Induction Day spells out CityU spirit


A red rainstorm signal did not deter new students from taking part in the first-ever University Life Induction Day on 15 August at City University of Hong Kong (CityU).
Over 800 new students met seniors, explored campus and built up their team spirit during the day-long event.
A new initiative by Student Development Services, the aim of the Induction Day was to encourage new students to enrich their University experience by discovering for themselves more about University life and the support available to them.
Professor Way Kuo, University President, and Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing, Vice-President (Student Affairs), officiated at the kick-off ceremony.

In his welcoming remarks, Professor Kuo urged students to treasure the opportunity to study at university, and encouraged them to develop friendships. He highlighted CityU’s unique Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC), which is designed to augment the learning experience through the integration of research and learning. In addition, the DEC encouraged students to go on an exchange at least once in their four years of study at CityU, he pointed out.

The ceremony was composed of inspiring and energetic programmes, including a demonstration by the CityU Karatedo Team, a performance by the SU Drama Society, and an alumni crossover talk hosted by Dr Raymond Chan Kwok-hong, Dean of Students.
More than 120 current students and over 20 alumni boosted the event by sharing their experiences and providing guidance to the Year 1 students in a workshop, which included video shows.
The highlight of the day was a team-building game that brought the day to a successful end. Gathering together to spell out the message “I love CityU” were Professor Kuo, Professor Ip, Dr Raymond Chan Kwok-hong, Dean of Students, Dr Wong Chi-tim, Director of Student Development Services, and Mr Wilson Lam Kin, Director of Student Residence Office, along with new and current students.


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