EIM-OC Gold Campus awarded to CityU for 2nd year running

Promoting health and well-being on campus has been internationally recognised once again at City University of Hong Kong (CityU).
CityU was granted a Gold Campus Award for 2021 under the Exercise is Medicine® On Campus (EIM-OC) programme. Thanks to exceptional efforts to promote regular exercise during the Covid-19 pandemic, CityU was also selected for a 2021 Covid-19 Conqueror badge this year.
CityU, which won Gold Campus Award in 2020 and Silver Campus Awards in 2019 and 2017, is one of only 153 top institutes from around the world to be recognised this year for its continuous efforts to promote physical activity and encourage the campus community to work together to foster health and well-being.
Gold level campuses possess a referral system for which campus healthcare providers assess physical activity among students and refer them, if necessary, to a certified fitness professional as part of medical treatment, according to the EIM-OC committee.
President Way Kuo of CityU congratulated all CityU participants on the programme. “It is great to hear that CityU has been selected for the Gold Campus 2021 award for the second year running," he said. “Exercise truly is medicine and it is vital that we all commit to a regular regime of daily exercise to keep us healthy, especially during the pandemic."
“I am glad to see our collaborative efforts from CityU EIM-OC Task Force and all participants being recognised for the adaptive physical activity programmes and exercise habits despite the Covid challenges,” said Professor Raymond Chan Hon-fu, Vice-President (Student Affairs). “We will continue to cultivate the wellness culture within the CityU community.”

A virtual prelude was held in November 2020, in which President Kuo shared CityU’s experience as a healthy university alongside Dr Patrick Chan Ping-cheung, Associate Director of Student Development Services (Physical Education), and representatives of the CityU Sports Teams sharing tips on exercising and introduced upcoming wellness activities.
Other initiatives during the year included the Sports for All programme, which consists of 12 sport clubs holding activities all year round, special outdoor pursuits during the pandemic such as hiking and canoeing, summer PE courses, and a special annual athletic meet; the production of exercise videos; and health talks and a health campaign organised by on-campus medical clinic.
Exercise is Medicine® On Campus (EIM-OC) is a US-based recognition scheme launched by the American College of Sports Medicine. Launched in 2014, the scheme encourages faculty, staff and students to work together to improve the health and well-being of the university community.