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For Students
These are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions related to special examination arrangements. If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact our SEN Officer.
Q1: Who will be informed about my SEN condition?
A: Any information disclosed on AIMS is treated confidentially. When you register with us, you will be asked whether limited information regarding your SEN condition could be revealed via AIMS to other staff members on a ‘need-to-know’ basis where this is necessary to facilitate our support for you.
Q2: What if I choose not to disclose?
A: If you do not disclose your condition, you may not receive the practical support to which you are entitled. It may also be difficult to make the appropriate accommodations. Information about a mobility difficulty, for example, is needed well in advance so that accessible rooms can be booked for lectures and seminars. Our SEN Officer at SDS is happy to discuss any concerns you may have about disclosure.
Q3: What supporting document(s) do I need to provide to support my application?
A: Students with a specific learning difficulty must provide evidence of a full diagnostic assessment carried out by a registered educational psychologist, clinical psychologist or a specialist (an occupational therapist in the case of dyspraxia).
If you are applying on other grounds, you will need to provide us with a letter/report from a qualified medical practitioner e.g. general practitioner, psychiatrist. The documentation must be signed and dated. It must include details of the diagnosis given and provide some general information on how this may impact on your studies and/or daily life. Please visit the following link for more details:
If you do not provide sufficient evidence, we will not be able to consider your application.
Q4: I do not feel I can sit my upcoming examinations - what should I do?
A: If you want to request a deferral of examinations on the grounds of your health (e.g. mental health or Special Educational Needs), please contact us to discuss your options. Examination deferral requests are handled through AIMS system as soon as possible. For more details, please refer to the following website:
Q5: I have injured my hand and cannot write - what should I do?
A: Depending on the nature of your examinations and your injury, we should be able to provide accommodations which will enable you to sit for your examinations. This might involve providing a scribe, the use of a computer or additional writing time.
Please contact the home academic unit offering the programme in which you are enrolled to apply for special accommodations and ensure you give details on the specific format of your examinations, e.g. if they involve drawing or writing in a foreign language.
Q6: What happens next after I have applied for special examination arrangements on AIMS?
A: After receiving your application, the SEN Officer will verify your eligibility and email your CityU account for an individual appointment to discuss the accommodations you may need. After the meeting, the SEN Officer will propose a supporting recommendation for your home department’s approval. The decisions of your home academic unit on any special assessment/examination arrangements adjusted for you will normally be available in Week 5 of your first Semester/Term. Please access your declaration to check the information via AIMS.
Q7: If I have a change in circumstances and think my arrangements need to be reviewed, should I reapply?
A: Yes. When you contact us, please clarify that you are making a repeated application. Please provide updated medical evidence which indicates a change in circumstances/diagnosis and explain why you feel your previous arrangements are no longer sufficient.