciferine relaxes rat mesenteric arteries through endothelium-dependent and -independent mechanisms. British Journal of Pharmacology 172(23):5600-5618.
  130. Hu W & *Huang Y (2015) Targeting platelet-derived growth factor signaling in cardiovascular disease. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 42(12):1221-1224 with Cover Image of the issue.
  131. Wang Y, Li ZC, Zhang P, Poon E, Kong CW, Boheler KR, Huang Y, Li RA & Yao X (2015) Nitric oxide-cGMP-PKG pathway acts on orai1 to inhibit the hypertrophy of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Stem Cells 33(10):2973-2984.
  132. Zhang Y, Liu J, Luo JY, Tian XY, Cheang WS, Xu J, Lau CW, Wang L, Wong WT, Wong CM, Lan HY, Yao XQ, Raizada MK & *Huang Y (2015) Upregulation of angiotensin (1-7)-mediated signaling preserves endothelial function through reducing oxidative stress in diabetes. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 23(11):880-892 with Cover Image of the Issue.
  133. Xiang L, Cheang WS, Wang L, Lin S, Li Y, *Huang Y & *Cao Z (2015) Plasma metabolic signatures reveal regulatory effect of exercise training in db/db mice. Molecular BioSystems 11(9):2588-2596
  134. Qi Y, Li Z, Kong CW, Tang NL, Huang Y, Li RA & Yao X (2015) Uniaxial cyclic stretch stimulates TRPV4 to induce realignment of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 87:65-73
  135. Qi Y, Qi Z, Li Z, Wong CK, So C, Lo IC, Huang Y, Yao X & Tsang SY (2015) Role of TRPV1 in the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes. PLoS One 10(7):e0133211
  136. Luo JY, Zhang Y, Wang L & *Huang Y (2015) Regulators and effectors of BMP signaling in the cardiovascular system. The Journal of Physiology 593(14):2995-3011
  137. Wang X, Guan L, Zhao Y, Lei, L Liu Y, Wang L, Man SW, Wang J, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2015) Plasma cholesterol-lowering activity of dietary dihydrocholesterol in hypercholesterolemia hamsters. Atherosclerosis 242(1):77-86
  138. Gil-Ortega M, Somoza B, Huang Y, Gollasch M, Femandez-Alfonso MS (2015) Regional differences in perivascular adipose tissue impacting vascular homeostasis. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 26(7):367-375
  139. Ru X, Zheng C, Zhao Q, Lan HY, Huang Y, Wan S, Mori Y & Yao X (2015) Transient receptor potential channel M2 contributes to neointimal hyperplasia in vascular walls. BBA – Molecular Basis of Disease 1852(7):1360-1371.
  140. Shao D, Ni J, Shen Y, Liu J, Zhou L, Xue H, Huang Y, Zhang W & Lu L.(2015) CHOP mediates XBP1S-induced renal mesangial cell necrosis following high glucose treatment. European Journal of Pharmacology 758:89-96.
  141. Cheang WS, Ngai CY, Tam YY, Tian XY, Wong WT, Zhang Y, Lau CW, Chen ZY, Bian ZX, *Huang Y & Leung FP (2015) Black tea protects against hypertension-associated endothelial dysfunction through alleviation of endoplasmic reticulum stress. Scientific Reports 5:10340
  142. Lin Z, Pan X, Wu F, Ye D, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Jin L, Lian Q, Huang Y, Ding H, Triggle C, Wang K, Li X & Xu A (2015) Fibroblast growth factor 21 prevents atherosclerosis by suppression of hepatic sterol regulatory element-binding protein-2 and induction of adiponectin in mice. Circulation 131(21):1861-1871.
  143. Cheung SY, Huang Y, Kwan HY, Chung HY, Yao X. Activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid 3 channel (TRPV3) suppresses adipogenesis. Endocrinology 156(6):2074-2086.
  144. Liu L, Liu J & *Huang Y (2015) Protective effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 on endothelial function in hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 65(5):399-405.
  145. Liu J, Wang L, Tian XY, Liu LM, Wong WT, Zhang Y, Han Q, Ho HM, Wang N, Wong SL, Chen ZY, Yu J, Ng CF, Yao X & *Huang Y (2015) Unconjugated bilirubin mediates heme oxygenase-1-induced vascular benefits in diabetic mice. Diabetes 64(5):1564-1577 with commentary 64(5):1506-1508.
  146. Shen B, Wong CO, Lau OC, Woo T, Bai S, Huang Y & Yao XQ (2015) Plasma membrane mechanical stress activates TRPC5 channels. PLoS One 10(4):e0122227.
  147. Liang YT, Chen J, Jiao R, Peng C, Zuo Y, Lei L, Liu Y, Wang X, Ma KY, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2015) Cholesterol-lowering activity of sesamin Is associated with down-regulation on genes of sterol transporters involved in cholesterol absorption. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63(11):2963-2969.
  148. Liu L, Liu J, Gao Y, Ng CF, Yu X, Dou D & *Huang Y (2015) Down-regulation of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor expression is mediated through PKCβ in hypertensive renal arteries. Journal of Hypertension 33(4):784-790.
  149. Liu L, Liu J, Huang Z, Yu X, Zhang X, Dou D, & *Huang Y (2015) Berberine improves endothelial function by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress in the carotid arteries of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 458(4):796-801.
  150. Wang X, Huang W, Lei L, Liu Y, Ma KY, Li YM, Wang L, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2015) Blockade of hydroxyl group partially abolishes the cholesterol-lowering activity of b-sitosterol. Journal of Functional Foods, 12:199-207.
  151. Liu Y, Lei L, Wang X, Ma KY, Li YM, Wang L, Man SW, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2015) Plasma cholesterol-raising potency of dietary free cholesterol versus cholesteryl ester and effect of β-sitosterol. Food Chemistry 169:277-282.
  152. 2014

  153. Wu XL, Cheang WS, Zhang DM, Li Y, Lau CW, Wang GC, *Huang Y & Ye WC (2015) Antagonism of Ca2+ influx via L-type Ca2+ channels mediates the vasorelaxant effect of Catharanthus roseus--derived vindorosine in rat renal artery. Planta Medica 80(18)1672-1677.
  154. Qu D, Liu J, Lau CW & *Huang Y (2015) Differential mechanisms for insulin-induced relaxation in mouse posterior tibial arteries and main mesenteric arteries. Vascular Pharmacology 63(3):173-177.
  155. Du J, Ma X, Shen B, Huang Y, Lutz B & Yao X (2014) Heteromeric coassembly of TRPV4, TRPC1 and TRPP2 to form a flow-sensitive channel. FASEB Journal 28(11):4677-4655.
  156. Lei L, Liu Y, Wang X, Jiao R, Ma KY, Li YM, Wang L, Man SW, Sang S, Huang Y & Chen ZY. (2015) Plasma cholesterol-lowering activity of gingerols- and shogaols-riched extract is mediated by increasing sterol excretion. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62(43):10515-10521.
  157. Zhang P, Ma Y, Wang Y, Ma X, Huang Y, Li RA, Wan S & Yao X (2014) Nitric oxide and protein kinase G act on TRPC1 to inhibit 11,12-EET-induced vascular relaxation. Cardiovascular Research 104(1):138-146
  158. Liu L, Liu J, Tian XY, Wong WT, Lau CW, Xu A, Xu G, Ng CF, Yao X, Gao Y & *Huang Y (2014) Uncoupling protein-2 up-regulation and oxidative stress inhibition mediate DPP-4 inhibition-induced restoration of endothelial function in hypertension. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 21(11):1571-1581
  159. Gao Z, Zhang H, Liu J, Lau CW, Liu P, Chen ZY, Lee HK, Tipoe GL, Ho HM, Yao X & *Huang Y (2014) Cyclooxygenase-2-dependent oxidative stress mediates palmitate-induced impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxations in mouse arteries. Biochemical Pharmacology 91(4):474-481
  160. Zhu X, Fang C, Jia H, Huang Y, Cheng CHK, Ko CH, Chen Z, Wang J & Wang YX (2014) Cellular uptake behaviour, photothermal therapy performance, and cytotoxicity of gold nanorods with various coatings. Nanoscale 6(19):11462-11472.
  161. Ni X, Wong SL, Lau CW, Shi X, Wong CM, Cai Y & *Huang Y (2014) Tetramethylpyrazine protects against hydrogen peroxide-provoked endothelial dysfunction in isolated rat aortic rings: implications for antioxidant therapy of vascular diseases. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 627181, 10 pages
  162. Ni J, Shen Y, Wang Z, Shao DC, Liu J, Kong YL, Fu LJ, Zhou L, Xue H, Huang Y, Zhang W, Yu C & Lu LM (2014) P300-dependent STAT3 acetylation is necessary for angiotensin II-induced pro-fibrotic responses in renal tubular epithelial cells. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 35(9):1157-1166
  163. Wong CM, Zhang Y & *Huang Y (2014) Bone morphogenic protein-4-induced oxidant signaling via protein carbonylation for endothelial dysfunction. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 75C:178-190
  164. Huang W, Cheang WS, Wang X, Lei L, Liu Y, Ma KY, Zheng F, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2014) Capsaicinoids but not their analog capsinoids lower plasma cholesterol and possess beneficial vascular activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62(33):8415-8420
  165. Ni J, Shen Y, Wang Z, Shao DC, Liu J, Fu LJ, Kong YL, Zhou L, Xue H, Huang Y, Zhang W, Yu C & Lu LM (2014) STAT3 acetylation is associated with angiotensin II-induced murine renal fibrosis. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 35(8):1045-1054.
