Latest News & Events

Oct 2023


University Event
CityU Undergraduate
Info Day 2023
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
CityU Campus
NS Gathering Point:
Chan Kei Biu Lecture Theatre (LT-6),
Yeung Kin Man Academic Building (YEUNG)
Event Photo
APR 2024


Joint Seminar on “Neural Mechanisms of Strategic Reasoning and Learning” and “Disentangling the Influence of Continuous Magnitudes in the Study of Number Sense in Rodents”
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
P4701, Purple Zone, 4/F Yeung Kin Man Academic Building
Prof. Wing Ho Yung, Department of Neuroscience
Prof. Shanshan Zheng, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
FEB 2024


Termination of Convulsion Seizures by Destabilizing and Perturbing Seizure Memory Engrams
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
P4701, Purple Zone, 4/F Yeung Kin Man Academic Building
Prof. Zhuo Huang, Peking University, China
Joint Seminar on “Neural Mechanisms of Strategic Reasoning and Learning” and “Disentangling the Influence of Continuous Magnitudes in the Study of Number Sense in Rodents”
Joint Seminar on “Neural Mechanisms of Strategic Reasoning and Learning” and “Disentangling the Influence of Continuous Magnitudes in the Study of Number Sense in Rodents”

29 April 2024

The Departments of Linguistics and Translation (LT), Neuroscience (NS), and Social and Behavioural Sciences (SS) jointly organized a seminar on 29 April 2024. Professor ZHEN Shanshan, Assistant Professor from SS first shared with the audience her research on “Neural Mechanisms of Strategic Reasoning and Learning”. In this research, Prof. Zhen delved into the intricate neural mechanisms within the human brain that facilitate strategic reasoning and learning. She also explored how humans use strategic thinking to represent the mental states of others and predict their actions, utilizing fMRI to examine the underlying neural circuits. Additionally, she shared how she examined the process of updating predictions based on feedback while making decisions, incorporating EEG and computational modeling to comprehend the adaptive learning processes.

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Can animals count? Neuroscientists at CityUHK and CUHK resolve long-standing debate
Can animals count? Neuroscientists at CityUHK and CUHK resolve long-standing debate

16 April 2024

Research co-led by Prof. Yung Wing-ho (Cityu) and Prof. Ke Ya (CUHK) has made a ground-breaking discovery regarding number sense in animals by confirming the existence of discrete number sense in rats, offering a crucial animal model for investigating the neural basis of numerical ability and disability in humans...

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Prof. Yulong LI presented a seminar entitled “Spying on Neuromodulator Dynamics in Vivo by Constructing Multi-Color Genetically-Encoded Sensors”
Prof. Yulong LI presented a seminar entitled “Spying on Neuromodulator Dynamics in Vivo by Constructing Multi-Color Genetically-Encoded Sensors”

11 March 2024

On 11th March, we were honored to invite Prof. Yulong Li of Peking University, to give a lecture entitled “Spying on neuromodulator dynamics in vivo by constructing multi-color genetically-encoded sensors”.

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CityU neuroscientists unveil the novel therapeutic potential of Metaxalone for treating nerve injuries
CityU neuroscientists unveil the novel therapeutic potential of Metaxalone for treating nerve injuries

7 March 2024

Traumatic injuries to the peripheral nervous system are a leading cause of disability, especially patients with proximal peripheral nerve injury. It’s hard to regenerate and regain normal function in a short period, and it often leads to sensory and motor dysfunction, which greatly affects the patient’s quality of life. Recently, a research team led by City University of Hong Kong (CityU) neuroscientists found that metaxalone treatment accelerates nerve repair and function recovery comparable to immediate treatment, offering a highly relevant clinical strategy...

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Neuroscientist receives Shenzhen Science & Technology Research Grant for Groundbreaking Neuroscience Study
Neuroscientist receives Shenzhen Science & Technology Research Grant for Groundbreaking Neuroscience Study

6 March 2024

Professor Alan C. C. Fung has been awarded the Shenzhen Science & Technology Research Grants – General Grant for Basic Research in support of his pioneering research project titled “Impacts of Astrocyte-Driven Modulation of the Variation of Neurotransmitter Release Probabilities on the Dynamics of Neural Networks”.

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Staff Promotion in Department of Neuroscience
Staff Promotion in Department of Neuroscience

26 February 2024

We are delighted to announce the promotion of Professor Kwok On LAI to Associate Professor in Department of Neuroscience, with effect from 1 July 2024...

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Discover our educational programmes which are designed to provide graduates with the necessary knowledge and practical skills for successful careers in neuroscience and its growing multi-disciplinary field.


Browse our most recent journal articles showcasing comprehensive work conducted by our research teams.

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Neurodiagnostic and neurotherapeutic potential of graphene nanomaterials

Yang, S., Baeg, E., Kim, K., Kim, D., Ahn, J.-H. & Yang, S.* (2024). Neurodiagnostic and neurotherapeutic potential of graphene nanomaterials. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 247:115906.

Entorhinohippocampal cholecystokinin modulates spatial learning by facilitating neuroplasticity of hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapses

Su, J., Huang, F.*., Tian, Y., Tian, R., Qianqian, G., Bello, S. T., Zeng, D., Jendrichovsky, P., Lau, C. G., Xiong, W., Yu, D., Tortorella, M., Chen, X.* & He, J.* (2023). Entorhinohippocampal cholecystokinin modulates spatial learning by facilitating neuroplasticity of hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapses. Cell Reports, 42:113467.

Astrocyte and L-lactate in the anterior cingulate cortex modulate schema memory and neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis

Akter, M., Hasan, M., Ramkrishnan, A. S., Iqbal, Z., Zheng, X., Fu, Z., Lei, Z., Karim, A. & Li, Y.* (2023). Astrocyte and L-lactate in the anterior cingulate cortex modulate schema memory and neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis. eLife, 12, e85751.

Low-dose ionizing radiation promotes motor recovery and brain rewiring by resolving inflammatory response after brain injury and stroke

Au, N. P. B., Wu, T., Kumar, G., Jin, Y., Li, Y. Y. T., Chan, S. L., Lai, J. H. C., Chan, K. W. Y., Yu, K. N., Wang, X., Ma, C. H. E.* (2024). Low-dose ionizing radiation promotes motor recovery and brain rewiring by resolving inflammatory response after brain injury and stroke. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 115, 43-63.

Does astrocytic L-lactate enhance cognition through myelination?

Akter, M. & Li, Y.* (2024). Does astrocytic L-lactate enhance cognition through myelination? Neural Regeneration Research 19(6), 1167-1168.

Cross-modal implicit learning of random time patterns

Kang, H., Auksztulewicz, R., Chan, C. H., Cappotto, D., Rajendran, V. G., & Schnupp, J. W. H. (2023). Cross-modal implicit learning of random time patterns. Hearing Research, 438, 108857.



Department of
City University of
Hong Kong

1A-401, 4/F, Block 1A,
To Yuen Building,
31 To Yuen Street,
Kowloon Tong,
Hong Kong

13 May 2024