Recruitment talk in Shanghai draws some 300 interested students and parents

Claudia Ho


CityU’s “Recruitment Talk” in Shanghai drew an enthusiastic response from some 300 local students and parents. Named among the nation’s foremost higher education institutions, the University will select students from the Band one category. Twenty places have been earmarked for Shanghai candidates. However, in response to demand from parents and students, CityU plans to increase the number of places. The generally high quality of Shanghai students and their excellent adaptation capabilities are other reasons for the increase.


At the Talk, three CityU graduates shared their personal experiences of CityU. Shanghai born Mr Lu Wai, a 2002 BBA (Hons) Financial Engineering graduate, recounted, “What I gained at CityU cannot be found at mainland universities. The University has international staff who gave me numerous opportunities to put what I learned into practice; group tutorials allowed students to have direct dialogue with their teachers. Moreover, the strategic partnerships CityU has established with institutes across the globe enabled me to apply to Lancaster University in the UK to pursue my Master’s degree.” Mr Lu worked in the audit department of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu after graduation and he is currently employed by CITIC Securities Investment Bank.


Another alumnus, Mr Chen Jun, graduated from CityU last year. He said, “I majored in Computer Science, a programme that offered a one-year internship. My internship with the Hong Kong Jockey Club laid a sound foundation for my future career development. Even though I had some hiccups with the Hong Kong dialect, after about six months, I was able not only to understand, but also to speak competently. Within just one year, I could use the local dialect fluently.”


Currently a Manager in the Hardlines Department of Specialised Technology Resources (Shanghai) Ltd, CityU graduate Mr Carl Xu Jing Wei said, “I was hired within six months of graduation and then was assigned by the company to work in Shanghai. In my three years at CityU I acquired solid interpersonal and leadership skills.”


Dr Zhu Guobin, who is in charge of CityU’s mainland recruitment, said that in light of the overwhelmingly positive response to the Shanghai Recruitment Talk and expanded recruitment in the region, a designated team will be sent to major provinces and cities to stage road shows and live radio interviews. Recent recruitment activities included: a live interview with Beijing Broadcasting Station; Sina online enquiry; Netease online enquiry; recruitment talks in Shanghai and Shenzhen; online enquiry with QQ, as well as meetings with high school students in Chongqing.


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