  166. Qu D, Liu J, Lau CW & *Huang Y (2014) Interleukin-6 in diabetes and cardiovascular complications. British Journal of Pharmacology 171(15):3595-3603
  167. Liu L, Liu J, Gao Y, Yu X, Xu G & *Huang Y (2014) Uncoupling protein-2 mediates the protective action of berberine against oxidative stress in rat insulinoma INS-1E cells and in diabetic mouse islets. British Journal of Pharmacology 171(13):3246-3254
  168. Wang Y, Dong J, Liu P, Lau CW, Gao Z, Zhou D, Tang J, Ng CF & *Huang Y (2014) Ginsenoside Rb3 attenuates oxidative stress and preserves endothelial function in hypertension. British Journal of Pharmacology 171(13):3171-3181
  169. Liu L, Liu J, Gao Y, Yu X, Dou D & *Huang Y (2014) Protein kinase Cδ contributes to phenylephrine-mediated contraction in the aortae of high fat diet-induced obese mice. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 446(4):1179-1183
  170. Peng C, Wang X, Chen J, Jiao R, Wang L, Li YM, Zuo Y, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2014) Biology of ageing and role of dietary antioxidants. BioMed Research International 2014(2014) Article ID 831841
  171. Cheang WS, Tian XY, Wong WT, Lau CW, Lee ST; Chen ZY, Yao X, Wang N & *Huang Y (2014) Metformin protects endothelial function in diet-Induced obese mice by inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress through 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase-peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ pathway. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 34(4):830-6
  172. Shen K, Leung SWS, Huang Y, Hou M, Xu A, Wang Z & Vanhoutte PM (2014) Notoginsenoside Ft1 activates both glucocorticoid and estrogen receptors to induce endothelium-dependent, nitric oxide-mediated relaxations in rat mesenteric artery. Biomedical Pharmacology 88(1):66-74
  173. Liu Y, Tian XY, Huang Y & Wang NP (2014) Rosiglitazone attenuated endothelin-1-induced vasoconstriction of pulmonary arteries in the rat model of pulmonary arterial hypertension. PPAR Research 2014(2014):374075
  174. Zhang Y, Liu J, Tian XY, Wong WT, Chen Y, Wang L, Luo JY, Cheang WS, Lau CW, Kwan KM, Wang N, Yao X & *Huang Y (2014) Inhibition of bone morphogenic protein-4 restores endothelial function in db/db diabetic mice. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 34(1):152-159
  175. 2013

  176. Liu Y, Zhao B, Mao G, Fang X, Liu Y, Huang Y & Wang N (2013) Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate, a green tea polyphenol, induces expression of Pim-1 Kinase via PPARγ in human vascular endothelial cells. Cardiovascular Toxicology 13(4):391-395.
  177. Jiao R, Chen J, Peng C, Liang Y, Ma KY, Wang X, Liu Y, Lei L, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2013) Cholesteryl ester species differently elevate plasma cholesterol in hamsters. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61(46):11041-11047
  178. Lau YS, Tian XY, Mustafa MR, Murugan D, Liu J, Zhang Y, Lau CW & *Huang Y (2013) Boldine improves endothelial function in diabetic db/db mice through inhibiting angiotensin II-mediated BMP4 oxidative stress cascade. British Journal of Pharmacology 170(6):1190-1198
  179. Zhang M, Zang KH, Luo JL, Leung FP, Huang Y, Lin CY, Yang ZJ, Lu AP, Tang XD, Xu HX, Sung JJ, Bian ZX (2013). Magnolol inhibits colonic motility through down-regulation of voltage-sensitive L-type Ca2+ channels of colonic smooth muscle cells in rats. Phytomedicine 20(14):1272-1279
  180. Law SK, Leung CSL, Yau KL, Tse CL, Wing CK, Leung FP, Mascheck L, Huang Y, Sauer H & Tsang SY (2013) Regulatino of multiple transcription factors by reactive oxygen species and effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines released during myocardial infarction on cardiac differentiation of embryonic stem cells. International Journal of Cardiology 168(4):3458-3472
  181. Xue H, Yuan P, Ni J, Li C, Shao D, Liu J, Shen Y, Wang Z, Zhou L, Zhang W, Huang Y, Yu C, Wang R & Lu L (2013) H2S inhibits hyperglycemia-induced intrarenal renin-angiotensin system activation via attenuation of reactive oxygen species generation. PLoS One 8(9):e74366
  182. Chan GHH, Law BYK, Chu JMT, Yue KKM, Jiang ZH, Lau CW, Huang Y, Chan SW, Yue P & Wong R (2013) Ginseng extracts restore high-glucose induced vascular dysfunctions by altering triglyceride metabolism and down-regulation of atherosclerosis-related genes. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013(2013):797310
  183. Dong J, Wong SL, Lau CW, Liu J, Wang YX, He ZD, Ng CF, Chen ZY, Yao X, Xu A, Ni X, Wang H & *Huang Y (2013) Calcitriol restores renovascular function in estrogen-deficient rats through the downregulation of cyclooxygenase-2 and thromboxane-prostanoid receptor. Kidney International 84(1):54-63 with Commentary 2013;84(1):9-11.
  184. Huang Y & Vanhoutte PM (2013) Xi’an making history in vascular biology. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 61(6):453-454
  185. Ma X, Du J, Zhang P, Deng J, Liu J, Lam FF, Li RA, Huang Y, Jin J & Yao X. (2012) Functional role of TRPV4-KCa2.3 signaling in vascular endothelial cells in normal and streptozotocin-Induced diabetic rats. Hypertension 62(1):134-139
  186. Zuo Y, Peng C, Liang Y, Ma KY, Chan HY, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2013) Sesamin extends the mean lifespan of fruit flies. Biogerontology 14(2):107-119
  187. Yung LM, Tian XY, Wong WT, Leung FP, Yung LH, Chen ZY, Lau CW, Yao YX & *Huang Y (2013) Chronic cranberry juice consumption restores cholesterol profiles and improves endothelial function in ovariectomized rats. European Journal of Nutrition 52(3):1145-1155
  188. Liang Y, Chen J, Zuo Y, Ma KY, Jiang Y, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2013) Blueberry anthocyanins at doses of 0.5 and 1 % lowered plasma cholesterol by increasing fecal excretion of acidic and neutral sterols in hamsters fed a cholesterol-enriched diet. European Journal of Nutrition 52(3):869-875
  189. Leung SB, Zhang H, Lau CW, *Huang Y & Lin Z (2013) Salidroside improves homocysteine induced endothelial dysfunction by reducing oxidative stress. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013(2013):679635
  190. Liu Y, Tian XY, Mao G, Fang X, Fung ML, Shyy JYJ, *Huang Y & *Wang N (2013) Letter to the Editor Response: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorg ameliorates pulmonary arterial hypertension by inhibiting 5-hydroxytryptamine 2B receptor. Hypertension 61(4):e30
  191. Hu J, Liu J, Kwok MWT, Wong RHL, Huang Y & Wan S (2013) Bone morphogenic protein-4 contributes to venous endothelial dysfunction in diabetic patients undergoing coronary revascularization. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 95(4):1331-1339
  192. Wong WT, Tian XY & *Huang Y (2013) Endothelial dysfunction in diabetes and hypertension: cross talk in RAS, BMP4 and ROS-dependent COX-2-derived prostanoids. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology (Invited) 61(3):204-214
  193. Yang C, Chen ZY, Wong SL, LIU J, Liang YT, Lau CW, Lee HK, Huang Y & Tsang SY (2013) b-Sitosterol oxidation products attenuate vasorelaxation through increasing reacitive oxygen species and cyclooxygenase-2. Cardiovascular Research 97(3):520-532
  194. Cheang WS, Lam MY, Wong WT, Tian XY, Zhu Z, Yao X & *Huang Y (2013) Menthol relaxes rat aortae, mesenteric and coronary arteries by inhibiting calcium influx. European Journal of Pharmacology 702(1-3):79-84
  195. Wang Z, Ni J, Shao D, Liu J, Shen Y, Zhou L, Huang Y, Yu C, Wang J, Xue H & Lu L (2013) Elevated transcriptional co-activator p102 mediates angiotensin II type 1 receptor up-regulation and extracellular matrix overproduction in the high glucose-treated rat glomerular mesangial cells and isolated glomeruli. European Journal of Pharmacology 702(1-3):208-217
  196. Lau YS, Tian XY, Huang Y, Murugan D, Achike FI & Mustafa MR (2013) Boldine protects endothelial function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats through inhibition of oxidative stress. Biochemical Pharmacology 85(3):367-375
  197. Shao D, Liu J, Ni J, Wang Z, Shen Y, Zhou L, Huang Y, Wang J, Xue H, Zhang W & Lu L (2013) Suppression of XBP1S mediates high glucose-induced oxidative stress and extracellular matrix synthesis in renal mesangial cell and kidney of diabetic rats. PLoS One. 8(2):e56124
  198. Liang YT, Tian XY, Peng C, Ma KY, Chen J, Zuo Y, Jiao R, Lu Y, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2013) Capsaicinoids decrease serum cholesterol, increase sterol excretion and improve endothelial function in hamsters fed a high cholesterol diet. European Journal of Nutrition 52(1):379-388
