City University of Hong Kong (CityU) is grateful to the University Grants Committee (UGC) for their consideration of our proposal for setting up a school of veterinary medicine in Hong Kong


                                                Press Release



City University of Hong Kong (CityU) is grateful to the University Grants Committee (UGC) for their consideration of our proposal for setting up a school of veterinary medicine in Hong Kong, in particular, for the special opportunity granted to CityU to make a presentation on our proposal and to answer questions from the members at its full council meeting held on 23 April 2010.


CityU has taken note of the concerns of the UGC and will follow the requirements stipulated by the UGC in exploring the possibility of setting up a school of veterinary medicine in Hong Kong on a self-financing basis. 


Media enquiries: Ida Leung, Communications and Public Relations Office, CityU (3442 6809 or 9161 3498).


Communications and Public Relations Office

City University of Hong Kong



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