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Learning Experience Enhancement Initiatives
Banner Image(LEEI) The Learning Experience Enhancement initiatives now invites proposals for innovative projects that will enhance the student learning experience and/or improve the overall campus environment.

  • All full-time or part-time CityUHK students.
  • Each project team should consist of at least two and up to five students, one being designated as team leader.
  • Each student member’s remaining year of study should not be shorter than the duration of the proposed project.
  • Each project should be supervised by a Project Advisor (full-time academic staff member, or non-academic staff member at the rank of Executive Officer or above from a unit related to the project)

Selection Criteria
  • Innovation and Creativity: The project should demonstrate originality and uniqueness.
  • Impact on Student Learning Experience: The project has the potential to enhance the student learning experience, such as improving access to resources, fostering collaboration, or enhancing engagement.
  • University-wide Impact: The project has the potential to improve the physical or social environment of the campus, addressing issues such as sustainability, accessibility, or community building.
  • Feasibility/Sustainability: The project is realistic, well-planned, and can be implemented within a given timeframe and resources.

Priority will be given to projects that effectively address the following pressing issues outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
  • SDG3: Good health and well-being
  • SDG7: Affordable and clean energy
  • SDG9: Industry innovation and infrastructure
  • SDG11: Sustainable cities and communities
  • SDG12: Responsible consumption & production
  • SDG13: Climate Action

There is no confined scope for the deliverables. Projects could include:
  • Implementation of ideas inspired from final year projects or course assignments;
  • Initiatives to enhance the student learning experiences;
  • Exchange activities;
  • Enhancement to tangible or intangible campus infrastructure.
Application Deadlines and Requirements
  • Applications are accepted year-round with three cut-off deadlines (see schedules below). To ensure timely consideration, please submit your application to by the specified deadline for each review round. Applications received after the deadline of a specific round will be considered in the subsequent round.
  Announcement of application details:    4 December 2024
  Deadline for application: All year round with three cut-off deadlines: 

- Extended Submission Deadline: 20 January 2025
- The 2nd round: March to April 2025 (TBC)
- The 3rd round: May to June 2025 (TBC)

    Applications will be assessed in January, April and June every year.
  Release of results: Approximate 2 months after the cut-off deadlines.

  • An application will only be considered if the submission includes:
    • A proposal in editable Word format using the template;
    • Proof of endorsement from the Project Advisor (preferred);
    • Supporting documents (e.g. quotations of equipment) (Optional).

  • Approved projects are required to submit the following reports on the progress and/or outcomes as specified on the approved proposals: *The length of the reports should not be less than 4 pages of A4 paper.
    • A Progress report: halfway through the project (i.e. if the project is awarded for 12 months, the progress report is to be submitted by end of the sixth month);
    • A Final report: within a month upon the completion of the project.

  • In each round of applications, a student can only be the team leader for one application. Additionally, no team leader can lead more than one project at any given time.
Assessment Panel
An Assessment Panel will be formed to review the proposals. Membership on the Assessment Panel is contingent upon the topics of student proposals to the respective academic support units’ areas of responsibility.

Funding Support
  • The maximum amount of funding for a successful application is HK$100,000.
  • The amount of funding will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Assessment Panel.
  • Awarded teams should comply with the Funding Guidelines of the Projects.

  1. Acknowledgements of the source of funding should be included in all promotion materials arising from the project.
  2. Acknowledgements should be made by:
    1. Featuring the University’s and LEAD’s logo on the materials.  The use of the University logo must comply with the guidelines set out by the Communications and Institutional Research Office; and
    2. A tagline should also be placed the bottom of the materials: This project is one of the <scheme name under the LEAD> supported by the City University of Hong Kong’s Learning: Experience, Achieve, and Develop (LEAD) scheme.
  3. Approval from the Office of the Provost and Deputy President needs to be sought before the promotional materials are released.
Intellectual Property
Please follow the University Intellectual Property Policy, including Software Asset Management and Guidelines for Photocopying of Printed Works. For more details, please refer to:

If you have any questions, contact or by phone at 3442-9225.