  199. Yu S, Jia L, Zhang Y, Wu D, Xu Z, Ng CF, To KK, Huang Y & Chan FL. (2013) Increased expression of activated endothelial nitric oxide synthase contributes to antiandrogen resistance in prostate cancer cells by suppressing androgen receptor transactivation. Cancer Letters 328(1):83-94
  200. 2012

  201. Bi CWC, Xu L, Tian XY, Liu J, Lau CW, Zheng KYZ, Lau DTW, Choi RCY, Dong TTX, Huang Y & Tsim KWK (2012) Fo Shou San, an ancient Chinese herbal decoction, protects endothelial function through increasing endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity. PLoS One 7(12):e51670
  202. Dong J, Wong SL, Lau CW, Lee, HK, Ng CF, Zhang L, Yao X, Chen ZY, Vanhoutte PM & *Huang Y (2012) Calcitriol protects renovascular function in hypertension by down-regulating angiotensin II type 1 receptors and reducing oxidative stress. European Heart Journal 33(23):2980-2990
  203. Tian XY, Wong WT, Wang N, Lu Y, Cheang WS, Liu J, Liu L, Liu Y, Lee SST, Chen ZY, Cooke JP & *Huang Y (2012) PPARδ activation protects endothelial function in diabetic mice. Diabetes 61(12):3285-3293
  204. Chen L, Miao Y, Zhang Y, Dou D, Liu L, Tian XY, Yang G, Pu D, Zhang X, Kang J, Gao Y, Wang S, Breyer MD, Wang N, Zhu Y, Huang Y, Breyer RM & Guan Y (2012) Inactivation of prostaglandin E2 receptor subtype 3 attenuates the angiotensin II pressor response via decreasing arterial contractility. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 32(12):3024-3032
  205. Liu Y, Tian XY, Mao G, Fang X, Fung ML, Shyy JYJ, *Huang Y & Wang N (2012) Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorg ameliorates pulmonary arterial hypertension by inhibiting 5-HT2B receptor. Hypertension 60(6):1471-1478
  206. Zhang DM, Li Y, Cheang WS, Lau CW, Lin SM, Zhang QL, Yao N, Wang Y, Wu X, *Huang Y & Ye WC (2012) Cajaninstilbene acid relaxes rat renal arteries: roles of Ca2+ antagonism and protein kinase C-dependent mechanism. PLoS One 7(10):e47030
  207. Yang Q, Shigemura N, Underwood MJ, Hsin M, Xue HM, Huang Y, He GW & Yu CM. (2012) NO and EDHF pathways in pulmonary arteries and veins are impaired in COPD patients. Vascular Pharmacology 57(2-4):113-118
  208. Liu L, Liu J, Wong WT, Tian XY, Lau CW, Wang YX, Xu G, Pu Y, Zhu Z, Xu A, Lam KSL, Chen ZY, Ng CF, Yao X & *Huang Y (2012) Dipeptidyl-peptidase inhibition improves endothelial function and reduces blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 60(3):833-841
  209. Ma KY, Liang YT, Chen JN, Jiang Y, Kwan KM, Peng C, Jiao R, Zuo YY, Huang Y & Chen ZY. (2012) Dietary calcium decreases plasma cholesterol level only in female but not in male hamster fed a high cholesterol diet. Biomedical & Environmental Sciences 25(4):392-398
  210. Yuen CY, Wong SL, Lau CW, Tsang SY, Xu A, Zhu Z, Ng CF, Kong SK, Lee HK, Yao X & *Huang Y (2012) From skeleton to cytoskeleton: Osteocalcin transforms vascular fibroblasts to myofibroblasts via angiotensin II and Toll-like receptor 4. Circulation Research 111:e55-e66
  211. Sun L, Yau HY, Wong WY, Li RA, Huang Y & Yao X (2012) Role of TRPM2 in H2O2-Induced Cell Apoptosis in Endothelial Cells. PLoS One.7(8):e43186
  212. Kohn C, Schleifenbaum J, Istvan Szijarto A, Marko L, Dubrovska G, Huang Y & Gollasch M (2012) Differential effects of cystathionine-γ-lyase-dependent vasodilatory H2S in periadventitial vasoregulation of rat and mouse aortas. PLoS One 7(8):e41951
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  214. Du J, Wong WY, Sun L, Huang Y & Yao X (2012) Protein kinase G inhibits flow-induced Ca2+ entry into collecting duct cells. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 23(7):1172-1180
  215. Tian, XY, Wong WT, Xu A, Lu Y, Zhang Y, Wang L, Cheang WS, Wang Y, Yao X & *Huang Y (2012) Uncoupling protein-2 protects endothelial dysfunction in diet-induced obese mice. Circulation Research 110:1211-1216
  216. Chen JN, Jiang Y, Liang YT, Tian XY, Peng C, Ma KY, Liu J, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2012) DPA n-3, DPA n-6 and DHA improve lipoprotein profiles and aortic function in hamsters fed a high cholesterol diet. Atherosclerosis 221(2):397-404
  217. Wong CK, So WY, Law SK, Leung FP, Yao X, Huang Y, Li X & Tsang SY (2012) Estrogen controls the proliferative characteristic of embryonic stem cells via store-operated calcium entry and the transcription factor nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT). Journal of Cellular Physiology 227(6):2519-2530
  218. Zhou L, Xue H, Wang Z, Ni J, Yao T, Huang Y, Yu C & Lu L (2012) Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuates high glucose-induced proximal tubular epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition via inhibiting ERK1/2 and p38 phosphorylation. Life Sciences 90(11-12):454-462
  219. Luo ZD, Ma LQ, He HB, Yang DC, Feng XL, Ma ST, Chen XP, Cao TB, Liu DY, Nilius B, Huang Y, Yan ZC & Zhu ZM (2012) TRPV1 activation improves exercise endurance and energy metabolism through PGC-1α up-regulation in mice. Cell Research 22(3):551-564
  220. Peng C, Zuo Y, Kwan KM, Liang Y, Ma KY, Chan HY, Huang Y, Yu H & Chen ZY. (2012) Blueberry extract prolongs lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster. Experimental Gerontology 47(2):170-178
  221. Chan YC, Leung FP, Tian XY, Yung LM, Lau CW, Chen ZY, Yao X, Laher I & *Huang Y (2012) Raloxifene improves vascular reactivity in pressurized septal coronary arteries of ovariectomized hamsters fed cholesterol diet. Pharmacological Research 65(20):182-188
  222. Tian XY, Wong WT, Sayed N, Luo J, Tsang SY, Bian ZX, Lu Y, Cheang WS, Yao X, Chen ZY & *Huang Y (2012) NaHS relaxes rat cerebral artery in vitro via inhibition of L-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel. Pharmacological Research 65(20):239-246
  223. Tian XY, Wong WT, Leung FP, Zhang Y, Wang YX, Lee HK, Ng CF, Chen ZY, Yao X, Au CL, Lau CW, Vanhoutte PM, Cooke JP & *Huang Y (2012) Oxidative stress-dependent cyclooxygenase-2-derived prostaglandin F2a impairs endothelial function in renovascular hypertensive rats Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 16(4):363-373
  224. Tian XY, Yung LH, Wong WT, Leung FP, Liu LM, Chen YC, Kong SK, Kwan KM, Ng SM, Lai PB, Yung LM, Yao X & *Huang Y (2012) Bone morphogenic protein-4 induces endothelial cell apoptosis through oxidative stress-dependent p38MAPK and JNK pathway. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 52(1):237-244
  225. Wang YX, Ko CH, Griffith JF, Deng M, Wong HL, Gu T & Huang Y (2012) Organic nitrate maintains bone marrow blood perfusion in ovariectomized female rats: a dynamic contrast enhanced MRI study. Pharmaceutics. 5(1):23-35.
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  227. Leung JWC, Wong WT, Koon HW, Mo FFM, Tam S, Huang Y, Vanhoutte PM, Chung SSM & Chung SK (2011) Transgenic mice over-expressing ET-1 in the endothelial cells develop systemic hypertension with altered vascular reactivity. PLoS One 6(11):e26994
  228. Wang Y, Cheng KKY, Lam KSL, Wu D, Wang Y, Huang Y, Vanhoutte PM, Sweeney G, Li Y & Xu A (2011) APPL1 counteracts obesity-induced vascular insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction by fine-tuning the endothelial production of nitric oxide and endothelin-1 in mice. Diabetes 60(11):3044-3054
  229. Liang YT, Wong WT, Guan L, Tian XY, Ma KY, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2011) Effect of phytosterols and their oxidation products on lipoprotein profiles and vascular function in hamster fed a high cholesterol diet. Atherosclerosis 219(1):124-133
  230. Cheang WS, Wong WT, Tian XY, Yang Q, Lee HK, He GW, Yao X & *Huang Y (2011) Endothelial nitric oxide synthase enhancer AVE3085 restores endothelial function and reduces oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic db/db mice. Cardiovascular Research 92(2):267-275
  231. Feletou M, Huang Y & Vanhoutte PM (2011) Endothelium-mediated control of vascular tone: COX-1 and COX-2 products. British Journal of Pharmacology (Invited) 164(3):894-912
  232. Sun L, Yau HY, Lau OC, Huang Y & Yao X. (2011) Effect of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anions on cytosolic ca: comparison of endothelial cells from large-sized and small-sized arteries. PLoS One. 6(9):e25432
  233. Tian XY, Wong WT, Xu A, Chen ZY, Lu Y, Liu L, Lee VWY, Lau CW, Yao X & *Huang Y (2011) Rosuvastatin improves endothelial function of db/db mice: Role of angiotensin II type 1 receptors and oxidative stress. British Journal of Pharmacology 164(b):598-606
  234. Ma X, Nilius B, Wong JW, Huang Y & Yao X (2011) Electrophysiological properties of heteromeric TRPV4-C1 channels. Biochim Biophys ActaBiomembranes1808(12):2789-2797
