Converging Parallels: A Celebration of SCM’s 25 Years at the Forefront of Media Art-Making 共點平行: 創意媒體學院二十五年香港媒體藝術最前線

Converging Parallels: A Celebration of SCM’s 25 Years at the Forefront of Media Art-Making is a media art exhibition that invites you to embark on a captivating exploration through two decades of ground-breaking media art development in Hong Kong. This exhibition, titled after its profound theme, celebrates the convergence of exceptional alumni and students from the School of Creative Media, showcasing their transformative works that mark the culmination of their artistic journeys at the intersection of art and technology.

SCM Black and White Photography Exhibition 2023 - and... a log

"and... a log" is an event organised by students of black and white photography classes, mainly from the SCM undergraduate programme. The primary objective of the event is to delve into the distinctive memories and experiences of different individuals. It also serves as a platform for enthusiastic, creative, and dedicated students and teachers interested in black and white photography to showcase their artistic creations to a wider audience.

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