Donors supporting new Named Chair Professorship Scheme

The first-ever inauguration ceremony for Named Chair Professorships at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on 11 October honoured distinguished scholars for their outstanding achievements and paid tribute to our generous donors.
The Named Chair Professorship Scheme has made promising progress since its launch under the theme “Together · Research Beyond Boundaries”. More than 20 named Chair Professorships and Professorships have been established within just a few years. Eighteen of those officially appointed academics attended the ceremony.
The Named Chair Professorships established so far are having a multigenerational impact on various academic disciplines as well as on our community and the world at large.

Officiating at the ceremony were Dr Chung Shui-ming, Pro-Chancellor, Mr Lester Garson Huang, Council Chairman, and President Way Kuo.
“The Named Chair Professorships represent one of the highest honours that we can bestow on academic staff and will be a lasting tribute to donors, whose names will be prominently associated with the named scholars and their ongoing good work. This is a meaningful joint endeavour that will advance the frontiers of knowledge,” Mr Huang said in his welcome address.

“The Scheme marks an important milestone in our journey. It reinforces our aspiration to become a leading global university that excels in research and professional education and shows our appreciation to our donors,” President Kuo said.
The Named Chair Professorships cover a broad array of disciplines under the five major interdisciplinary research areas outlined in CityU's Strategic Plan 2020–2025, ranging from architecture, behavioural and policy sciences, biomedical sciences, business, e-learning, energy and environment, engineering, and materials science to One Health and veterinary medicine.
Many distinguished donors have offered support to the Scheme, inspired by CityU’s research excellence. Some were establishing their first Named Chair Professorship/Named Professorship at CityU:
• BOCHK Charitable Foundation
• Mr Winfred Chan Hon-pun
• The late Mr David Chow Tak-fung
• CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
• Hung Hing Ying and Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation
• Dr The Honourable Lee Shau-kee, GBM
• Ryoden Development Charitable Trust
• Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund
• The TUYF Charitable Trust
• Dr Wong Chun-hong, BBS
• Dr Yeung Kin-man, SBS, JP
As one of the most progressive universities in the world, CityU has a strong team of world-class faculty. Compared to faculty size, the percentage of its top 2% scientists is among the top three in Asia. According to metrics compiled by Stanford University, over 170 CityU faculty members, several of whom are Named Chair Professors/Named Professors, were listed among the top 2% of the world's most highly cited scientists, reflecting the high academic standard of our faculty and our excellent research performance.
CityU has been ranked 1st in Hong Kong for the 6th consecutive year in the top 100 worldwide universities granted US utility patents by the National Academy of Inventors in 2021, indicating the effort we have put into promoting innovation and invention.
The Scheme forms an integral part of our commitment to excellence in research and professional education for the benefit of society and the world.
For more information on the Named Chair Professorship Scheme, please click Named Chair Professorship Scheme.