  235. Yuan P, Xue H, Zhou L, Qu L, Li C, Wang Z, Ni J, Yu C, Yao T, Huang Y, Wang R & Lu L (2011) Rescue of mesangial cells from high glucose-induced over-proliferation and extracellular matrix secretion by hydrogen sulfide. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 26(7):2119-2126
  236. Wong WT, Tian XY, Xu A, Jun Y, Lau CW, Hoo RLC, Wang Y, Lee VWY, Lam KSL, Vanhouttee PM & *Huang Y (2011) Adiponectin is required for PPARg-mediated improvement of endothelial function in diabetic mice. Cell Metabolism 14(1):104-115
  237. Yang Q, Xue HM, Wong WT, Tian XY, Huang Y, Tsui SKW, Ng PKS, Wohlfart P, Li H, Xia N, Tobias S, Underwoord MJ & He GW (2011) Endothelial nitric oxide synthase enhancer AVE3085 restores endothelial function and reduces blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. British Journal of Pharmacology 163(5):1078-1085
  238. Shen B, Kwan HY, Ma X, Wong CO, Du J, Huang Y & Yao X. (2011) Cyclic AMP activates TRPC6 channels via PI3K-PKB-MEK-ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(22):19439-19445
  239. Wong SL & *Huang Y (2011) Targeting soluble epoxide hydrolase via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorg: a new therapeutic strategy for vascular complications. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (Invited Editorial) 38(6):356-357
  240. Luo J, Qin HY, Wong CK, Tsang SY, Huang Y & Bian ZX (2011) Enhanced excitability and down-regulated voltage-gated potassium channels in colonic DRG neurons from neonatal maternal separation rats. Journal of Pain 12(5):600-609
  241. Wong SL, Lau CW, Wong WT, Xu A, Au CL, Ng CF, Ng SSM, Gollasch M, Yao X, *Huang Y (2011) Pivotal role of PKCδ in angiotensin II-induced endothelial cyclooxygenase-2 expression: A link to vascular inflammation. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 31(5):1169-1176
  242. Kong EKC, Huang Y, Sanderson JE, Chen KB, Yu S & Yu CM (2011) A novel anti-fibrotic agent, baicalein for the treatment of myocardial fibrosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats. European Journal of Pharmacology 658(2-3):175-181
  243. Griffith JF, Kumta SM, Huang Y (2011) Hard arteries, weak bones. Skeletal Radiology 40(5):517-521
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  245. Yu S, Wong SL, Lau CW, Huang Y, Yu CM (2011) Oxidized LDL at low concentration promotes in vitro angiogenesis and activates nitric oxide synthase through PI3K/Akt/eNOS pathway in human coronary artery endothelial cells Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 407(1):44-48
  246. Yuen CY, Wong WT, Tian XY, Wong SL, Lau CW, Yu J, Tomlinson B, Yao X & *Huang Y (2011) Telmisartan inhibits vasoconstriction via PPARγ-dependent expression and activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Cardiovascular Research 90(1):122-129
  247. Yung LM, Wong WT, Tian XY, Leung FP, Chen ZY, Lau CW, Yao X & *Huang Y (2011) Inhibition of renin-angiotensin system reverses endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress during estrogen deficiency in ovariectomized rats. PloS One 6(3):e17437
  248. Peng C, Chan HY, Huang Y, Yu H & Chen ZY (2011) Apple polyphenols extend the mean lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59(5):2097-2106
  249. Wong WT, Ng CH, Tsang SY, Huang Y & ZY Chen (2011) Relative contribution of individual oxidized components in ox-LDL to inhibition on endothelium-dependent relaxation in rat aorta. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases 21(3):157-164
  250. Chu L, Hao H, Luo M, Huang Y, Chen ZY, Lu T, Zhao X, Verfaillie CM, Zweier JL &Liu Z (2011) Ox-LDL modifies the behavior of bone marrow stem cells and impairs their endothelial differentiation via inhibition of Akt phsophosrylation. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 15(20:247-258
  251. Ma KY, Yang N, Jiao R, Peng C, Guan L, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2011) Dietary calcium decreases plasma cholesterol by down-regulation of intestinal Niemann-Pick C1 like 1 and microsomal triacylglycerol transport protein and up-regulation of CYP7A1 and ABCG 5/8 in hamsters. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 55(2):247-258
  252. Jin Zheng, Lee Hui Ching Michelle, Mohamad Mukmin bin Sattar, Yu Huang, Jin-Song Bian (2011) Cardioprotective effects of epigallocatechin-3-gallate against doxorubicin-induced cadiomyocyte injury. European Journal of Pharmacology 652(1-3):82-88
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  254. Zhang DE, Lin SM, Lau CW, Yiu A, Wang J, Li Y, Fan CL, *Huang Y, Ye WC (2010) Anemoside A3-induced relaxation in rat renal arteries: role of endothelium and Ca2+ channel inhibition. Planta Medica 76(16):1814-1819
  255. Jiao R, Yu FF, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2010) β-Sitosterol decreases but its intake frequency has no effect on plasma cholesterol level. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Resarch8(4):127-135
  256. Zhu ZM, Liu DY, Wong WT & Huang Y (2010) Response to Andresen and Peters. Cell Metabolism 12(5):422
  257. Chang J, Li Y, Huang Y, Lam KSL, Hoo RL, Wong WT, Cheng KK, Wang Y, Vanhoutte PM & Xu A (2010) Adiponectin Prevents Diabetic Premature Senescence of Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Promotes Endothelial Repair by Suppressing the p38 MAP kinase/p16INK4A Signaling Pathway. Diabetes 59(11):2949-2959
  258. Jiao R, Zhang Z, Yu H, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2010) Hypocholesterolemic activity of grape seed proanthocyanidin is mediated by 3 enhancement of bile acid excretion and up-regulation of CYP7A1. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 21(11):1134-1139
  259. Ma X, Cao J, Luo J, Nilius B, Huang Y, Ambudkar IS & Yao X (2010) Depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores stimulates the translocation of TRPV4-C1 heteromeric channels to the plasma membrane. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 30(11):2249-2255
  260. Liu H, Jin M-W, Sun H-Y, Huang Y & Li G-R (2010) The selective estrogen receptor modulator raloxifene inhibits cardiac delayed rectifier potassium currents and voltage-gated sodium current without QTc interval prolongation. Pharmacological Resaerch 62(5):384-390
  261. Wong WT, Tian XY, Chen YC, Leung FP, Liu L, Lee HK, Ng CF, Xu A, Yao X, Vanhoutte PM, Tipoe GL & *Huang Y (2010) Bone morphogenic protein-4 impairs endothelial function through oxidative stress-dependent cyclooxygenase-2 upregulation: Implications on hypertension. Circulation Research 107(5):984-991
  262. Han WQ, Wong WT, Tian XY, Wu LY, Huang Y, Zhu DL & Gao PJ (2010) Contributory role of endothelium and voltage-gated potassium channels in apocynin-induced vasorelaxations. Journal of Hypertension 28(10):2102-2110
  263. Zhou L, Xue H, Yuan P, Ni J, Yu C, Huang Y & Lu L (2010) Agiotensin II type 1 receptor activation mediates high glucose-Induced rat proximal tubule epithelial mesenchymal transition. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 37(9):e152-157
  264. Cheang WS, Wong WT, Shen B, Lau CW, Tian XY, Tsang SY, Yao X, Chen ZY, *Huang Y (2010) 4-Aminopyridine-sensitive K+ channels contributes to NaHS-induced membrane hyperpolarization and relaxation in the rat coronary artery. Vascular Pharmacology 53(3-4):94-98
  265. Schleifenbaum J, Voblova N, Kohn C, Zavaritskaya O, Dubrovska G, Gloe T, Crean CS, Luft FC, Huang Y, Jentsch T, Schubert R & Gollasch M (2010). Systemic peripheral artery relaxation by KCNQ channel openers and hydrogen sulfide Journal of Hypertension 28(9):1875-1882
  266. Wong WT, Tian XY, Xu A, Ng CF, HK Lee, CL Au, Chen ZY, Yao X & *Huang Y (2010) Angiotensin II type 1 receptor-dependent oxidative stress modulates endothelial dysfunction in aortas of diabetes mice and humans. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 16(3):757-768
  267. Yang D, Luo Z, Ma S, Wong WT, Ma L, Feng X, Hao X, Cao T, Zhao Z, Liu D, Arendshorst WJ, Huang Y, Tepel M & Zhu Z (2010) Activation of TRPV1 by dietary capsaicin improves endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation and prevents hypertension. Cell Metabolism 12(20:130-141 with CoverArt Image and editorial previews [Sessa WC Cell Metabolism 2010;12(2):109-110]
  268. Tian J, Wong WT, Tian XY, Zhang P, *Huang Y & Wang NP (2010) Rosiglitazone attenuates endothelin-1-induced vasoconstriction by up-regulating endothelial expression of ETB receptor. Hypertension 56(1):129-135
  269. Leung YK, Du J, Huang Y & Yao X (2010) Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels contribute to thromboxane A2-induced contraction of rat small mesenteric arteries. PLoS One 5(6):e11098.
