vPAD 虛擬實境為本的訓練計劃

A virtual reality (VR)-based training programme developed by a multi-disciplinary team led by City University of Hong Kong enhances the social adaptation and emotional skills for school-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).


The pioneering VR-based training programme for social adaptive and emotional training (vPAD) helps children with ASD to respond appropriately and adapt to a range of different social environments. The team has designed six unique learning scenarios for school-aged students with ASD. These immersive learning scenarios are enabled by multi-projection VR technologies that provide an authentic, immersive, situated, safe and controllable educational environment.


In the News

城大虛擬情景訓練 改善自閉童社交 (晴報) 28-06-2017
