‘BOLD’ steps for creative online learning

Be Original, Leading Discovery
An exciting new initiative launched by City University of Hong Kong (CityU) promises to inject creativity into online learning.
BOLD@CityU comprises series of powerful talks, named BOLD Forum, by six notable CityU scholars, including Professor Way Kuo, University President.
BOLD stands for “Be Original, Leading Discovery”, and the initiative aims to inspire students in knowledge discovery and support their academic planning through a lively and engaging learning experience.
The topics cover a rich range of popular subjects such as public health, data science, biomedical sciences, business, art and creativity, and electronic engineering.
This inspirational new series will appeal to secondary school students in Hong Kong and overseas. The trailer will give you a taste of these exciting talks.
President Kuo will share his insights on data-driven management of societal health at the inaugural talk on 30 April.
The other speakers include:
• Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Yeung Kin Man Chair Professor of Media Art, School of Creative Media
• Professor Joe Qin Sizhao, Dean, School of Data Science and Chair Professor of Data Science
• Professor Cheng Shuk Han, Chair Professor of Molecular Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Department of Materials Science and Engineering
• Professor Yan Houmin, Acting Dean, College of Business and Chair Professor of Management Sciences
• Professor Stella Pang, Head, Department of Electrical Engineering and Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering
This new initiative echoes the success of the newly developed CityU-Learning Classroom for Secondary School Students, an integral part of BOLD@CityU, which offers secondary school students a taste of university education during home learning. It also showcases CityU’s tremendous creativity in nurturing talent for future generations.
“BOLD@CityU demonstrates our boldness in the way we conduct teaching and learning, and boosts innovation and discovery in successive challenges,” said Professor Alex Jen Kwan-yue, Provost and Chair Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science.
Another highlighted programme under BOLD@CityU is a seminar series by CityU renowned scholars including Professor Jen, Professor Lu Jian, Vice-President (Research and Technology) and Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Professor Chen Guanrong, Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering, on their experience in scholarly life, highlighting learning, research, and knowledge creation.
With the collaboration of China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited, the BOLD Forum will be presented online on the CityU website and on China Mobile Hong Kong UTV Sync-Class. The broadcast dates are from 30 April to 4 June 2020 every Thursday.
Students can visit CityU website for further details. For enquiries, please email outreach@cityu.edu.hk.