  270. Feletou M, Huang Y & Vanhoutte PM (2010) Vasoconstrictor prostanoids. In The Endothelial Saga: The Heritage of Robert F. Furchgott" Special Issue Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology (Invited Review) 459(6):941-950
  271. Jiao R, Guan L, Yang N, Peng C, Liang Y, Ma KY, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2010) Frequent Cholesterol Intake Up-regulates Intestinal NPC1L1, ACAT2, and MTP. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58(9):5851-5857
  272. Kong EK, Huang Y, Sanderson JE, Chan KB, Yu S & Yu CM (2010) Baicalein and wogonin inhibit collagen deposition in SHR and WKY cardiac fibroblast cultures. BMB Reports 43(4):297-303
  273. Wong WT, Wong SL, Tain XY & *Huang Y (2010) Endothelial dysfunction: the common consequence in diabetes and hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 55(4):300-307
  274. Zhang Man, Leung FP, *Huang Y & Bian ZX (2010) Up-regulation of L-type calcium channel mediates increased contractility of colonic smooth muscle in a rat model of irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterology & Motility 22(5):e162-e170
  275. Chan YC, Leung FP, Wong WT, Tian TY, Yung LM, Lau CW, Tsang SY, Yao Y, Chen ZY & *Huang Y (2010) Therapeutically relevant concentrations of raloxifene dilate pressurized rat resistance arteries via calcium-dependent eNOS activation. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 30(5):992-999
  276. Wong SL & *Huang Y (2010) Adventitial connection to outside-in regulation of vascular function. Invited editorial commentary. Circulation Journal 74(5):854-855
  277. Wong CO, Huang Y & Yao X (2010) Genistein potentiates activity of the cation channel TRPC5 independently of tyrosine kinases. British Journal of Pharmacology 159(7):1486-1496
  278. Ma X, Qiu S, Luo JH, Ma Y, Ngai CY, Shen B, Wong CO, Huang Y & Yao XQ (2010) Functional role of TRPV4-TRPC1 complex in flow-induced Ca2+ influx. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 30(4):851-858
  279. Yip KH, Leung FP, Huang Y & Lau HY (2010) The nitric oxide donor, diethylamine NONOate, inhibits human mast cell activation through a guanosine 3’,5’-cyclic monophosphate dependent pathway. European Journal of Pharmacology 632(1-3):86-92
  280. Liu CQ, Wong SL, Leung FP, Tian XY, Lau CW, Lu LM, Yao X, Chen ZY, T Yao & *Huang Y (2010) Phosphodiesterase inhibition ameliorates prostanoid TP receptor-mediated impairment of vasorelaxation induced by cyclic AMP-elevating dilator. European Journal of Pharmacology 632(1):45-51
  281. Chen ZW, Yang Q, Huang Y, Fan L, Li XW & He GW (2010) Human urotensin II in internal mammary and radial arteries of patients undergoing coronary surgery. Vascular Pharmacology 52(1-2):70-76
  282. Griffith JF, Wang YX, Zhou H, Kwong WH, Wong WT, Sun YL, Huang Y, Yeung DKW, Qin L & Ahuja AT (2010) Likely causes of reduced bone perfusion in osteoporosis: novel findings in an ovariectomy rat model. Radiology 254(3):739-746
  283. Kwan HY, Cheng KT, Ma Y, Huang Y, Tang NL, Yu S & Yao X (2010) CNGA2 contributes to ATP-Induced noncapacitative Ca influx in vascular endothelial cells. Journal of Vascular Research 47(2):148-156
  284. 2009

  285. Qu L, Xue H, Yuan P, Zhou L, Yao T, Huang Y & Lu L (2009) Adenosine 5′-triphosphate stimulates the increase of TGF-β1 in rat mesangial cells under high-glucose conditions via reactive oxygen species and ERK1/2. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 30(12):1601-1606
  286. Peng C, Chan HYE, Li YM, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2009) Black tea theaflavins extend the lifespan of fruit flies. Experimental Gerontology 44(12):773-783
  287. Ma KY, Zhang ZS, Zhao, S, Chang Q, Wong YM, Yeung SYV, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2009) Red yeast rice increases excretion of bile acids in hamsters. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 22(4):269-277
  288. Kwan HY, Huang Y, Yao XQ & Leung FP (2009) Involvement of cyclic nucleotides in the control of cytosolic Ca2+ levels in vascular endothelial cells. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 36(9):857-866
  289. Zhang Z, Wang H, Jiao R, Peng C, Wong YM, Yeung VSY Huang Y & Chen ZY (2009) Choosing hamsters but not rats as a model for studying plasma cholesterol-lowering activity of functional foods. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 53(7):921-930
  290. Xue H, Yuan P, Zhou L, Yao T, Huang Y & Lu LM (2009) Effect of adrenotensin on cell proliferation is mediated by angiotensin II in cultured rat mesangial cells. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 30(8):1132-1137
  291. Liu CQ, Leung FP, Wong SL, Lau CW, Wong WT, Lu L, Yao X, Yao T & *Huang Y (2009) Thromboxane prostanoid receptor activation impairs endothelial nitric oxide-dependent vasorelaxations: the role of Rho kinase. Biochemical Pharmacology 78(4):374-381
  292. Chen ZY, Peng C, Jiao R, Wong YM, Yang N & Huang Y (2009) Anti-hypertensive nutraceuticals and functional foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57(11):4485-4499
  293. Wang Y, Huang Y, Lam KSL, Li Y, Ye H, Lau CW, Vanhoutte P & Xu A (2009) Berberine prevents hyperglycemia-induced endothelial injury and enhances vasodilatation via AMP-activated protein kinase and eNOS. Cardiovascular Research (Co-first author) 82(3):484-492
  294. Yip KH, Leung Fung PL, Huang Y & Lau HY (2009) Inhibition of anti-IgE mediated human mast cell activation by NO donors is dependent on their NO release kinetics. British Journal of Pharmacology 156(8):1279-1286
  295. Lau HY, Huang Y & Law KY. (2009) Effects of oestrogenic agents on rat peritoneal mast cells. Inflammation Research 58 (Suppl 1):15-16
  296. Kwan HY, Shen B, Ma X, Kwok YC, Huang Y, Man YB, Yu S & Yao X (2009) TRPC1 associates with BKCa channel to form a signal complex in vascular smooth muscle cells. Circulation Research 104(5):670-678
  297. He M, Zhang L, Shao Y, Wang X, Huang Y, Yao T & Lu L (2009) Inhibition of renin/prorenin receptor attenuated mesangial cells proliferation and reduced associated proliferative factors. European Journal of Pharmacology 606(1-3):155-161
  298. Wong SL, Leung FP, Au CL, Yung LM, Lau CW, Yao X, Chen ZY, Vanhoutte PM & *Huang Y (2009) Cyclooxygenase-2-derived PGF2α mediates endothelium-dependent contractions in the aortae of hamsters with increased impact during ageing. Circulation Research 104(2):228-235. With Editorial Commentary (Circ Res 2009;104:141-143
  299. Wong WT & Huang Y (2009) AT2R as a potential therapeutic target against hypertension. (Editorial Commentary) Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 36(1):3-4
  300. Leung KW, Leung FP, Mak NK, Tombran-Tink J, *Huang Y & Wong RNS (2009) Protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol bind to glucocorticoid and estrogen receptors in endothelial cells. British Journal of Pharmacology156(4):626-637
  301. Kwan HY, Wong CO, Chen ZY, Dominic Chan TW, Huang Y & Yao X (2009) Stimulation of histamine H(2) receptors activates TRPC3 channels through both phospholipase C and phospholipase D. European Journal of Pharmacology 602(2-3):181-187
  302. Hercule HC, Schunck W-H, Gross V, Seringer J, Leung FP, Weldon SM, Andrey Ch, Goncalves da C, Huang Y, Luft FC & Gollasch M (2009) Interaction between P450 eicosanoids and nitric oxide in the control of arterial tone in mice. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 29(1):54-60
  303. Yung LM, Laher I, Yao X, Chen ZY, *Huang Y & Leung FP (2009) Exercise and cardiovascular health – Part II. Sports Medicine 39(1):45-63
  304. 2008

  305. Leung FP, Yung LM, Laher I, Yao X, Chen ZY & *Huang Y (2008) Exercise and cardiovascular health – Part I. Sports Medicine 38(12):1009-1024
  306. Shen B, Cheng KT, Leung YK, Kwok YC, Kwan HY, Wong CO, Chen ZY, Huang Y & Yao X (2008) Epinephrine-induced Ca2+ influx in vascular endothelial cells is mediated by CNGA2 channels. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 45(3):437-445
  307. Wong CW, Yung LM, Leung FP, Tsang SY, Au CL, Chen ZY, Yao X, Cheng HK, Lau CW, Gollasch M & *Huang Y (2008) Raloxifene protects endothelial cells against oxidative stress. British Journal of Pharmacology 155(3):326-334
  308. Lam CK, Zhang Z, Yu H, Tsang SY, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2008) Apple polyphenols inhibit plasma CETP activity and reduce the ratio of non-HDL to HDL cholesterol. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 52(8):950-958
  309. Liu CQ, Leung FP, Lee WY, Lau CW, Yao Y, Lu Limin & *Huang Y (2008) Prevention of nitroglycerin tolerance in vitro by T0156, a selective phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. European Journal of Pharmacology 590(1-3):250-254
  310. Shao Y, He M, Zhou L, Yao Y, Huang Y & Lu L (2008) Chronic angiotensin (1–7) injection accelerates STZ-induced diabetic renal injury. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 29(7):829-837
  311. Guan L, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2008) Developmental and reproductive toxicity of soybean isoflavones to immature SD rats. Biomedical & Environmental Sciences 21(3):197-204
  312. Cheng KT, Leung YK, Shen B, Kwok YC, Kwan HY, Wong CO, Ma X, Huang Y, & Yao X (2008). CNGA2 channels mediate adenosine-induced Ca2+ influx in vascular endothelial cells. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 28(5):913-918
  313. Yip KH, Huang Y, Waye MMY & Lau HYA (2008) Induction of nitric oxide synthase isoforms in primary human culture mast cells by IgE and proinflammatory cytokines. International Immunopharmacology 8(5):765-768
  314. Li YM, Chan HYE, Yao XQ, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2008) Green tea catechins and broccoli reduce fat-Induced mortality in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry19(6):376-383
  315. Lam CK, Chen Jingnan, Cao Y, Yang L, Wong YM, Yeung SYV, Yao Y, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2008) Conjugated and non-conjugated octadecaenoic acids after differently intestinal acyl coenzyme A: Cholesterol acyltransferase activity. Atherosclerosis 198(1):85-93
  316. Leung FP, Yung LM, Yao X, I Laher & *Huang Y (2008) Stored-operated calcium entry in vascular smooth muscle. British Journal of Pharmacology 153(5):846-857
