CityU stakes out in Shenzhen's "Incubation-Education-Research base"

Shuyee Chen





City University of Hong Kong  signed an agreement with the Shenzhen Municipality Government today (6 September) to enter the “Incubation-Education-Research base for Hong Kong universities”, which is based in the Shenzhen Virtual Univesity Science Park, bringing CityU’s Shenzhen Outpost one step closer to fruition.     

This new agreement demonstrates CityU’s determination to help advance the economic development of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta through R & D and quality education services. 

CityU is in the process of acquiring a 6,000 square metre site within the “Incubation-Education-Research base for Hong Kong universities” to establish its 12,500 square metre Shenzhen Outpost. This will be a base for CityU’s applied research, incubation and teaching activities on the mainland. The signing of the agreement furthers the cooperation between CityU and the Shenzhen High-tech Industrial Park.  

“CityU has to embrace not only Hong Kong, but also the Pearl River Delta and China,” said CityU President Professor H K Chang after the ceremony. “I believe we will be able to build on the success of the sound industrial, science and research foundation in Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta and so make our contribution to the talent-rich Shenzhen High-tech Industrial Park area,” he said. 

Mr James Ng, Executive Director of CityU Extension, said that the University hoped to construct a building featuring environmental and high-tech designs that would become one of the most outstanding landmarks in the Shenzhen Virtual University Park. “Through the establishment of the Shenzhen Outpost, we look forward to bringing the dynamic, innovative spirit of CityU to Shenzhen and we can interact constructively with the wealth of talent there,” he said.  

 The signatories of the agreement were Mr Lin Bo, Vice Director General, Administrative Office of Shenzhen High-tech Industrial Park, and Professor David Tong, Deputy President of CityU. Mr Liu Yingli, Deputy Mayor of Shenzhen Municipality Government, and Professor Chang were the witnesses. The Shenzhen delegation included Ms Yan Xiaopei, Vice-Mayor of Shenzhen Municipality Government; Mr Wang Xuewei and Mr Liu Zhongpu, Bureau Chiefs of the Bureau of Trade and Industry and the Technology Bureau; and Mr Li Zhenping, Director of Administrative Centre of Shenzhen Virtual University Park. Mr Chu Zhinong, Deputy Head of the Department of Education, Science and Technology, Liaison Office of Central People’s Government in HKSAR, was among the guests.

 CityU has a successful track record in applied research and the commercialization of technology startup companies on the mainland. Since 2000, CityU has established the Shenzhen Research Institute and three applied research centres - the Biotech Research Centre, the Environmental Mangrove Research Centre, and the Industrial Technology Research Centre - in the Shenzhen Virtual University Park. A number of companies established under CityU Enterprises Ltd to promote the University’s research and technologies to industry have made an impact in the Pearl River Delta region with successful incubation activities.

 CityU’s Shenzhen Outpost is expected to be completed within 24 months. Upon completion, the University will relocate the Shenzhen Research Institute, the three applied research centres and the University's associated companies in the Shenzhen Virtual University Park to the new building. Two new research centres - the Information Technology Research Centre and the Applied Mathematics Research Centre - will be established to further develop CityU’s applied research in related areas. CityU will also cooperate with the member mainland universities in the Park to nurture research and professional talents, and to turn the University’s applied research results into products.

 The Shenzhen Virtual University Science Park is a science park project approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education. It aims to provide an environment conducive for universities and research institutes to carry out research and development; to conduct manpower training; and to incubate hi-tech start-up companies in Shenzhen. The “Incubation-Education-Research base for Hong Kong universities” has been set up in the Science Park to facilitate Hong Kong universities to carry out these activities.



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