Students and alumni launch "We Love CityU" fundraising campaign

Louis Won


Students and alumni of City University of Hong Kong have launched a new fundraising campaign to develop a caring and giving culture within the University community.


“We Love CityU” is jointly organized by the Students’ Union (SU) and the Alumni Association (CityUAA) with the support of the Development and Alumni Relations Office and the Student Development Services.


The SU and CityUAA kicked off the campaign at the University Day cum CityU Banquet held on the evening of 21 October. The fundraising drive will continue until 2 December.


For every $20 donation, donors will receive a custom-made magnetic bookmark. Discount coupons for Shing Hin Chinese Restaurant (8/F of the Amenities Building) and the Garden Café will be given to donors as a token of appreciation.


Donation began right at the CityU banquet, and SU President Douglas Wong kept his promise to shave his head after the number of donors reached 800.


Mr Wong received a big round of applause when he appeared on stage with his head shaven, and he called on the whole University community to continue their support for CityU.


“We hope this campaign will help unite students, alumni and all people who care about CityU in support of the development of the University,” the SU President said. “We also hope to enhance the sense of belonging to the University community.”


Mr Wong said the planning for “We Love CityU” started more than a month ago, but the launch of this campaign came after CityU’s Council Chairman Sir Gordon Wu announced on 17 October that he planned to donate $25 million to support the University.


Out of the $25 million Sir Gordon has pledged, $5 million will be used to establish an on-campus matching fund to encourage donations from CityU staff, alumni and students. Sir Gordon said he would donate one dollar and 50 cents for every dollar donated by staff, alumni and students. That means, together with the Government matching grant, each dollar raised will bring the University five dollars.


The money raised through this channel will go towards providing student development services, including the On-campus Service-learning Scheme—a student training scheme to integrate work and learning on campus—job placements, student exchanges, scholarships and other student activities. 



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