  317. Li YM, Chan HYE, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2008) Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) improves the survival and up-regulates endogenous antioxidant enzymes in Drosophila melanogaster challenged with reactive oxygen species. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88(3):499-506
  318. Ng CH, Yao X, Huang Y & Chen ZY, (2008) Oxidized cholesterol Is more hypercholesterolemic and atherogenic than non-oxidized cholesterol in hamsters. British Journal of Nutrition 99(4):749-755
  319. Wong CM, Tsang SY, Yao XQ, Chan FL & *Huang Y (2008) Effects of estrogen and progesterone on potassium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Steroids 73(3):272-279
  320. 2007

  321. Zhong JC, *Huang Y, Yung LM, Lau CW, Leung FP, Wong WT & Yu XY (2007) The novel peptide apelin regulates intrarenal artery tone in diabetic mice. Regulatory peptides 144:109-114
  322. Chung HL, Yue GCL, To KF, Su YL, Huang Y & Ko WH (2007) Effect of Scutellariae Radix extract on experimental dextran-sulfate sodium-induced colitis in rats. World Journal of Gastroenterology 13(42):5605-5611
  323. Kwan HY, Huang Y & Yao X (2007) Cyclic nucleotides and Ca2+ influx pathways in vascular endothelial cells. Clinical Hematology and Microcirculation 37(1-2):63-70
  324. Leung FP, Yung LM, Leung HS, Au CL, Yao X, Vanhoutte PM, Laher I & *Huang Y (2007) Therapeutic concentrations of raloxifene augments nitric oxide-dependent relaxation in porcine coronary artery.British Journal of Pharmacology 152(2):223-229
  325. Fesus G, Dubrovska G, Gorzelniak K, Huang Y, Luft FC & Gollasch M (2007) Adiponectin is a novel humoral vasodilator. Cardiovascular Research 75(4):719-727. With Editorial Commentary “The adventitia: The outs and ins of vascular disease” Cardiovasc Res 2007;75(4):636-639
  326. Wang X-F, Shao Y, Chen S-W, Tian D-Z, Huang G-Y, Huang Y, Yao T & Lu L-M (2007) Attenuation of cardiac dysfunction in rats following administration of non-viral vector carrying adrenomedullin. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology34:861-865
  327. Kwan HY, Huang Y & Yao X (2007) TRP channels in endothelial function and dysfunction. Biochim Biophys Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease 1772(2):907-914
  328. Zhou L, Shao Y, Huang Y, Yao T & Lu LM (2007) 17b-Estradiol inhibits angiotensin II-induced collagens synthesis in cultured rat cardiac fibroblasts via modulating angiotensin II receptors. European Journal of Pharmacology 567(3):186-192
  329. Leung FP, Tsang SY, Yung LM, Wong CM, Chan YC, Leung HS, Yao X & *Huang Y (2007) Raloxifene, tamoxifen and vascular tone. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (invited article to A Special Issue on Steroid Hormones and Vascular Function) 34:809-813
  330. Chan YC, Leung FP, Yao X, Lau CW, Vanhoutte PM & *Huang Y. (2007) Raloxifene modulates pulmonary vascular reactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 49(6):355-361
  331. Leung KW, Leung FP, Huang Y, Mak NK & Wong RNS (2007) Non-genomic effects of ginsenoside-Re in endothelial cells via glucocorticoid receptor. FEBS Letters 581(13):2423-2428
  332. Zhong JX, Yu XY, Huang Y, Yung LM, Lau CW & Lin SG (2007) Apelin modulates aortic vascular tone via endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation pathway in diabetic mice. Cardiovascular Research 74(3):388-395. With Editorial Commentary “Apelin and vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes” Cardiovasc Res 2007;74(3):339-340
  333. Cheng KKY, Lam KSL, Wang Y, Wu D, Huang Y, Wong C, Sweeney G & Xu A (2007) Adiponectin-induced eNOS activation and nitric oxide production are mediated by APPL1 in endothelial cells. Diabetes 56(5):1387-1394
  334. Li YM, Chan HYE, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2007) Green tea catechins upregulate superoxide dismutase and catalase in fruit flies. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 51(5):546-554
  335. Tang EHC, Leung FP, Huang Y, Feletou M, So KF, Man RYK & Vanhoutte PM (2007) Calcium and reactive oxygen species increase in endothelial cells in response to releasers of endothelium-derived contracting factor. British Journal of Pharmacology 151(1):15-23
  336. Liu H, Jin MW, Xiang JZ, Huang Y, Chiu SW, Lau CP & Li GR (2007) Raloxifene inhibits transient outward and ultra-rapid delayed rectifier potassium currents in human atrial myocytes. European Journal of Pharmacology 563:61-68
  337. Tsang SY, Yao XQ, Chan HY, Chan FL, Leung CSL, Yung LM, Au CL, Chen ZY, Laher I & *Huang Y (2007) Tamoxifen and estrogen attenuates enhanced vascular tone induced by estrogen deficiency in rat carotid arteries. Biochemical Pharmacology 73(9):1330-1339
  338. Leung HS, Seto SW, Kwan YY, Leung FP, Au ALS, Yung LM, Yao X & *Huang Y (2007) Endothelium-independent relaxation to raloxifene in porcine coronary artery. European Journal of Pharmacology 555(2-3):178-184
  339. 2006

  340. Leung HS, Yung LM, Leung FP, Yao X, Chen ZY, Ko WH, Laher I & *Huang Y (2006) Tamoxifen diates porcine coronary arteries: role of nitric oxide and ouabain sensitive mechanisms. British Journal of Pharmacology 149(6):703-711
  341. Lui K, Huang Y, Choi HL, Yu S, Wong KB, Chen S & Chan FL (2006) Molecular cloning and expression of estrogen receptor-related g receptor in rat prostate gland. Prostate 66:1600-1619
  342. Liu CL, Huang Y, Ngai CY, Leung YK & Yao XQ (2006) TRPC3 is involved in flow- and bradykinin-induced vasodilation in rat small mesenteric arteries. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 27(8):981-990
  343. Lei G, Yeung SYV, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2006) Both soybean and kudzu phytoestrogens modify favorably the blood lipoprotein profile in ovariectomized and castrated hamsters. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(13):4907-4912
  344. Leung PC, Cheng KT, Liu C, Cheung WT, Kwan HY, Lau KL, Huang Y & Yao X (2006) Mechanism of non-capacitative Ca influx in response to bradykinin in vascular endothelial cells. Journal of Vascular Research 43(4):367-376
  345. Liu C, Ngai CY, Huang Y, Ko WH, Wu M, He GW, Garland CJ, Dora KA & Yao X (2006) Depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores enhances flow-induced vascular dilatation in rat small mesenteric artery. British Journal of Pharmacology 147(5):506-515
  346. Leung HS, Leung FP, Yao X, Ko WH, Chen ZY, Vanhoutte PM & *Huang Y (2006) Endothelial mediators of the acetylcholine-induced relaxation of the rat femoral arteries. Vascular Pharmacology44(5):299-308
  347. Wong CM, Yao X, Au CL, Tsang SY, Fung KF, Laher I, Vanhoutte PM & *Huang Y (2006) Raloxifene prevents endothelial function in aging ovariectomized female rats. Vascular Pharmacology 44(5):290-298
  348. Zhang RZ, Yang Q, Yim APC, Huang Y & He GW (2006) Role of NO and EDHF-mediated endothelial function in the porcine pulmonary circulation: comparison between pulmonary artery and vein. Vascular Pharmacology 44:183-191
  349. Kwan HY, Huang Y & Yao X (2006) Protein kinase C can inhibit TRPC3 channels indirectly via stimulating protein kinase G. Journal of Cellular Physiology 207(2):315-321
  350. Leung HS, Yao X, Leung FP, Ko WH, Chen ZY, Gollasch M & *Huang Y (2006) Cilnidipine, a slow-acting Ca2+ channel blocker, induces relaxation in porcine coronary artery: role of endothelial nitric oxide and [Ca2+]i. British Journal of Pharmacology 147(1):55-63
  351. 2005

  352. Yao X, Kwan HY & Huang Y (2006) Regulation of TRP channels by Phosphorylation. Neurosignals 14:273-280 2005
  353. Tang EHC, Feletou M, Huang Y, Man RYK & Vanhoutte PM (2005) Acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside causes long-term inhibition of EDCF-mediated contraction. American J ournal of Physiology – Heart & Circulatory Physiology 289: H2434-H2440
  354. Zhang ZS, James AE, Huang Y, Ho WKK, Sahota DS & Chen ZY (2005) Quantification and characterization of aortic cholesterol in rabbits fed a high-cholesterol diet. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 56(5):359-366
  355. Xiao Y, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2005) Distribution, depletion and recovery of docosahexaenoic acid are region-specific in brain. British Journal of Nutrition 94(4):544-550
  356. Ng CH, Leung KY, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2005) Policosanol has no antioxidant activity in human low-density piloprotein but increases excretion of bile acids in hamsters. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53:6289-6293
  357. Leung FP, Yao X, Lau CW, Ko WH, Lu L & *Huang Y (2005) Raloxifene relaxes rat intrarenal arteries by inhibiting Ca2+ influx. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology 289:F137-F144
  358. Yang L, Leung KY, Cao Y, Huang Y, Ratnayake WMN & Chen ZY (2005) a-Linolenic acid but not conjugated linolenic acid (CLN) is hypocholesterolemic in hamsters. British Journal of Nutrition 93:433-438
  359. Chen ZW, Huang Y, Yang Q, Yim AP, & He GW (2005) Urocortin-induced relaxation in human internal mammary arteries. Cardiovascular Research 65(4): 913-920
  360. Chan YC, Leung FP, Yao X, Lau CW, Vanhoutte PM & *Huang Y (2005) Raloxifene relaxes rat pulmonary arteries and veins: roles of gender, endothelium and antagonism of Ca2+ influx. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 312(3): 1266-1271
  361. Lee CH, Yang L, Xu JZ, Yeung SYV, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2005) Relative antioxidant activity of soybean isoflavones and their glycosides. Food Chemistry 90(4):735-741
  362. 2004

  363. Yip H, Chan 7Y, Leung PC, Kwan HY, Liu C, Huang Y, Michel V, Yew DT & Yao X. (2004) Expression of TRPC homologs in endothelial cells and smooth muscle layers of human arteries. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 122:553-561
  364. Yue GG, Yip TW, Huang Y & Ko WH. (2004) Cellular mechanism for potentiation of Ca2+-mediated Cl- secretion by the flavonoid baicalein in intestinal epithelia. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(38):39310-39316
