MEEM technology workshop nurtures management talent for local industry

Regina Lau


Fifty five senior form students from 11 secondary schools in Hong Kong are taking part in the Chiang Chen MEEM Technology Workshop, held from 2 to 5 August at City University of Hong Kong. Organized by CityU’s Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management (MEEM) and sponsored by Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation (Hong Kong) Ltd, the workshop enables secondary students to understand how technology and management are integrated in solving practical problems in the industry. The event demonstrates once again CityU’s commitment in supporting local industry.


One of the highlights of the workshop is the Robot Technology Competition, held on 4 August, in which participants learn about robot technology by assembling and programming a robot by themselves. They are also required to develop a management strategy and programme the

robot with the appropriate intelligence to implement the strategy, so as to solve a simulated engineering management problem during the competition.


Results of the competition were announced during the prize presentation ceremony, officiated by Professor David C L Liu, Secretary General of Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation; Professor Lilian Vrijmoed, CityU’s Dean of Student Learning; and Professor Michael Hung, MEEM Head. (Results shown in table below) “We want students to go through a new integrative learning experience, as well as convey a message that there is good prospect pursuing a future in the manufacturing industry,” said Professor Hung.


“Chiang Chen MEEM Technology Workshop” is one of a series of activities in MEEM’s “Revival in Manufacturing Engineering and Its Education in Hong Kong” programme. The programme aims at stimulating secondary students’ interest in pursuing future undergraduate education in manufacturing engineering. CityU’s MEEM offers professional education in the fields of engineering management, mechatronic engineering and technology management. These academic programmes at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, combined with placement opportunities and exposure to real industrial settings, help groom a new generation of quality engineers and mid-level managers essential for sustaining economic growth in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta.


According to a survey commissioned by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries last year, of the 59,000 factories serving Hong Kong companies on the mainland, 53,000 were located in the Pearl River Delta region. These manufacturing companies have a strong demand for engineers and mid-level managers trained in Hong Kong to support operations in trading, marketing, quality control and merchandising. 


Robot Technology Competition results




First prize

STFA Seaward Woo College

Second prize

Ho Lap College

Third prize

Aberdeen Technical School

Innovative Design Award

St. Francis of Assis’s College



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