CityU secures 19% increase in RGC grants

Scarlett Leung


City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has achieved outstanding results in the 2010-11 General Research Fund exercise.

According to the Research Grants Council (RGC), CityU received more than $63 million for 106 projects, an increase of 19% compared to last year’s funding results. These figures once again exemplify CityU’s efforts to achieve excellence in research and professional education.

By category, CityU ranked third in terms of the number of funded projects and the level of funding in the Humanities, Social Sciences & Business Studies panel and in the Physical Sciences panel.

By subject discipline, CityU ranked first in Mathematics in terms of both the number of funded projects and the level of funding approved by RGC, with 13 projects securing $8.7 million. CityU ranked second in the Business Studies discipline, and third in the Social Sciences; Computing Science & Information Technology; and Mechanical, Production & Industrial Engineering disciplines, also in terms of both the number of funded projects and the level of funding.

Seven grants worth more than $1 million each were awarded to the University’s College of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Media and School of Energy and Environment. Seven other CityU projects received 100% funding.

CityU’s seven $1 million-plus projects are:


Project Title


Awarded $

Engineering Category

Professor Ron Hui Shu-yuen, Department of Electronic Engineering

An Investigation into the Interactions of the Wireless Battery Charging Technology and Radio-Frequency Antennas & Circuits of Mobile Phones


Professor Li Hanxiong, Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management

Spatio-temporal multi-models based process monitoring and control


Professor Liu Zhiqiang, School of Creative Media

Random-Sets-based Higher-Order Hidden Markov Model (RS-HO-HMM) for Stylistic Human Motion Modeling


Biology and Medicine Category

Professor Li Ying, Department of Biology and Chemistry

THR286 Phosphorylated αCaMKII in Anterior Cingulate Cortex Mediates Visceral Pain in Visceral Hypersensitive Rats


Physical Sciences Category

Professor Johnny Chan Chung-leung, School of Energy and Environment

Observational and Numerical Studies of Tropical Cyclone Landfall Processes


Dr Michael Chan Chi-wang, Department of Biology and Chemistry

Topology and Cooperative Reactivity of Shape-Persistent Multimetallic Frameworks


Professor Lau Tai-chu, Department of Biology and Chemistry

C-H Bond Activation by Nitrido, Imido and Amido Complexes of Ruthenium bearing Salen Ligands



Contact Information

Communications and Institutional Research Office

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