  365. Verlohren S, Dubrovska G, Tsang SY, Essin K, Luft FC, Huang Y & Gollasch M (2004) Visceral perivascular adipose tissue regulates arterial tone of small mesenteric arteries. Hypertension 44(3):271-276. With Editorial Commentary “Regulation of vascular Tone, The Fat Connection, Hypertension 2004;44:255-256
  366. Tsang SY, Yao X, Chan FL, Wong CM, Chen ZY, Laher I & *Huang Y (2004) Estrogen and tamoxifen modulate cerebrovascular tone in ovariectomized female rats. Hypertension 44(1):78-82
  367. Tsang SY, Yao X, Essen K, Wong CM, Chan FL, Gollasch M & *Huang Y. (2004) Raloxifene relaxes rat cerebral arteries in intro and inhibits L-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels. Stroke 35(7):1709-1714
  368. Zhang RZ, Yang Q, Yim AP, Huang Y & He GW. (2004) Different role of nitric oxide and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor in endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization and relaxation in porcine coronary arterial and venous system. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 43(6):839-850
  369. Xu JZ, Yeung SYV, Chang Q, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2004) Comparison of antioxidant activity and bioavailability of tea epicatechins with their epimers. British Journal of Nutrition 91(6):873-881
  370. Chan YC, Yao X, Lau CW, Chan FL, He GW, Bourreau JP & *Huang Y (2004) The relaxant effect of urocortin in the rat pulmonary resistance artery. Regulatory Peptides 121(1-3):11-18
  371. Su YL, Xu JZ, Ng CH, Leung LK, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2004) Antioxidant activity of tea theaflavins and methylated catechins in canola oil. Journal of The American Oil Chemists’ Society 81(3):269-274
  372. Liu C, Mather S, Huang Y, Garland CJ & Yao X. (2004) Extracellular ATP facilitates flow-induced vasodilatation in rat small mesenteric arteries. American Journal of Physiology - Heart & Circulatory Physiology 286(5):H1688-H1695
  373. Lau CW, Chan YC, Yao XQ, Chan FL, Chen ZY & *Huang Y (2004) Nickel inhibits urocortin-induced relaxation in the rat pulmonary artery. European Journal of Pharmacology 488(1-3):169-172
  374. Lau CW, Chen ZY, Wong CM, Yao XQ, He DZ, Xu HX & *Huang Y (2004) Attenuation of endothelium-mediated relaxation by acteoside in rat aorta: role of endothelial [Ca2+]i and nitric oxide-cyclic GMP pathway. Life Sciences 75(10):1149-1157
  375. Tsang SY, Yao X, Wong CW, Chan FL, Chen ZY & *Huang Y (2004) Differential regulation of potassium and calcium channel gene expression by chronic treatment with estrogen and tamoxifen in rat aorta. European Journal of Pharmacology 483(2):155-162
  376. Kwan HY, Huang Y & X Yao (2004) Regulation of cationic transient receptor potential isoform 3 (TRPC3) channel by protein kinase G. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America 101(8):2625-2630
  377. *Huang Y, Wong CM, Lau CW, Yao, XQ, Tsang SY, Su YL & Chen, Z.Y. (2004) Inhibition of nitric oxide/cyclic GMP-mediated relaxation by purified flavonoids, baicalin and baicalein, in rat aortic rings. Biochemical Pharmacology 67(4):787-794
  378. *Huang Y, Yao X, Lau CW, Chan YC, Tsang SY & Chan FL (2004) Urocortin and cardiovascular protection. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 25(3):257-265
  379. 2003

  380. Cheng KT, Chan FL, Huang Y, Chan WY & Yao X. (2003) Expression of olfactory-type cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (CNGA2) in vascular tissues. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 120(6):475-481
  381. Yang L, Huang Y, Wang HQ & Chen ZY (2003) Isomeric distribution of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) in the tissues of layer hens fed a CLA diet. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(19):5654-5660
  382. Xu JZ, Leung LK, Huang Y & Chen ZY. (2003) Epimerization of tea polyphenols in tea drinks. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture 83(15):1617-1621
  383. Ho HM, Leung LK, Chan FL, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2003) Soy leaf lowers the ratio of non-HDL to HDL cholesterol in Hamsters. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(16):4554-4558
  384. Lau KL, Kong SK, Ko WH, Kwan HY, Huang Y & Yao X (2003) cGMP stimulates endoplasmic reticulum Ca2-ATPase in vascular endothelial cells. Life Sciences 73:2019-2028
  385. Su YL, Leung LK, Huang Y & Chen ZY. (2003) Stability of tea theaflavins and catechins. Food Chemistry 83(2):189-195
  386. Cheung SY, Yuen MT, Choi HL, Cheng HK, Huang Y, Chen S & Chan FL. (2003) An expression study of hormone receptors in spontaneously developed, carcinogen-induced and hormone-induced mammary tumors in female Noble rats. International Journal of Oncology 22(6):1383-1395
  387. Yao X & Huang Y (2003) From nitric oxide to endothelial cytosolic Ca2+: a negative feedback control. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 24(6):263-266
  388. Yang Q, Ge ZD, Yang CQ, Huang Y & He GW. (2003) Bioassay of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor with abolishment of nitric oxide and the role of gap junctions in the porcine coronary circulation. Drug Development Research 58(1):99-110
  389. Kwan HY, Leung PC, Huang Y & Yao X (2003) Depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores sensitizes the flow-induced Ca2+ influx in rat endothelial cells. Circulation Research 92(3): 286-292
  390. *Huang Y, Chan FL, Lau CW, Tsang SY, Chen ZY, He GW & Yao XQ. (2003) Role of cAMP and Ca2+-actyivated K+ channels in endothelium-independent relaxation by urocortin in the rat coronary artery. Cardiovascular Research 57(3): 824-833
  391. Yao X, Kwan HY, Dora KA, Garland CJ & Huang Y. (2003) A mechanosensitive cation channel in endothelial cells and its role in vasoregulation. Biorheology40(1-3):23-30
  392. Tsang SY, Yao XQ Wong CM, Chen ZY & *Huang Y. (2003) Role of Na+-Ca2+ exchanger in pinacidil-induced relaxation in rat mesenteric artery. British Journal of Pharmacology 138(3):453-460
  393. Cheung SY, Yuen MT, Choi HL, Cheng HK, Huang Y, Chen S & Chan FL. (2003) Expression status of hormone receptors in spontaneously developed mammary tumors in female Noble rats. International Journal of Oncology 22(2):449-457
  394. Tsang SY, Yao XQ, Chan HY, Wong CM, Chen ZY, AU CL & *Huang Y. (2003) Contribution of K+ channels to relaxation induced by 17s-estradiol but not by progesterone in rat mesenteric artery rings. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 41(1):4-13
  395. Wartenberg M, Budde P, Marees M De, Tsang SY, Huang Y, Chen ZY, Hescheler J & Sauer H. (2003) Inhibition of tumor-induced angiogenesis and matrix-metalloproteinase expression in confrantation cultures of ES cell-derived embryoid bodies and multicellular tumor spheroids by antioxidants and plant ingredients used in traditional Chinese medicine. Laboratory Investigation 83(1):87-98
  396. 2002

  397. Tsang SY, Yao XQ, Chan HY, Cehn ZY, Wong CM & *Huang Y. (2002) Effect of 17s-estradiol exposure on vasorelaxation induced by K+ channel openers and Ca2+ channel blockers. Pharmacology65(1):26-31
  398. Chen HY, Yao XQ, Tsang SY, Bourreau JP, Chan FL & *Huang Y. (2002) Isoproterenol amplifies 17s-estradiol-mediated vasorelaxation: role of endothelium/nitric oxide and cyclic AMP. Cardiovascular Research 53(3):627-633. Special Issue “Spotlight on Gender”
  399. Yao XQ, He GW, Chan FL, Lau CW, Tsang SY, Chen ZY & *Huang Y. (2002) Endothelium-dependent and -independent coronary relaxation induced by urocortin. Journal of Cardiac Surgery 17(4):347-349
  400. *Huang Y, Tsang SK, Yao XQ, Lau CW, Su YL & Chen ZY. (2002) Baicalin-induced vascular response in rat mesenteric artery: role of endothelial nitric oxide. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 29(8):721-724
  401. Ko WH, Law WI, Yin YC, Yue GGL, Lau CW, Chen ZY & Huang Y. (2002) Stimulation of chloride secretion by baicalein in isolated rat distal colon. American Journal of Physiology Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 282(3):G508-G518
  402. Chen ZY, Leung LK & Huang Y. (2002) Reply to K.W. Lee, H.J. Lee and C.Y. Lee. On Antioxidant activity of black tea vs. green tea. Journal of Nutrition132(4):876
  403. *Huang Y, Chan FL, Lau CW, Tsang SK, He GW, Chen ZY & Yao XQ. (2002) Urocortin-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation of rat coronary artery: role of nitric oxide and K+ channels. British Journal of Pharmacology 135(6):1467-1476
  404. Zhang ZS, Ho WKK, Huang Y, James AE, Lam LW & Chen ZY. (2002) Hypolipidemic activity of hawthorn fruit in rabbits fed a high-cholesterol diet. Journal of Nutrition 132(1):5-10
  405. Zhang ZS, Yeung WK, Huang Y & Chen ZY. (2002) Effect of squalene and shark liver oil on serum cholesterol level in Hamsters. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 53(5):411-418
  406. Lohn M, Muzzulini U, Tsang SY, Conrad H, Kirsch T, Litteral J, Waldron P, Klugbauer N, Hofmann F, Haller H, Luft FC, Huang Y & Gollasch M. (2002) Cilnidipine is a novel slow-acting blocker of vascular L-type calcium channelss that does not target protein kinase C. Journal of Hypertension 20(5):885-894
  407. Yang L, Yeung SY, Huang Y, Wang HQ & Chen ZY (2002) Preferential incorporation of trans, trans-conjugated linoleic acid isomers in the liver of suckling rats. British Journal of Nutrition 87(3):253-260
  408. Ho HM, Chen RY, *Huang Y & Chen ZY (2002) Vascular effects of a Soy leaves extract and kaempferol glycoside in rat carotid artery. Planta Medica 68(6):487-491
  409. Herbst M, Greger R, Sasse P, Huang Y, Hescheler J & Ullrich S. (2002) Membrane potential dependent modulations of calcium oscillations in insulin secreting INS-1 cells. Cell Calcium 31(3):115-126
  410. Chen ZY, Wong IYF, Leung MWS, He ZD & Huang Y (2002) Characterization of antioxidants present in bitter tea (Ligustrum pedunculare). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(26):7530-7535
  411. Tam WY, Chen ZY, He ZD, Yao XQ, Lau CW & * Huang Y (2002) Enhancement of contraction of rat mesenteric artery by acteoside: role of endothelial nitric oxide. Journal of Natural Products 65(7):990-995
  412. Yao X, Kwan, HY & Huang Y (2002) A mechanosensitive cation channel in endothelial cells. Journal of Cardiac Surgery 17(4):340-341
