President invited to universities, research institutes in Singapore
Professor Way Kuo, President of City University of Hong Kong (CityU), delivered a distinguished lecture on importance measures on 19 February at the invitation of Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), which was established in collaboration with MIT.
In his talk, which was based on his book Importance Measures in Reliability, Risk, and Optimization: Principles and Applications published by NY: Wiley in 2012, Professor Kuo explored how importance measures needed to be further investigated in order to achieve the optimal design for complex and complicated systems, such as the design of nuclear power plants,
software and nano systems.He also led a CityU delegation to two other universities during his two-day visit: Singapore Management University (SMU) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU).The aim was to enhance academic cooperation at the institutional level, ranging from research collaborations to student exchange.
In addition, the CityU delegation visited two research institutes: the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) and the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTECH). Both research institutes are members of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research, or A*STAR, a leading agen
cy for fostering world-class scientific research and talent for a vibrant knowledge-based and innovation-driven Singapore.The delegation met with Professor Tom Magnanti, President of SUTD, Professor Arnoud De Meyer, President of SMU, and Professor Bertil Andersson, President of NTU, during the visits.