CityU Press launches 71 new titles at Book Fair

Annie Sing


CityU Press  launched 71 new titles in topics as diverse as classical literature, business, education, social sciences, information technology and general reading, at the 16th Hong Kong Book Fair, 20-25 July. Eight of the new publications are recommended for university students and young people, demonstrating CityU's commitment to educating the youth of today.


In his book A dialogue with young people on Whole Person Education, Professor Edmond Ko adopts a non-academic perspective, sharing experiences from

co-workers in the field and listing more than 20 practical suggestions for university students and young people to help develop themselves. Professor Ko has devoted much time during his distinguished career in the US and Hong Kong promoting student development through mentoring schemes and whole-person development programmes.


Four new titles in the "East and South East Asia Series" edited by Professor Joseph Cheng, Professor (Chair) of Political Science, provide another major attraction. These publications aim to enhance young people’s understanding of politics, society and cultural development in the region.


The series already comprises 11 books on countries such as Japan, Brunei, Cambodia and Singapore, among others, and the new additions include

Understanding Myanmar, Understanding Laos, Understanding Vietnam, and Understanding The Philippines. The series is drafted by scholars from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and other well-known writers, with Professor Luk Jian-ren of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Policy Research Centre at CASS acting as advisor.


These four new titles introduce many interesting festivals and customs such as the Laotian New Year, its national flower and emblem; aspects of marriage customs in Myanmar; and funeral rites in Vietnam. One interesting custom in Myanmar is that boys eloping with their lovers will not be punished and instead their actions are respected and they get married properly afterwards. The reason is that in the mainstream language of the Myanmar society,

‘elope’ means ‘steal’ and Myanmar people think ‘to steal a wife’ is glorious. Such interesting stories can be found in the series.  


The availability and deployment of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) between developed and developing countries is examined in Information Systems in Developing Countries, edited by Dr Robert Davison, Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems, and several other colleagues. The publication focuses on how information systems make a real difference to the lives of people in developing countries. The editors want to encourage young people and the general public to critically assess the impact of advanced information technology on societies.


 Other recommended titles include:

l          French conversation---- Francais ~ Cantonais~ Mandarin;

l          A series of seven books on Chinese Civilization Centre Lectures: Comparative Civilization – East meets West; History and Geography; Fortune-telling, Astronomy and Medicine: History in Chinese Technology—New Horizons; History and Society of Lingnan in China; Intersection of Eastern and Western Civilization; Poems by Yip Ka Ying; and Styles of poems in Tang Dynasty;

l          Language Acquisition, Change and Emergency – Essays in Evolutionary Linguistics


"Every year we participate in this popular event,” said Mr Edmund Chan, Assistant Editorial Manager of CityU Press. “This year has been the most productive for us, in terms of the quantities and categories of books we have launched. We have academic ones and those of general interest as well.”


There will be a 20% discount on all CityU Press publications on display during the Fair. For details, please visit the booths (1J21 and 1J23) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.


Fair Dates & Opening Hours:

20 July (Wed)

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

21, 22 & 24 July ( Thu, Fri & Sun)

10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

23 July (Sat)

10:00 a.m.12:00 midnight

25 July (Mon)

10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Established in 1996, CityU Press is the publishing arm of the University. Its mission is to contribute to the generation and application of knowledge, to raise the academic standing of the University and to promote understanding among institutions and cultures through publication of works of scholarship, pedagogy and other works of excellence.



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