  413. Ji ZN, Ye WC, Liu GQ & Huang Y (2002) Inhibition of telomerase activity and bcl-2 expression in berbamine-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells. Planta Medica 68(7):596-600
  414. Zhang ZS, Ho WKK, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2002) Hypocholesterolemic activity of hawthorn fruit is mediated by regulation of cholesterol-7a-hydroxylase and acyl CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase. Food Research International 35(9):885-891
  415. Chen ZY, Yao XQ, Chan FL, Lau CW & *Huang Y (2002) (-)Epicatechin induces and modulates endothelium-dependent relaxation in the isolated rat mesenteric artery rings. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (Invited article) 23(12):1188-1192
  416. Zhang ZS, Chang Q, Zhu M, Huang Y, Ho WKK & Chen ZY (2002) Characterization of antioxidants present in hawthorn fruits. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 12(3):144-152
  417. Yang L, Huang Y, Wang HQ & Chen ZY (2002) Production of conjugated linoleic acids through KOH-catalyzed dehydration of ricinoleic acid. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 119(1-2):23-31
  418. Yang L, Huang Y, James AE, Lam LW & Chen ZY (2002) Differential incorporation of conjugated linoleic acid isomers into the egg yolk lipids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(17):4941-4946
  419. Ho HM, Chen RY, Leung LK, Chan FL, *Huang Y & Chen ZY (2002) Difference in flavonoid and isoflavone profile between soybean and soy leaf. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 56(6):289-295
  420. Cheng CH, Yew DTW, Kwan HY, Zhou Q, Huang Y, Liu Y, Chan WY & Yao X (2002) An endogenous RNA transcript antisense to CNGα1 cation channel mRNA. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 13(10):3696-3705
  421. 2001

  422. Wong YF, *Huang Y, Hen ZD, Lau CW & Chen ZY (2001) Relaxing effects of Ligustrum purpurascens extract and purified acteoside in rat aortic rings. Planta Medica 67(5):317-321
  423. *Huang Y, Pai R, Lau CW, Chan FL, Chen ZY & Yao XQ. (2001) Modulatory effect of protein kinase C on contractility of rat vas deferens. Pharmacology 62(1): 2-9
  424. He ZD, *Huang Y, Yao XQ, Lau CW, Law WI & Chen ZY (2001) Purification of phenylethanoids from Brandisia hancei and the antiproliferative effects on aortic smooth muscle. Planca Medica 67 (6): 520-522
  425. Chen ZY, Zhu QY, Tsang D & Huang Y (2001) Degradation of green tea catechins in drinks. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49(1):477-482
  426. Chen ZY, Wang S, Lee KMS, Huang Y & Ho WKK (2001) Preparation of flavanol-rich green tea extract by precipitation with AlCl3. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture81(10):1034-1038
  427. Wang ZT, Lau CW, Chen FL, Yao XQ, Chen ZY, He ZD & *Huang Y (2001) Vasorelaxant effects of alpinetin and cardamonin from Alpinia blepharocalyx K. Schum. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology37(5):596-606
  428. Chen ZY, Kwan KY & Huang Y (2001) Accumulation and apparent oxidation of 18.2 c,t isomers relative to linoleic acid in rats. British Journal of Nutrition 86:249-255
  429. Su JP, Huang Y, Lenka N, Hescheler J & Ullrich S (2001) Expression and regulation of depolarization-activated K+ channels in the insulin secreting cell line INS-1. Pflugers Arch-European Journal of Physiology442(1):49-56
  430. Chen HY, Yao XQ, Tsang SY, Chan FL, Lau CW & *Huang Y (2001) Different role of endothelium/nitric oxide in 17s-estradiol and progesterone-induced relaxation in rat arteries. Life Sciences69(14):1609-1617
  431. Yao XQ, Kwan HY & Huang Y (2001) Stretch-sensitive switching among different channel sublevels of an endothelial cation channels. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembrane1511:381-390
  432. Wong IYF, He ZD, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2001) Antioxidative activities of phenylethanoid glycosides from Ligustrum Purpurascens. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49(6):3113-3119
  433. *Huang Y, Bourreau JP, Chan HY, Lau CW, Wong WT & Yao XQ (2001) Inhibitory effect of tetrabutylammonium ions on endothelium/nitric oxide-mediated vasorelaxation. Life Sciences 69(14):1661-1672
  434. Kwan HY, Huang Y & Yao XQ (2001) cGMP abolishes agonist-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations in human bladder epithelial cells. American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology 281(6): F1058-F1066
  435. Lau CW, Yao XQ, Chen ZY, Ko WH & *Huang Y (2001) Cardiovascular effects of berberine. Cardiovascular Drug Reviews (invited article) 19(3)-234-244
  436. 2000

  437. Chen ZY, Bi YR, Su YL, Tsang SY & Huang Y (2000) Effect of baicalein and acetone extracts of Scutellaria baicalensis on canola oil oxidation. Journal of The American Oil Chemists’ Society77:73-78
  438. Zhu QY, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2000) Interaction between flavonoids and a-tocopherol in human low-density lipoprotein. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 11:14-21
  439. Kwan HY, Huang Y & Yao XQ (2000) Store-operated calcium entry in vascular endothelial cells is inhibited by cGMP via a protein kinase G-dependent mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry275: 6758-6763
  440. Ko WH, Yao XQ, Lau CW, Law WY, Chen ZY, Ho WKK & *Huang Y (2000) Vasorelaxant and antiproliferative effect of berberine. European Journal of Pharmacology 399:187-196
  441. *Huang Y, Yao XQ, Chan FL, Lau CW, Chen NWK & Chen ZY (2000) Abolition of endothelium-dependent relaxation in the rat aorta by tetraoctylammonium ions. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 362 (2):152-159
  442. Chan NWK, Yao XQ, Ko WH & *Huang Y (2000) Nitric oxide mediates endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by glibenclamide in rat isolated aorta. Cardiovascular Research 46:180-187
  443. *Huang Y, Yao XQ, Lau CW, Chan FL, Chan NWK, Cheng YM & Chen ZY (2000) Role of endothelium in thapsigargin-induced arterial responses in rat aorta. European Journal of Pharmacology 392:51-59
  444. Sea MM, Fong WP Huang Y & Chen ZY (2000) Weight cycling-induced alteration in fatty acid metabolism. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 279:R1145-R1155
  445. Shen S, Huang Y & Bourreau J-P (2000) Efficacy of muscarinic stimulation and mode of excitation-contraction coupling in bovine trachealis muscle. Life Sciences 67(15):1833-1846
  446. Yao XQ, Kwan H, Chan NWK, Chan FL & Huang Y (2000) A protein kinase G-sensitive channel mediates Ca2+ entry in vascular endothelial cells. FASEB Journal 14(7):932-938
  447. Tsang SY, Chen ZY, Yao XQ & *Huang Y (2000) Potentiating effects on contractions by purified baicalin and baicalein in the rat mesenteric artery. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 36:263-269
  448. Chen ZY, Law WI, Ho WKK & *Huang Y (2000) Inhibitory effects of purified green tea epicatechins on contraction and proliferation of arterial smooth muscle cells. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 21(9) 835-840
  449. Su YL, Leung LK, Bi YR, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2000) Antioxidant activity of flavonoids isolated from Scutellaria rehderiana. Journal of The American Oil Chemists’ Society77:807-812
  450. Yeung CH, Yang L, Huang Y, Wang J & Chen ZY (2000) Dietary conjugated linoleic acid mixture affects the activity of intestinal acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase in hamsters. British Journal of Nutrition 84(6):935-941
  451. *Huang Y, Yao XQ, Tsang SY, Lau CW & Chen ZY (2000) Role of endothelium in vascular response to flavonoids and epicatechins. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 21(12): 1119-1124 (Invited article). Special issue “Traditional Herbal Medicine Research”
  452. Chan FL, Choi HL, Chen ZY, Chen PSF & Huang Y (2000) Induction of apoptosis in prostate cancer cell lines by a flavonoid, baicalin. Cancer Letters 160(2):219-227
  453. Tao L, Huang Y & Bourreau J-P (2000) Control of the mode of excitation-contraction coupling by Ca2+ stores in bovine trachealis muscle. American Journal of Physiology Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 279:L722-L-732
  454. Yang L, Leung LK, Huang Y & Chen ZY (2000) Oxidative stability of conjugated linoleic acid isomers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry48:3072-3076
  455. 1999

  456. Chen Z, Su YL, Lau CW, Law WI & *Huang Y (1999) Endothelium-dependent contraction and direct relaxation induced by baicalein in rat mesenteric artery. European Journal of Pharmacology 374:41-47
  457. *Huang Y, Chung YW & Wong PYD (1999) K+ channel activity recorded from the apical membrane of the freshly isolated tubule of rat caudal epididymis. Biology of Reproduction 60:1509-1514
  458. *Huang Y, Ko WH, Chung YW & Wong PYD (1999) Identification of Ca2+-activated K+ channels in cultured equine sweat gland epithelial cells. Experimental Physiology 84: 881-895
  459. Chan PT, Fong WP, Cheung YL, Huang Y, Ho WKK & Chen ZY (1999) Jasmine green tea epicatechins are hypolipidemic in hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) fed a high fat diet. Journal of Nutrition 129:1094-1110
  460. *Huang Y, Chan NWK, Lau CW, Yao XQ, Chan FL & Chen ZY (1999) Involvement of endothelium/nitric oxide in vasorelaxation induced by purified green tea (-)epicatechin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta1427:322-328
  461. Chan FL, Poon HK, Huang Y & Choi HL (1999) The glycoconjugates of the ciliary body epithelium of the rat eye: a lectin histochemistry and protein blotting study. Histochemical Journal 31:95-107
  462. *Huang Y, Lau CW, Chan FL & Yao X (1999) Contribution of nitric oxide and K+ channel activation to vasorelaxation of isolated rat aorta by procaine. European Journal of Pharmacology 367:231-237
  463. Zhu QY, Huang Y, Tsang D & Chan ZY (1999) Regeneration of a-tocopherol in human low-density lipoprotein by green tea catechin. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry47:2020-2025
  464. Yao XQ & *Huang Y (1999) Endothelium-dependent relaxation by tetraoctylammonium ions in rat isolated aortic rings. Pharmacology Letters. 66:PL13-19
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