Professor Julien Chaisse Serves as Judge for ALB Hong Kong Law Awards 2024

Professor Julien Chaisse of the School of Law at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) served as a judge for the ALB Hong Kong Law Awards 2024, marking the sixth consecutive year of his participation in this role. Organized by Thomson Reuters and Asian Legal Business (ALB), these awards are widely regarded as one of the premier events for recognizing excellence in the legal profession in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

Held on 13 September 2024 at the JW Marriott Hotel in Hong Kong, the event gathered leading law firms, in-house legal teams, and practitioners to celebrate top achievements across more than 30 categories, including Civil Litigation Law Firm of the Year, International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year, and ESG and Sustainability Law Firm of the Year. Notable winners included Clifford Chance, Mayer Brown, and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, recognized for their standout contributions in areas such as intellectual property, energy, and dispute resolution.

The event featured Mr. Grenville Cross, GBS, SC, as the Guest of Honor. Mr. Cross, a British barrister and former Director of Public Prosecutions of the Hong Kong SAR, has made significant contributions to criminal justice in Hong Kong. He is currently a Senator for Life of the International Association of Prosecutors and an Honorary Professor of Law at both the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

As a judge, Professor Chaisse reviewed entries across different categories, evaluating the accomplishments of law firms and legal teams based on submitted materials and his expertise in international law. The ALB Hong Kong Law Awards continue to be a significant event, highlighting key advancements in the legal profession.

For more information and a complete list of winners, please visit the ALB Hong Kong Law Awards website:



Chinese Title
夏竹立教授擔任 2024 年度 ALB 香港法律大獎評審
News Date
Chinese Body

香港城市大學(港城大)法律學院夏竹立教授連續六年擔任 ALB 香港法律大獎 2024 的評審。該獎項由湯森路透和《亞洲法律雜誌》(Asian Legal Business, ALB) 主辦,被視為表彰香港及大灣區法律界傑出人士的重要盛事之一。

ALB 香港法律大獎於2024913日在香港JW萬豪酒店舉行。活動雲集了領先的律師事務所、內部法律團隊和執業律師,聚首一堂慶祝年度最佳民事訴訟律師事務所、年度最佳國際仲裁律師事務所,以及年度最佳可持續發展律師事務所等30多個類別獎項的誕生。著名的獲獎者包括高偉紳律師事務所、孖士打律師行和富而德律師事務所,表揚他們在知識產權、能源和爭議解決等領域的傑出貢獻。

江樂士資深大律師,GBS 擔任此次活動的榮譽嘉賓。江樂士先生是英國大律師,曾委任為香港刑事檢控專員,對香港的刑事司法作出了重大貢獻。他目前是國際檢察官協會(International Association of Prosecutors)的終身參議員,也是香港大學和香港中文大學的榮譽法學教授。

作為評審,夏竹立教授審閱了各類別的參賽作品,根據提交的材料並運用他在國際法方面的專業知識評估律師事務所和法律團隊的成就。 ALB 香港法律大獎一直以來是法律界的重要盛事,突顯行業的關鍵發展。

欲瞭解更多資訊和完整的得獎者名單,請訪問 ALB 香港法律大獎網站: